According to the Small Business Administration, there are more than 28 million small businesses in the US of America. These small businesses employ half of the working population, with 52% of them being home-based, and many of these being run by couples. Husband and wife teams, successfully established their own home-based business.
Here are 6 tips for couples to increase the likelihood of having a successful home-based business together: My Bad perspective: this will also build harmony in your marriage.
1. Be a team. When going into business together, it is important that couples make the commitment to also be a team for their business. Being a team and being on the same page about it is crucial. This means doing things that will better the business, including avoiding petty arguments that will slow progress and growth. My Bad perspective: Here is Why ( I believer) couples, have problems in the 21st century of building a business together is because, men may not be willing to accept the role of being equal partners with their wives, or taking on the role of second in command or being her subordinate.
2. Define roles. Each individual will bring his or her own set of strengths to the partnership. Define roles based on what you do best and most enjoy doing. Each person should be responsible for something and be the boss of a particular area.. My Bad perspective: Couples, have a problem defining roles not because they can't relate to each other, but because who would accept new roles in the relationships... (personally and in business). Who is better at something than the other....especial when you are raising kids. Nix the age old labeling of that is "a man's job," and that is "a woman's responsibility."
3. Be respectful.Just as people who work together in offices outside of their marriage need to be respectful of one another, so too do couples. Give each other the same respect that would be given to co-workers in any other setting. My Bad perspective: here again is where it gets tricky, RESPECT your better half... that's right I said it ( not tongue in cheek) we men, respect our wives when we have to. But practice makes perfect.. if you practice having respect for each other you will become really good at it. Can you think of anything more important. If a man says: "she is the best at what she does" and the woman says:" he is the best at what he does"
4. Take breaks.Since there is a couple involved, not everything can be all work. It is important to break away from the duties and work and have some fun, take some breaks, and leave it all behind. Plan a lunch outing once a week where no work is discussed. My Bad perspective: power couples need to have fun and relax together.
5. Use humor. When challenges do arise, it will help if they are approached with humor. There are always going to be hurdles for anyone to cross and work their way around. But using humor can make things much more bearable. My Bad perspective: look out. here comes that train... into 'the station of sensitivity' make sure that humor becomes a LOL, LMAO, "tell me that joke about me again.But Make sure you don't embellish to make it BAD humor. "
6. Consider offices. If possible, consider having separate home offices. This gives everyone their own space and then you can come back together to discuss work items. My Bad perspective: having space to operate is key, because my desk (like most men) is a random access area. (this works for me because it forces me to remember where I last saw a item I now need).. while My ladies desk might be perfectly organized. so sharing the same space, can be come problematic. she will frown at your messy desk, while you ( as a man) will be reminded <smirking>. that her space looks great, but she may still have moments when she can't find where she hid something from herself in the name of having order and being totally organized. OK maybe, just maybe, if couples could apply these 6 simple tips into other part of their relationships more that 52% of couples would have successful personal relationships as couples.
She’ll give you her heart and give you her body, but chances are she’s still keeping some secrets close to her breast. Want her to ’fess up? Before you start digging, learn what her secrets really say about your relationship—and whether or not honesty is always the best policy. before I go into my some what lengthy list. fellahs ask yourself this small question: "Can my ego handle the truth?" If 'yes' proceed
1. Her Sexual Past Is a Mystery
Her number of past partners might be higher or lower than she originally let on. How come? She’s afraid you will judge her—and you probably will. Having too few sexual partners makes her seem inexperienced and a prude, but too may brand her a slut if she told the truth. There is no right number(period). so letting this stay a secret is in both of your interests, so let it go. And if you're both happy with your relationship, it shouldn't matter what her tally, or yours is. One more question in this area that is worth knowing. Has she had an abortion and why? Or an one night stand with your best friend?
2. She's Drowning in Debt
These days, who doesn't have debt? But if she hides her bottom line, she probably feels embarrassed or even guilty about hers. money issues is the leading causes of divorce, so full financial disclosure is vital—especially if you're together for the long haul. Lay the “you can open up to me” groundwork by assessing how you react when she goes on a shopping sprees, or lets it slip that she paid her bills late last month. Don't say anything she could perceive as judgmental, and instead ask her if she would be open to talking about where each of you stand financially. Establish that you want to work together toward the healthiest financial future possible.
3. She Stalks Her Ex on Facebook
Being overly interested in an ex’s life can be a death sentence for a relationship if the underlying causes aren't addressed. She's either not over her ex, or she isn't getting what she needs in your relationship to be satisfied with. But your wrong move would be to mention the word "stalking." Instead, ask her about what makes her scared in your relationship, and how her past relationships have influenced that.
4. She Uses a Vibrator . . . a whole Lot!
Just because you’re monogamous, it doesn't mean she’s not getting it on, solo-style. Why does she stay quiet? She worries it will hurt your feelings and make you feel like you don’t satisfy her in bed. But in reality, she just might like the variety—or the pure pleasure of focusing only on her Oooohs and Aaaahs, and not yours. You don’t need to know everything that happens between her and her vibrator, but asking her to masturbate in front of you can provide some key insight into what really curls her toes. <smirking>
5. She Doesn't Always Look Perfect
Whether she had a deviated septum fixed or some work done on her chin, she prefers to be seen—especially by you—as the best, prettiest version of herself. She cares about pleasing you and being desired. I suggest letting her keep her secret and acting grateful when she gets gussied up for you. If you want her to feel comfortable "au natural," make a point of telling her she’s beautiful the next time she crawls into bed without makeup. But don’t, under any circumstance, tell her that she's prettier without it. That sounds like a compliment, but it just makes women feel like they can’t win.
6. She's Had Better Sex
But in a purely physical way, of course. While you probably don’t need to know where your between-the-sheets skills stack up against all of her past lovers, you do need to know if there's a problem in the sack. If she keeps it to herself, it's most likely that the frequency of your sexual encounters will decrease and the intimacy between the two of you will decrease. In fact, couples who satisfy each other’s sexual needs are 65 percent more likely to be happy together than those who don’t, according to a 2011 study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. But instead of asking if she’s satisfied sexually—be careful she might say “no”?—ask her what you can do to make things even better.
OK I hope after reading this no guy walks into the room and says: "please answer these 6 questions by placing your right hand on the bible and repeat after me.... I will answer these 6 question with the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God" good luck with that one.
It may come as a bit of a shock to you ladies but we guys have a different set of eyes to yours. When YOU gaze into the mirror, you may see a tooth that is a little too yellow or crooked. Or the line where your bra presses in (you call this your “back fat”), the too-small breasts or the too-wide rear, your goofy knees, funny toes…. The list goes on and on. But you know what your MAN sees? A woman he’d love to strip naked and get busy with right this instant, maybe sooner.
You may hate your hips or your Muffin Top. Well I hate you talking about it! When I was younger, I had to deal with young woman who wanted to be too skinny . Over the next twenty years that followed my taste changed multiple times. SHOCKINGLY as a man, I would like to note that the women that rocked my world in my 20s would not interest me much right now. not only would I not be willing to marry any of them now, but I would like to see how they have changed just for reference purposes. lets just note the following:
Three ways MEN really see your body…
If you ask your man what parts of you he likes the most, he would as like every other guy probably be thinking about your breast , butt or legs. He wouldn't answer the question with one of these as he knows you would tell him off. After a while of thinking, he would most likely say he something likes your shoulders or something equally likely to keep him out of trouble. I bet he didn't even know you had scars on your knees. Here’s the thing: We Men see your body in three ways, and it’s nothing like the way you see yourself.
We see what makes you a WOMAN
In other words, when we look at you we notice those little things about you that make you uniquely womanly. These things include your ass, your breasts, your legs, hair and even how you walk. It is not really possible for a red blooded male to notice anything else until they notice all those things that make you WOMANLY. Your cellulite does not count, bingo wings don’t count, little wrinkles on your forehead don’t count so chill out about them.
We notice those things that make you UNIQUE
That little gap in your teeth? Guys actually think it’s pretty sweet. Your muffin top?
We don’t even notice it because it is so near your behind which we think is the best thing this side of the moon. You think you have thin lips? Well we guys just sees what a nice smile you have. Oh and when we see your lips, we are not thinking about how thin they are. More likely we are thinking of kissing them and feeling them on our body. All those things you don’t like about yourself and think are hideous are seen by us guys in a totally different way. We see these things as what makes you uniquely YOU and only you, warts, freckles, blemishes and all that.
If you constantly draw attention to something, we will start to notice it
On this point you have the power to rock or ruin your relationship. All the points I made above are all true in the early days. As time goes by however, if you start to mention all the things you dislike about yourself over and over again, we will start to notice them more and more and start seeing them as you see them . .You are not only beating yourself up about these things, you are also tearing down our first impressions of you. You push men glances off your leg saying “I'm too fat” while we are thinking “I could stroke that leg all day”. This will erode all the thoughts and desires we constantly have for you and over time will drive us away. The great thing about this point is that it works in reverse perfectly. Show off those new nails or your new hair do to us. Show a bit of flesh (even the bits you may not like so much). Tease us constantly with that body we desires so much.
A Real Man Loves, A REAL WOMAN
We will of course still be visually attracted to the glossy magazine images of skinny models or those too good to be true film stars you see in the movies. Having said all this, whether it’s real or not these images in magazines and on the big screen are no competition whatsoever for a living, breathing, fragrant woman sitting next to her man at a restaurant. Or pressed slightly against him in the elevator. Perfection can go hang; you are up close and personal. You can be assured that while we might fantasize about a playmate of the month, we’ll take a real woman over a figment of our imagination EVERY time. Celebrate your body (and let us do it, too)! You should of course still invest time and effort into being fit and healthy while also looking after your body. The main thing is to remember that you deserve all the fabulous man attention we are willing to throw at you. Don't find ways to make us stop noticing the unique womanly thing in favor of you flaws.
The last person you think you have to worry about stealing your girlfriend is one of your best friends—the guys you've known forever, who has seen you at all your highest (and lowest) points. Right! think again!
BAD experience: My best friend (when I lived in Chicago) hit on my wife right after we got married... He claimed she miss understood. I knew better.... because I knew his moves and he had done it to other friends of ours. He slept with his room-mates girl. OK...... she gave it up to him,as revenge, after her man went back to his wife. But he should have refused out of loyalty to his friend!
So you’re probably wondering why your girlfriend is always flirting with one of your best friends. Okay, maybe not always flirting, but she does seem to like him an awful lot. And why wouldn't she? Your girlfriend claims to adores you ( maybe), It’s the ‘birds of a feather’ concept. You are like your friends and your friends many times are a lot like you—fun, charming, good looking. It only makes sense that she would connect with a few of those guys, too. BAD experience: My best scenario was that I was always the youngest in the group (back in the day, not anymore.) With the better body, more athletic etc. so I had an edge. (Once Again not anymore. )
They are flirting all the time.
she’s your girlfriend, so the flirting will likely only be for fun—on both sides of the equation. Right!
So while you may not have to worry about your two favorite people running off together, it can’t hurt to figure out a little more about what makes your best friend so weirdly attractive. Here are five reasons she might be attracted to—or at least acting like she’s attracted to—your wing-man. BAD experience:Alpha males, with a good education, above average career, great conversationalist, these things keep you moving forward, ahead of the pack of wolfs, so your boy is keep pace and she likes what she sees how well he is doing also.
He’s a lot like her
You choose your relationships based on compatibility, so it shouldn't be surprising to find out that your best friend and your girlfriend are shockingly similar. Your best friend is likely to have some of the same qualities and behavior patterns as your girlfriend, OK this giving me the creeps, thinking about this, you might be an introverted, but feel more comfortable around friends who are extroverted.BAD experience: the strength of any relationship with opposites.... often leads to more questions than answers. get the answers to you thoughts and relax, it's all good.
If your girlfriend is also more of an extrovert, she’ll understand and relate to your best friend on a different level. But that doesn't mean she’s about to jump ship—remember, she’s with you because you complement those qualities in a way he can’t. but if she is an extrovert she might feel a little like having someone else be the "IT person", some of the time other than her.
It’s easier for her to relax around him
When she’s with you, she’s on her best behavior (most of the time), because she wants you to see her as a perfect, sexy, awesome girlfriend. But when she’s around your best friend, the pressure’s off. Face it—relationships aren't easy. They’re risky. They’re challenging. And they’re not all good times. If she’s into your best friend, it’s because she’s not dating him—she’s merely attracted. It’s a lot easier to feel attraction, flirt, and consider the possibilities than it is to dive in and actually be with someone for real. Making her see that he’s not all he’s cracked up to be means taking a chance. Let him spend time with her, and you’ll see if, and how much, she misses you. He’s the object of her attraction because he feels safe, but if she’s forced to hang out with him because you’re late to dinner, she’ll realize he’s not you!
She’s trying to impress you
She’s smart—she knows that if she wins over your friends, they’ll be her champions forever (especially in risky situations, like when you’re drunk at a bachelor party). Plus, she knows that you don’t want to hear her bashing your lifelong basketball buddy. She knows that one way to get closer to you is to acknowledge that you have great taste in friends. Seriously, would you be happier if she repeatedly told you how much she hated your best friend? Because he is your best friend, it’s possible that you’re playing him up a lot—especially if you have a long history together. “You may not realize that you’re creating an award-winning ad campaign for him simply by singing his praises and including him whenever possible. Start opting out of his invitations every now and then, bringing other friends around, and sing the praises of others in addition to him. BAD experience: here is where problems can arise as you find yourself doubting her motives, she loves attention and as soon as she is not getting it from you she may start trying to impress your best friends.
He’s mysterious
Models, movie stars, and public figures are super attractive because you’re only given a shallow image of them to covet. Chances are, she thinks your best friend is pretty darn near perfect, because she’s never seen him at his worst. And, well, let’s just say she probably doesn't always see you at your best. So what she sees is a guy who’s a lot like her awesome boyfriend, but without all of her boyfriend’s flaws. Oops! become a better poker player!
This one’s easy to fix: Expose him for who he really is. the bastard needs come out from behind his mask. Take her over to his apartment once in awhile, so she can see the stacks of dirty dishes and the refrigerator full of beer and protein bars. Give her an accurate description of him—tell her a funny story or two from your past—so she’s not only hearing about what a great guy he is. Just make sure you’re exposing his real-persona, not divulging his dirty secrets or openly bashing him. You want her to see him as a regular guy, OK not a loser but one step above a loser... is cool).
She’s trying to make you jealous, by phone flirting
Some women think a little jealousy will keep a guy on his toes. she may be exaggerating her attraction to him to keep you working to win her over. Because she doesn't actually care about whether he’s attracted to her, it’s much easier for her to flirt and engage with him. Trying to make you jealous isn't a deal-breaker(at least it should not be), but that doesn't mean you should engage. The best thing you can do is to not become jealous and possessive. You can all enjoy doing some things together. But if she gives you reason to worry that she likes him as more than a friend, try arranging a date for him so you can double and nip those feelings in the bud. BAD experience:take her by the hand and lead her to the dance floor, by dancing to these two old cut the will send the right message this should set all you fairs to rest! and she will melt in your arms!
News flash: The passion will fade with time—no matter how eagerly she jumped in the sack when you first started dating.
But less urgency doesn't have to translate to all-out boredom in the bedroom. After you've been together for a while, you don’t feel I-want-to-rip-your-clothes-off lust as often , but you still want the person. Boredom is more of an aversive state—like, "I'm not really feeling this at all" As a man I have heard this once or twice before... there I start become more creating in my approaches.
So how can you tell when your girlfriend or wife has drifted into “I could care less about sex” territory? Watch for these five signs—some subtle, others glaring—that she’s checked out in the sack, and learn how to re-engage her before your sexual deficit carries over to the snooze state for the rest of your relationship.
1. She regularly goes to bed at a different time than you.
Maybe she really doesn't want to watch the 11pm news on your home town TV channel with you.
There's a more likely reason for her early bedtime: she’s aiming to avoid intimacy with you. REALLY? We men are usually the ones avoiding the "Intimacy" sessions. So if she is trying not to be in bed at the same time [as you], you need to fix it asap. Women don't talk about doing this on purpose, but they do it on purpose. (Conversely, some women may linger in the living room until you've dozed off, with a similar goal of deflecting your come-ons.) if you are smart, You might set your phone to alarm about 12 pm, with the same ringtone as your get out of jail buddy calling you , who she may think has a double date setup for you. chances are she will fall for the fake call , and start thinking , she might wonder: 'who the hell is calling in him at this time of night and where the hell does he think he is going, with out me?'
Get her interested: You could try initiating sex earlier, since she may just be frustrated with your late-night attempts of moves on her. And that doesn't just mean executing your normal moves at 6 p.m. instead of midnight: When women are losing interest, men really need to have good seduction skills to lure them back in. don't use Blunt questions like, “Wanna have sex?” this isn't an acceptable entree to intimacy. So talk to your love partner about what sparks her libido—and let her know it’s okay if she currently has little motivation to make love. That way, she knows you don’t expect her to be hot and horny instantly—and that you’re willing to work toward revving up her desire together.
2. She wants to stick with one position during sex.
this is An especially BAD sign: She favors the move that she knows gets you off fastest. She wants it to be over and done with, ASAP. If she’s like, ‘Let’s not switch things up—let’s just do this and be done,’ she’s not interested in feeling more pleasure. It’s totally obligatory, going through the motions.
Get her interested: If you’re running a one-position show, try adding an extra element of pleasure for her: Break out the vibrator, and stimulate her hot spots while before and while you're thrusting, while you have her engaged. Hopefully, once she’s reminded how awesome her Oooh, Aaaaah feels—and even the pleasure leading up to it—she’ll re-engage in the experience. Or even better, guide her into a new position entirely—ideally, one that requires standing or bending. She might love it in a dark closet—there was something illicit about being in a dark closet. <smirking> Standing sex forces your nervous system to work a little bit harder—and that means she can’t drift off into that detached, halfway asleep state during sex. tricks learned after 25 years of marriage. <smiling>
3. When you offer to get her off, she declines.
It’s one thing to decline giving you a B.J., since that can be a lot of work, in her mind. But to refuse her own pleasures? Oooh boy... now you have work to do. That’s a double BAD sign, my friends. Having an orgasm—and the process it takes to get there—can be very sensual, relaxing, and connecting. If she doesn't value those things—and would rather just sleep—your connection may no longer be strong enough to entice her into bed. This level of apathy may indicate a deeper issue. Sometimes, there are other emotions loaded into boredom, like irritation, anger, and disappointment.
Get her interested: She may sense that you’re offering an orgasm for your own personal ego boost—not because you really want to give her pleasure. So before giving up, let her know you’re all about her. a simple statement like: "You don’t want me to make you feel good? Tell me more—I want to do this for you.” See if you can playfully engage her. This brings her into the moment—sort of like going from the ‘no’ to the ‘maybe’ to the ‘yes.’ remember your teenage years.
If she’s still not interested, bring it up outside the bedroom in the morning. Demonstrate curiosity about her experience of your sex life—something we men don’t do, because we mostly don't care. It’s an opportunity to see what’s going on in the relationship that might make her not want to connect. you want to fix it unless you really don't care.
4. She asks, “Did you finish?” before you actually did.
Translation: “You’re lasting too long—let’s wrap this things up!” A lot of us guys think women want sex to last a long time—like 30 minutes or more. But, the truth is, most women are totally cool with a 10-minute session; any longer, and they may start to lose their lubrication, which is just uncomfortable. Half an hour may seem especially long to a woman who can’t climax during intercourse. so beating a dead horse, is just that, you will not awaken that feeling in her. she will fake an orgasm just to make you feel like you have done something.
Get her interested: The BAD news is: These three little words can put immense performance pressure on you, making it even harder to climax on demand. If you’re nowhere close to finishing, work on drawing her attention. Caress her face, and make intimate eye contact with her. Connection is a huge turn-on for women. Another libido booster: sensing that your desire is specifically directed toward her. Gazing into her eyes is a surefire signal that your arousal is aimed entirely her way. Another tricks learned after 25 years of marriage. <smirking>
5. She doesn't want to strip down completely during sex.
Sometimes, it’s erotic to keep an article of clothing on—but apart from a rushed-and-raunchy quickie, a refusal to get totally nude can be a sign she’s not really interested in connecting with you. (One caveat: If this is a consistent issue, she may just be body-conscious. It’s when she suddenly starts keeping her top on that you have to worry about boredom.) It’s a bit lazy. And it can even be a bit hostile, like, ‘You just want to f*ck me, I’m not going to take everything off, here you go. this all you get A$$hole!'
Get her interested: Guide her through a sexy striptease: Tell her to slowly take off her blouse—or just seductively ask her to show you her belly button—then tell her how much you love seeing her breasts. Use your words to be sort of commanding, but also pleasing—like Do this, oh that’s nice, now do this,” . When women feel desired, it incites their desire a little bit more, when you narrate the action .
disclaimer: Even-though I've learned a few tricks during my 25 years of marriage. she still divorced and dumped me <smirking> so you may try my stuff but don't blame me if they don't work!
You sure haven’t got it easy, ladies. 46 percent of African American and Caribbean American women will never be married according to statistics. OK. that applies in the Caribbean, where I live, also women of color are having it even tougher than most other cultures. Beautiful, successful, all that and a pair of golden Pumps yet still…Matchless in Michigan, Illinois, New York, Miami, San Francisco, L.A.. Lonely in New Orleans and Dateless in Denver. Looking at the Horizon in St. Maarten waiting for your ship to arrive. There seems to a "Good Man shortage?" NOT hardly. There is actually no shortage of anything in the Universe. The Universe is abundant and overflowing with what you need, so what is the issue….; So you may have to travel out space to find your Perfect match maybe that is the problem yu are looking a Perfect match!
A lot of you haven’t met your match because you haven’t figured out what your MATCH is.... What does I mean by this; you have no idea who YOU are, or what you want. In relationships there are several areas of compatibility. Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Financial, Emotional areas where you can find harmony. If you were to be honest, you are confused on a few of these levels. You haven’t figured out what you believe spiritually..... OR you aren't LIVING IT. Your life is a mess financially and you certainly aren't looking to “match your mess”. Emotionally you are just, well “needy”…so you attempt to MATCH with anything that has a move in any positive direction, because if it FEELS like love, lust or you are just flat-out horny and need servicing. Physically, you want a man that looks good, but you don’t take care of YOURSELF adequately , don’t work out…don’t eat right….and NO, you’re not trying to MATCH that lax attitude either. So every guy that you date is a MISMATCH because you are looking for the missing pieces of yourself in an undefined FRAME. Imagine a puzzle with no structure trying to cram pieces into random holes with no shape. That’s you. no definition to the THINGS that matter most when MATCHING. Purpose, shared purpose, Yolked, equally…..your YOLK changes based on the car he drives, you will chain yourself to anything no matter what DIRECTION it is headed.
Your life has no direction and your steps have no order. How can two walk together unless they agree ? How can you even walk with no direction ? SMH.
Random dating with no purpose and no plans. Have you met your MATCH ? NO and you WONT until the puzzle that you call your life has an outline. Let the MASTERS of the Universe MATCH MAKER fill your empty SPACES with love FIRST and then let THE one who DESIGNED the world create a perfect match for you, what the heck, you might as l well believe he will magically show up! Nothing else is working.... RIGHT? The manufacturer of these wrap around you pillow would make a killing if it would come with a sound system build into it.... that would sing to you and say to you in a smooth voice: sleep tight my Love, Pleasant dreams. I will here tomorrow when you wake!.
I will put 10 statement that I'm sure you have heard if you are a single woman. Adding my BAD spin on each one.
1) Mr. Right! is not that allusive character!”
This is typically where someone's good advice starts. ”It’ll come along when you least expect it,” and also “You’ll find it when you aren't looking“ this is it, retarded little sister. You can all just go screw yourself after you say this to any female who is single , and want to get married. These are ridiculous statements, that Women are programmed to look for. It’s in their genetic makeup and all that scientific B.S. That’s like saying, “hey, you know that dream career you want? don't working at it. It’ll happen when you least expect it. One day you’ll be walking down the street and BAM you’ll be a CEO of a fortune 500 company. And it’ll be success after success for years after that , but don’t work for it or anything like it. Just chill out on this couch. It’ll come to you.” You need to stop telling folks not to look for it, because let me tell you something, there have been times I have been looking for a pen and instead some serendipitous moron came along and finds it, and there have been days and times and months and years where I wasn't looking for it, and guess what I found it because I was not looking for the pen?
2) “You will never be happy in a relationship until you are happy with yourself first!"
This is true. There are those of you who ARE actually happy with who you are. I’m happy with myself. I’m so Damn happy with myself I actually wake up every morning and brush my teeth with rainbows toothpaste after I drinking 4 glasses of water and piss excellence and wash my face with glory. Seriously though, “finding yourself” is a process in life, and I don’t think you’re ever really “done,” finding yourself. Am I completely different person than I was in college? Not entirely because I'm single again. Have I gone through a ton of real World stuff that has changed my outlook and made me stronger, happier, more independent, and a better catch? LOL. Yes. Am I happy with myself? Yes. Will I continue to grow and change and all that good stuff that humans do until they die? Yes. Consider that it’s not that all of us happy single people need someone in our lives to do the things for us that make us happier, it’s that we’re finally happy and we want someone to share it with. Also, a lot of you “happy” fools in relationships seem like you need to have a few weeks on your own to evaluate yourselves. The incessant need for your boyfriend to text you back within thirty seconds after a text followed by a fit may not be the best proof surrounding your statement. "Come again. " OK... no one gave me a script for this text response. Is what I'm usually thinking., after a text venting about what someone said to you.
3) “You have all the time in the world. You are still young”
You’re still damn annoying, which means you are immature at times. Women will not give you two pennies how for guessing right on how old they are. Age isn't really what they’re complaining about. And although many of you are young, you still have examples of people who are old and alone every day. And that’s just a terrifying image. So my logic is just of being a man..... Fellahs , don’t call her “kid” at the end of that statement. If you’re older than her, and you add a “kid” onto the end in a sort of “endearing” way, She will find a legit way to light you and your family on fire. in a language you might not know but you will understand, the hand gestures..
4) “You deserve the World from someone”
Hey, she couldn't agree more. Actually after hearing this a couple dozen times it makes her feel like you’re just saying it to avoid the conversation about how depressing it is that no one has come along yet. You could list off a million reasons why she is worth all the love and unicorns and mermaids in the world, and she would be on your page a hundred percent. As a matter of fact, she would have written more pages after she was done being on your page, so that she could also be on those pages as well. So now that you know what she deserves, what clever thing do you have to say that will make her feel better about the fact that the universe has decided to hold out on giving her the things she deserve?
5) “You are just looking for love in the wrong places!”
This one’s particularly good. Because then she get to ask the follow up question of “then please tell me where I should be looking.” Tell her more about this magical land that you found your significant other? LOL. I paid dearly after 25 years of having a significant other. OH, was it at WORK? Or was it the GYM? Or were you SET UP? Please tell me, because I guarantee, I have had some type of dating experience with someone from each place you say is the “right” place to look. You fuckheads seem to think all single single people just go out to bars and get trashed and try to marry the first thing that buys women a round of shots. Just because she goes to bars occasionally does not mean she has a belief she's going to meet the man she's going to marry in a Cabo San Lucas. Consider that sometimes women just want some vodka and loud music. You know, to drown out other folks shitty dating advice. 6) ”Have you tried online dating?”
And you should try seeing how much of your head you can fit into an oven. Internet dating is essentially Craigslist missed connections with direct messaging and a few more pictures of Carl’s body after a workout. OK Cupid,, Christian mingle (WHY GOD, WHY) all of these sites are probably the WORST place to find real love. Love isn't something that you should have to read manifestos and “6 things I can’t live without” sections to find. It’s probably one of the most inorganic ways to find someone, in my opinion, and I’m not knocking it, but there’s no way a woman should be setting up an online profile for the likes of James, the recently divorced father of three, and Tucker, the obsessive college junior with a wandering eye. I’ll be at the bar.
7) “Maybe you are being a little too picky!”
OH, I’M SORRY. Please, lead me be your lair of Meatloaf look-a-likes and Frankenstein’s with a kind hearts. Let’s be clear, Women want to be picked, they still are just trying to make sure they don’t end up with someone half-blind, who is a closet alcoholic, and has enough emotional baggage to figuratively crash a 747 .
8) “But at the same time don’t just settle!”
I don’t even have anything to say for this. There’s too much rage from number 7 come at me, right about now!
9) “Get out more!”
Unless a woman needs to be naked on the corner of "anything goes Blvd." cooking brownies, making sandwiches, throwing paychecks in the air and simultaneously holding twins, I think progressive women in the 21st century are doing a pretty good job. But hey, if you have any more advice on REALLY putting herself out there, let me know, and I will pass it on to my readers. Maybe existing as a human being and going places and meeting people in the world just isn't enough. 10) Be REAL and state your case as to why a man should pick you!
Just cruise on down the road in your Red Alfa Romeo and chill.... he might be a cop that was told to stop every Red car he sees, driving a little over the speed limit. Enough said. If women are reading this and see what BAD seeds I'm planting and reading this blog, to find answers. I'm sorry, I have none!
You want LOVE... But You have an attitude problem. The problem is NOT that you have a BAD ATTITUDE, the problem is that you DON'T have an attitude about the RIGHT THING. YOU. Let me explain it from my BAD perspective.
As Women in the 21st Century you are KNOWN to be strong, bold, sometimes opinionated. Known to STAND up and fight for what you want, what you believe in. Hands on hips, "put a man in his place," "SET IT OFF", sit us men down...Yes attitude. Mess with your children. and you are Tiger moms. Mess with your Money. and you become the IRS. Mess with your family or your friends. Gang war! Attitude with the bank teller, attitude with the chick at the drive through behind a glass window, take no mess. .... attitude with the day care provider, attitude with the child's teacher.... oh, You CAN put a person in their place with quickness. Here is my QUESTION, WHERE IS THAT ATTITUDE, WHERE IS YOUR FEISTY WHEN IT COMES TO WHO YOU ARE AND HOW YOU ARE TO BE TREATED PROPERLY?
HMMM? Where is your attitude about "YOU"? I have watched the strongest, most intelligent, most beautiful women back down, sit down and back up when it comes to dis-respect, mis-treatment, use and abused by men who are not worthy of THEIR time. Where is your attitude when we stands you up ?( I say we for maximum effect...I don't really mean me.. because I don't stand women up, cheat, or tell them fibs ) Where is your attitude when men cheat, lie, consistently ? You accept bad treatment, and want to have a pity party!
Where is the eyes rolling, hands on hip ATTITUDE when WE dares suggest SEX on the 2nd date, or starts SEXTING you before we even knows your FULL name ? When we ask you to Borrow your car or have you pay a bill for us ? You see ladies YOUR ATTITUDE problem is you NOT having an attitude about WHAT YOU DESERVE in a relationship. Your attitude problem is NOT knowing WHO YOU are and what YOU deserve. Your attitude problem is NOT stomping your FEET and shaking your FIST at the man who REFUSES to court you properly with R-E-S-P-E-C-T, treat you with kindness and make YOU a priority. Your attitude problem is NOT having a problem with the Word "BITCH..." or being with the married man who THINKS you should settle for his sloppy seconds. We men have ATTITUDES that count. be cause we know we are King!.
When you KNOW who you ARE, you will NOT let anyone treat you like WHO you are NOT !! Get an attitude about YOUR WORTH. Get an attitude about what you DESERVE. Don't back DOWN, shake your finger, roll your NECK, stomp your FEET and get an ATTITUDE PROBLEM about "YOU" !
Foot note: I tell women to "think like a lady and don't act like a Man." do it better because you have the majority in very community, You can't compete with every the Chicas, who is showing the wrong Attitude, by doing the same things they are doing! .
Get it Right!
What's Love got to do with it...get the right Attitude! You can't find Love if your Attitude is all Wrong!.