
How does she see you if you are a not very talkative man?

No I don't have anything  else to add to what you just said 

When I was a child I was somewhat shy, probably  because I kept hearing “ children should be seen and not heard” from all the adults around me, my Parents, aunts and Uncles even older cousins. Needless to say it had me thinking that my voice  was not my strongest attribute. So when I left home and went away to further my college education I was still in that mindset. Don’t talk too much don’t say stupid things… Guess what I’m not that shy guy anymore, some people sometimes think I am. I just don’t  speak unless I have something interesting to contribute to the conversation. 
I grew up around my father and my uncle who were not great talkers. My uncle was a classic grumbler he would grunt once for “yes,” and twice for “no”.   My Dad was also very quiet, until he had a drink or two of alcohol, then he became a comedian, laughing and telling jokes, his jokes were not very good but he laughed half way through it which made everyone laugh even if they did get the joke. Because my mom was never scared to voice her thoughts, her opinions, her objections and everything she wanted to say came out sometimes without filters. That in a nutshell was also how my aunts did communicate. So I was never around women who did not have a strong voice, while growing up. And I find myself mainly attracted to women who can have an intelligent conversation.
After having written that intro I have to put my thoughts about how women see men these days, some men are loud and very argumentative in conversations and talking with no filters in front of an audience  even to point of being bullies, most of the time they were confrontational. This has become a new normal. To the point where it is irritating. If you have a point to make, then make it and shut to HELL up. this has always been the way I thought men should behave, maybe I’m wrong, but I would rather have someone ask me for my  opinion instead of giving it when they don’t want to hear it. I never want to come across as an idiots, who has diarrhea of the mouth! 
Do you get what I’m trying to say here?

 I often hear stories about men talking their heads off on dates as the women sit quietly nodding and “uh-hu-ing.” (Notice I didn’t say listening.) Inevitably, these two will most like never have another date… 
Usually one or more of these reasons will prevent them from having another date:
1.  She can’t fathom the idea of listening to Mr. Blabbermouth one more minute.
2.  He shared something he shouldn’t have and she’s turned off by it. 
3.  He leaves feeling embarrassed and exposed, which means he will never call her again.There is one exception to this: the occasional guy who just loves hearing his own voice and loves an audience. He will call again. 
What’s funny about this situation is that it’s quite the opposite of the rest of life. Overall, women talk way more than men. In fact, when men are asked what bugs them about women, most men say they talk too much. Men says that women talk in stories, but men like listening in headlines.       Yes, women do have the propensity to "blab" for the sake of it. LOL, I love that about women and wouldn’t have it any other way, personally. Yet on dates it’s not uncommon for it to be the opposite, with the man chattering away, trying to impress the woman. He could be nervous or overcompensating for some form of insecurity…but there is another reason I don’t think we consider.
 Here is my theory: Single men rarely get the opportunity to talk about themselves and their lives, and women femininity brings this out in them. Girly tendencies much???  Think about it:  most men don’t socialize like women do. When was the last time you saw two (straight) men out having dinner or taking a walk together? Male connection generally takes place through activities. we men need some sort of goal, and being together is generally secondary to that goal. 
OK guys I'll ref  if you guys want to play some soccer 
Then there are Women who get together for the purpose of talking, listening and sharing. The activity – if there even is one – is secondary. When they  get together with a few girlfriends for dinner, women will spend two to three hours and talk the entire time. What women eat and the ambiance of the restaurant are of little importance.
When women get together, even often in a business environment, it’s about the human connection. Women love being able to talk about themselves, hear gal-pals’ stories, and support one another when needed.
Final Thought
Hence my theory: I believe that, when in the company of a lovely woman, some men simply feel like talking – especially when the women seem open to it. Men are just like women, Oooh did I really just say that?  Men need human connection and to feel heard and understood. And men need to  get that from the women in their lives.
Ladies, if you are out with a man who hasn’t had much female companionship, he may have a lot bottled up. He may “get drunk” from the opportunity to talk about himself to a kind, pretty woman – especially one who appears to be willing to listen.
When you find yourself with a chatty man, show him some compassion. Remember how much you love talking and consider that he might too, yet doesn’t often get the opportunity. When you present him with it, along with your beautiful smile, he might take advantage of the situation.
So instead of just writing the guy off, just because he is sharing with you, give him a break. Look for things you like about him and things you have in common. Then manage the conversation away from him; either using a subtle segue or by interrupting if necessary.
If he’s a smart and good guy, he will be thankful that you steered him away from his yammering. <smirking> And if you find things you like and decide to go out with him again, nine times  out of ten he will not repeat it. 


Married and miserable or single and lonely!

Why do we have to try so hard to make it work?

So isn’t there any sustainable happiness anywhere…. these days?  If you are an overthinker this is your new World. Happiness is a myth or a fantasy!
We have created a World of fantasies that can ‘t be realized  simply because they are based too much on your fairytale childhood fantasies. Well there is nothing  wrong with trying to create a great life with someone, you have grown to have feeling for this person. It may not be as magical like “Prince charming” and the “Princess” hitting it off right away as they see each other across a crowded room at a Royal ball. Or they accidentally come in contact via  social media. So did Mark Z. know what facebook would become or did it grow from nothing to something that is impacting our lives regularly now, to the point where everything is streaming into our devices 
The things we want are not things that are easily available. Single people these days believe they have the option to becoming married when they are good and ready, but it just hasn’t happen to them, yet…BECAUSE???  10 million excuses pop into your minds. For example:
-the right person has not come along, maybe you should make the person that does come along the right person .. Nah that would be too easy, I'm not settling for less than I really want….. I will not be happy if I settle for less.  
-the perfect person doesn’t live  right around the corner. They are on the other side of town, they should know where to find ME…...  
-Your soulmate is out there some where, but you don’t know where to start looking. Well they should use the GPS the creator gave them to find ME.
 These are all potential lyrics to “hoping for love” songs. They need new music. Even rap songs have occasionally had lyrics that make sense. “I need love”~LL. Cool J…. instantly comes to mind. They create images in our heads. Hell I can create a old school playlists of these types of songs that could make a grown woman cry,  while thinking back on Yesterday, and a young woman feels like it’s hopeless that she will never find that one in a million person, or is it one in 7 Billion, now. If you live in small community your think in thousands,  in a country that has millions of people, you think in terms of Millions, but in China or India you think in terms of a few Billion possibilities. Let that sink in for a minute.  The dude or the gal you want is not the dude or gal that is right for you. Says who?  Your mind has been designing  that perfect person but you can’t find that person your mind has designed. 
The type of woman or man  you desire most isn’t who  you feel, deep down, will walk across your path anytime soon ( your timeline has too many detours in it.) the person is coming towards you and you find a reason to cross the street and not meet them.
Like Chris Rock stated in his standup comedy routine, so clearly. “There is no happiness nowhere!” So  if there isn’t any happiness anywhere, why are we seeking what is not available. He is a perfect example....  his now ex-wife was sitting in the audience and they showed her face… when he said it… did she already know they were getting divorced at that point? Answer: we are over complicating things in our heads. Our what-ifs--- are the problem...they could lead to that Crap  spins cycle going around in our heads like a washing machine spin cycle.  

 When I was married…. At a given point My life lacked the excitement that I experience when I was single, then I got divorced and my life lacked the continuity I once had when I was married. I have ask myself what the hell is it that I really want/ed.  First let me explain I hated getting divorced, because it went against what I believed was my destiny, my parents lived until death did them part…. So I got married with the same mindset. My mom died 3 months after attending our wedding which had me on an emotional rollercoaster ride my first few years of marriage. So since  my mother was not on this earth to enjoy being a grandmother, I was not in a hurry to start our family of 2 plus 1, we were in our early 20s so we knew we had time so we waited 4 years before we had our first son. When he was born our joy revolved around him, and then 6 years later we add our 2nd son and our joy revolved around both of them. how ever after a while life started happening as our sons were both growing up and they wanted to do  their own thing. We lost that spark and didn’t enjoy each other’s company as much as we did before. So divorce happened and we went our separate ways. I got on a plane and moved 1,300 Miles away, to lick my wounds and try to heal. but re-marriage was not what I want/ed either… the few times that the possibility came up. So being single is not that exciting at this stage in my life, my choices for excitement are fewer. But was it ever all that great when I was initially single?  My two sons are grown men now with potentially future wives currently residing with them. Hmmm, I see a pattern here…. I lived with their mom for two years before we got married. To be honest it’s kind of weird when I visit them…. and their mom, the ex-wife who divorced their father comes around, that they are now not seeing the live example of the happily-ever-after family they grew up in on their horizon, because their parents are now divorced and like my youngest son said "why rush to get married when everyone is getting divorced." If I’m being honest I see a broken time line….. with detours…. In all our futures. Hopefully they will make marriage work for them, once they decide to jump the broom. 

<smirking> maybe I’m still salvageable. 

I often think in terms of “pre-owned” or off-lease  I never liked the term “Used” when I’m shopping for a car, new has no history. Maybe that is also the way I’m thinking as far as  a forever-after-mate, her seeing me as not-used-up yet..... but just not brand new, either.
 A couple of BAD examples on it take three tries to get it right: 
  • When I was in college my best friend  did something that had me shaking my head. We both had dreams of finishing school and starting our careers and getting married and having a family. I was a player but he wasn’t.  He fell in love within months, at the age of 19, with a young woman who already had a daughter ( there is nothing wrong with that) but then they had 3 sons one after other, together and then got divorced. OKay just picture that one, it did not last.. Not even for the sake of the kids.  He never finished school (his life became the life of a security guard. What the hell? His Dreams of becoming an Architect and then he settled for a career as the TSA agent. When I left N.Y. and went to Chicago. I settle down from running around and dating every skirt that smiled at me, and I got married to the woman who stuck by me . We agreed to wait on having a family too soon, after watching what happened to my best friend I was not going let that happen to me. My buddy flew out to the wedding and was my best man… I had been his best man  the first time and then again the second time he jumped the broom….SMDH. Now he is married for the third time I didn’t stay in tough with him after the 2nd divorce. So his 3rd wife was a surprise to me when I met her, a couple years ago….. 
  • Another case of a BAD  influence was my very good friend a brother from Cleveland (smooth talking  with a deep voice, Big Ron) we hung together in Chicago, he also got married 3 times. Now he has settled down, hopefully for the last go around he married a woman 30 years younger than him they now have 2 young  kids together. I guess the 3rd time is what it took for these best friends of mine to get it right.
A second marriage is still a possibility for me, but surely not a third union!     
Let’s see if we can find a script to follow!


Guys, don’t you deserve to be swept off your feet, too?

1. Women can make men  feel safe.
2. Women can be there when we  men need them.
3. Women will make us men  feel like a superhero, too.
4. Women can  save a man’s life when he’s in danger.
5. Women can also pick up the check.
6. Women shouldn’t expect less of men than they do for themselves.
7. Women can and should  be inspiring.

Superhero behavior isn’t reserved just for us guys, and that’s a great thing these days. That means sometimes we men get to be rescued, too.
I remember the first time I saw Christopher Reeve as Superman( I picture myself for days after that as a superhero). I was young,which explains why he was so very  impressionable . He really did make an awesome Man of Steel, always swooping in to help a damsel in distress.
Whether it’s in pop culture, folklore, or on the nightly news, a hero is marked by his or her ability and willingness to protect and save women and children, and even men. Spiderman swings across the city with Mary Jane in his arms. She’s terrified, but eventually relaxes into his powerful partially-arachnid arms. Firefighters, and life guards are generally considered the sexiest men around. Their Calendars sellout every year.  Why? Because they’re always saving people! Being a hero is the ultimate sign of male goodness, right?
But what about when guys need saving? Because guess what, we do sometimes. And the people who love us – are the ones for the job. When I read the above list of 7 points by James M. Sama on how men can be a woman’s real-life superhero, I was reminded of all the ways those who love us good guys can be superheroes to men, too. Here are some of those ways from my point of view:
Guys, society has about a hundred different ways it teaches us not to cry, starting when we were babies. “What a big strong boy!” people declared when they saw your drooling smile. “Brush it off, son” they told you when you skinned your knee. “Just punch him in the nose,” someone recommended when they find out you were being bullied in school. OK, that someone was my Mom, she always said: " make your punches count, knock them out, you have a good left hook and you should use it"
But sometimes you don’t feel big and strong. Sometimes you can’t brush it off, and punching someone in the nose probably led to a bigger fight and maybe a suspension from school. Sometimes, what you need is your own personal superhero. Someone with heroic listening skills, strong arms and a compassionate heart. Well my dad was a cool dad, and worked hard in construction so he was very strong naturally, very slow to anger, which was a great example for me to follow. But I took some things from my mom, she believed in not starting a fight... but be ready to duck first and hit your opponent as hard as you could. which will stun him for a few counts.
If the woman you love most isn’t there to hold you when you cry, they’re not worth your time. Because you deserve a sounding board and a safe place to share your hurts.
A superhero is always swooping in at the opportune moment to grab the damsel in distress and whisk her away from the bad guy.
Well, women should be doing that for us, too. Okay, maybe women can’t punch through brick walls (or possibly even sheetrock), but women can watch your face from across the room and put themselves in the line of fire with a pushy aunt or obnoxious coworker when you’re really starting to sweat. Give her the  signal (code: double eyebrows up or maybe a wink combined with straightening your tie?) and she’ll come in out of nowhere and whisk you away and take you to somewhere better… preferably the bar.
And when it comes to funerals, the loss of your job, or even just doing gross chores at home, your superhero partner should be by your side when she can, helping us guys survive the worst.
Heroic partners never talk bad about their guy. Your guys aren’t the butt of women’s jokes or your ol’ ball-and-chain. Sure, women may need to vent to their closest friends sometimes (so do men!), but what women should  really want is for their friends to see her man as the great guys we are. And women should never, ever humiliate her man to make herself feel superior.
Because guess what? Women are firefighters, lifeguards and cops, too!
I once watched a lifeguard (who happened to be a woman) run into the ocean and pull one man and two children out of a rip tide. She got them onto the beach, then swam out to pull in two more men who were being carried out to sea. Total lives saved that afternoon: 5.
Not all women are going to be as strong and heroic as a first responder, but know that women will do everything she  can to save a life if the need arises. Women can tie a tourniquet, perform CPR and more. Keeping one another safe isn’t just on men.
Of course women (these days) will pay! Why should men always pay? If a woman asks a man out, She should volunteer to pay. If two people are dining together often, as a I’m going to do my best to pay half the time at least. Why? Because I can, and because we both deserve to be taken care of sometimes. So a woman should feel "it's fair" to be an equal on this level also.
On that note, I’ll also get the door for you, but if you do it for me I will not refuse the good gesture. Because I’m helpful like that, and I’m capable of opening a door, it's the gentlemanly thing to do. In fact, I’ve been opening doors my whole life. Got an arm full of groceries, suitcases, babies, puppies, gift-wrapped boxes of shoes, a chainsaw and a nail gun, potted plants or anything else? 'Let me get that door for you,' this would still be my attitude. But it would be nice if women saw it as a good thing to do for me also. In fact, I’ll probably do it sometimes for no reason at all. That’s just the kind of person I am. Your superhero partner should like to help, when you need it.
No matter what anybody tries to tell you, guys are not inherently jerks, brutes, or sex-crazed maniacs. We don’t all lie, we aren’t all cheaters and we’re not more of an animal. Because of that, women should hold men to a high standard, and not want a man in her life if he is a jerk, a brute, act like an animal or a sex-crazed maniac (separate, of course, from being a sexy and sexual person, which can be what a woman thinks is awesome).
So superhero ladies you should expecting a lot from men... this is a great thing. After all, doesn’t a female superhero deserve a partner who treats her well?
Your own personal superhero should be a person you look up to. Don’t waste your time on somebody who is emotionally exhausting you or treats you like crap. Choose someone who makes you feel like anything is possible – for both of you.
Women, of this new century, should be willing to do their best to be someone men admire, not just lust after, whether it’s by kicking ass at work, diving into a hobby, or being a great parent, a superhero partner wants to be someone you can look to for inspiration.
Final thoughts:
It's a paradox; because feeling safe with your  (superhero) partner, your deepest fears have an above average chance to surface. You become afraid and are unable to share what you are feeling.  this is why you need, as a man, a good woman in your life. 


She doesn’t need you for what you think she needs you for these days!

While it is true that women can and do enjoy full sex lives at every age, their physical response to lovemaking and requirements for pleasure evolve. “Black women’s bodies and libidos change as they age due to a variety of biological, psychological and social factors that come into play in their lives,” 
Here’s what she wants you to know about how sex changes as women age.

In her 20s

Her body’s natural drive to procreate heightens her libido, but not every twenty-something is a volcano of sexual energy. “Women in their twenties can experience low sex drives. When they do, it is often due to hormonal birth control, which can lower the libido and cause moodiness and vaginal dryness. These women should speak with a health care provider to rule out any other possible causes.
I have to do it all by myself

In her 30s
By the time they reach their thirties, most women have hit their sexual strides. They know what gets them going, and they’ve become more vocal about asking for it. However, this period of increased confidence also coincides with increased responsibilities. At this point, women’s lives often become more complicated as careers, husbands/long-term partners and kids come into play. Sex may not be as frequent as it was in your twenties. Also testosterone begins to naturally dip during this period, which can have an impact on sexual desire. Communication with your partner becomes crucial. Being forthcoming about your needs and feelings can increase support and intimacy between you. And taking time to connect with yourself and show yourself a little grace can help boost your sexual self-esteem.
In her 40s, 50s AND BEYOND
The forties and fifties bring a set of hormonal changes as women enter perimenopause and menopause. “During this time the ovaries gradually stop producing estrogen, which impacts libido, mood and the vagina itself. Women may find that they are not as easily aroused, are less sensitive to touch and may not be as lubricated, which can make sex uncomfortable or painful. But just because the motor may need a bit more priming doesn’t mean it’s time to put it in cold storage. The more sex you have during this period, either partnered or solo, the less likely you are to experience the sexual challenges and vaginal changes that occur during menopause. Which is a good thing. Women in this chapter of their lives [and later] still have fulfilling sex lives. In fact, the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project found that about 85 percent of women age 57 to 64 were in some type of romantic relationship and almost all involved some type of sexual activity.
Holly mother of Jesus, 
why didn’t someone teach me about this stuff earlier! 

So why am I going in deep on this topic. It came from my doing some research as a result of a discussion I had with some male buddies, who have zero clues as to what women are dealing with biologically, and they tend to think women will always be the same, same, same. The old saying ”men marry women hoping they will never change, women marry men hoping that he will change.” comes to mind. As a result both genders are disappointed in the end.
 We are often stuck with our beliefs and seem to not try to understand what is really happening. 

While I was in early 20s -30s I was fortunate to have a good education, a Bachelor's degree in Science  which always made me question what was happening when things started changing. I started off thinking and analysing why things suddenly wasn’t  the way as they were earlier. I was often wrong in my thinking because of misinformation, passed down from generation to generation. Men often thought women were attracted to them because of their ability to provide these women with the resources women need to survive. I was one of the fortunate ones who could facilitate a dream or two. So I used it to my advantage to pick and choose. But as I grew up mentally I started  realizing that my beliefs were…. dead wrong. You see as I was often coming in contact with women who were very educated. These types of women were who I was often most attracted to… I would realize that they didn’t need me to facilitate their dreams, they were career women who had their own resources. They may or may not have been attracted to me for other reasons, depending on where they were in their lives. The above research educated me as to what the situation sometimes is. She doesn't need you for what you think she needs you for these days!   


Social Commerce!

Today’s woman has direction, after she has put in the work for 4 or more years for her degree. She needs not wait for a Prince charming to come along.
She is ready for “Social Commerce negotiations.”

A woman who knew a man before he became successful, is always waiting in the wings to remind him that what he is boasting about today was not always his status. A man will remind a woman that his success is what attracted her to him in the first place, not his previous status. He will put another man down who is not as fortunate to have his current status of success. To make sure he puts his competition out of contention. When men and women get into a social relationship they often start engaging in ”Social Commerce.”  They may get together by going to a social meeting place like a bar, a nightclub or even a restaurant . When a woman spots an attractive successful man, she notices that he is well dressed, with a certain gleam in his eye, a swagger to his gait. She might let him strike up a conversation with her. Let him buy her a drink or two maybe three. If she likes him she might even give him her cell phone number, she might even jump on a wim and  head to his place that very night, for a hookup. Or she will flirt, ask him a few questions, determine whether or not his personalty vibes with hers perhaps this would last for weeks, or even a few months. All this is predicated on a set of societal agreed-upon unspoken agreements. People become engaged in”social commerce.” .i.e. he buys her drinks or/and dinner. Perhaps sends her flowers. If he’s particularly well mannered, he will open doors and pull out her chair. But  they are both acting out a game that society has setup as markers. If he were to step beyond the parameters of this prearranged code, she could reject him outright, most likely she will if he simply walks up to said woman and says he wants to take her home to have mind blowing sex with her. How would she respond? She would probably be very annoyed, thinking ” that he is just crass!”  
So he has to play the game where he  first needs to do the things that are socially acceptable, then his chances are better to get her to go along with a proposal for a some physical quality time between the sheets. However if she were the one to suggest they skip the delay and head to her place for a roll between the sheets he would most likely jump  at the chance.You see women now have options. Assuming he is also into her. Most men are not as good at social commerce negotiations, because men are not that patient, and women have the most leverage on "Yes" or "No" negotiations. When a man knows his chances are good, to get a woman to comply, he is willing to invest time and effort. Well  that’s the way it used to be during the previous few decades. Women have been changing the social commerce games to fit their needs because many are more independent, and know what they want.
Stop stalling and just kiss me already!
The rules are not always the same, cultures are overlapping, therefore women can’t always be stereotyped like they were in the 20th century. Men had better know what is acceptable in some social circles before overstepping. 
We guys had  better speak her “love language” with some fluency if we want to grab and keep her attention……

Final Thought

Many women in this modern age are  book readers…If  men are not stepping to these women with a strong vocabulary and can articulate what their desires are… Then these men run the risk of  being kicked to the curb. If men have failed in this area…... then having 4.3 speed and a 40 inch vertical leap is not going to be impressive enough to her…... unless they are in the NFL or the NBA with guaranteed contracts.


The good man dilemma!

Newsflash to all the good men out there!
 I'm only into bad boys!

Most men with integrity dream of having an incredible, happy and loving relationship that supports their growth and their ambitions…
But without the right strategy, that dream can quickly become a nightmare!
Every day, the good guys of the world keep hearing “you’re a really nice guy” or… “let’s just be friends”. LOL
Every day, they see the women they really want but don’t have the first clue what to do, or even what to say…to her.
Every day, they hear that nice guys finish last but know deep down inside that they don’t ever want to become a jerk…to have the girl who wants a bad boy.
Every day, they dread having to drag themselves to a loud club, packed with drunk people in the hopes of meeting someone… who fits the profile of the women that meets the grade.
They work tirelessly to improve themselves to be better a better man… but it’s like the women around them don’t even notice…
When they do manage to find a woman, these guys get needy, clingy, overinvolved and immediately scare her away…
All good guys  really want is to drop the games, meet a new woman with total ease and confidence, say the exact right thing to spark a real connection, have her giggling on their arm in no time, and have her phone number materialize almost like magic…
Not because they used trixs, creepy tactics, or weirdo pickup artistry...
But because they actually earned it!

Nice guys with integrity who want to stay nice but still get an amazing girlfriend (who is a little naughty) because opposites should attract.

Final thoughts
It's all in the perception... Life has taught me you can not control someone's attraction to you. No matter how good you are to them does not mean they will treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn't mean they'll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to the be the people you can trust the least..... Accept or reject who they are and don't have expectations that are based on your trusting nature, because they are not, and will never be the same as you!


Women who are proud of their men, should show them how much.

I will lift you higher!
This is the reward  for the love and appreciation, you’ve given me!.

I’ve spend quality time reading  on the weekends more and more these days,
which is something. I had no time for when I was an IT consultant.
I carried a pager 24/7, a Laptop computer in my briefcase all the time,
and a company cell phone. I was a dedicated father of two sons, and a husband.
I had a home  and a yard that required my attention constantly.
My Cars needed maintenance, I also helped clean the house, I cooked,
did dishes and did laundry, and ironed clothing.
These were things that I was seldom given credit for doing.
However my sons watched me do them and they are the same type of men now.
My motto has always been; “do all that you can do for yourselves,and your loved ones  
and you will not suffer when your woman is mad at you.”
Things only became an issue in arguments when I neglected to do, one or two items on my,
honey--do-list. I was watching a video about being sleep deprived and how the
Industrial World was destroying our lives, we are not getting enough quality sleep,
therefore our brains are prone to suffer from dementia in our later years.
So  I started reading up on it…. Thanks to Google and TED talks, I got some
info that allows me to change my habits. I used to think I failed when my marriage
resulted in a divorce. In my father’s family tree, I was the first to get a divorce.
Not a very proud moment to be the first in this area! However I was also  the first,
to go to a university and get a Bachelor of Science degree.
My father was a builder, he went to bed at 8pm every night, he live to be 94 years old,
my mom was proud of the houses he built for her and me with his own two hands.
My grandfathers were all laborers, I never met my father’s parents, they died before I was born,  
but since there were no Computer Systems Analyst in my grandparents days or my father’s day
for that matter, their lives were less stressful. Wearing a suit and tie was not required for them as
they got up every day and labored hard in the fields to take care of their families.
I don’t know how happy they were or how proud their wives were of them.
But I know they did what they could to survive.

My stressful career  was overwhelming me. I was doing too much just to keep up,
with the Jones.
This was way too much stress, I was a success but felt like a failure often too tired,
to enjoy the fruits of my hard work .
The now ex-wife liked the suits and tie man she married, that was who I was when she met me.
The smooth Dude, in a suit, that moved from N.Y. to Northbrook Ill.
 But when I took a break and wanted to decompress from a 24/7 of being "on call" career I had,
she hated my choices. I only knew how to do carpentry (which was what my dad taught me)  
beside my career as an IT professional, so living in a gated community where many homeowners
bought new homes that lacked all of the beautiful trimmings and options people saw in the models,
but they did no get those option when their homes were completed.
I saw an opportunity to decompress,  so I decided to help many of them out with my skilled carpentry
abilities. That did not go over well, with her. I was not making as much money with my hands,
and power tools, as I was with by fingertips on a keyboard of a computer keyboard and my brain power.
But I was not stressing myself out about deadlines and system errors, and that kind of mess,
during that period. I have to confess one thing while I’m writing this post,  
I thought about the displeasure I caused my dad who never understood why I went to a University for ,
to graduated and became a typist. He wanted me to become an Architect.
He just did not understand that I did become a systems architect, I just did not design houses,
and office buildings, I designed computer applications systems. If I had followed my dad’s
dream for me, maybe my marriage would have been “until death do us part” like my parents marriage,
and my grandparents marriages and my great grandparents and great- great grandparents were.
My only good feeling about my split from my marriage   is that my divorce happened after my parents
were both dead, so my failure in that area was not something that they witnessed.
When men don’t feel appreciated by their counterparts at some juncture in their lives
we lose the desire to please those who do not appreciate all that we , had done and are doing.
Most Men need to feel appreciated and when we feel like we are not being appreciated then
we shutdown, and we resent our counterpart, for their critical attitudes.
No man who works hard to take care of his family should feel added pressures
to do more than he can do. Stress is a killer. Lack of appreciating will kill relationships, even faster.  

This in my view is what her real Love and appreciation looks like.