
I often spoke about The Cabinet of Ministers needing a Press-Secretary.

This is an example where a Press-Secretary can tap dance on a question and make everyone laugh!

When I see these types of headlines (click on the links below,) I know that it's time to stop and think before we run and say things we will have to defend over and over again. A little diplomacy goes a long long way. 
There are ways to get your point across without saying it bluntly (especially if you are planning to negotiate with the person/persons at a later point in time.) Everyone knows that Government (Ministers) need to have a strong say in the policy direction of running the Country, especially when it comes to our main Industry, but making statements that can come back and make you look like you are trying to strong arm the process is not the way to do it. A smart person once told me " You CAN NOT un-ring a bell." 

This is another point of jumping the gun, this should never get to a point of chess piece bumping and yelling "check", or in your face dunking of the basketball like your playground days. Proper protocol and diplomacy is needed here. Believe it or not this is an International incident, both sides are representing their Country.  

Choice HOTELS, will they take away customer from the small Hotels on the Island or will they buy them all like Walmart when they move into a community ?
My two cents on this is: this brand is a step above MOTEL 6 "their light are always on" like neon signs. They can help with attracting numbers but will not attract the Upper-Middle class and definitely not the HI-end Visitors which we have already lost to St. Barths and Anguilla to the tune of about 30% of our arrivals. Watering down of a Bar-brand of your favorite drink is OK if that is what you want when you are on vacation, but when you want to enjoy your vacation, you may want something to brag about when go back. Your Brand of choice needs to be a name brand that attracts the somewhat affluent patrons. A few names that come to mind  are Hyatt, Mariott etc...... 
Comfort Suites and like-hotels... Well, they are well know - because their signs are on Interstate Highways in the USA, you can't miss them so they will have recognizable names, if that is what we are trying to establish...... then we will continue expanding the market that they will attract. 

Rush Politics never stops on this Island. This, in my humble opinion, is a mixed bag that needs to be handle properly. Many will see it as a good thing while others will see it as another band-aid that Businesses can use as a excuse to not hire temp-workers or trainees...... period. Our Parliament needs to Examine these amendments carefully and use good judgement when it comes down to the time to vote on it. Remember "all Politics is local" meaning if it favors me, I like. If it favors someone else, I don't.

This  situation could have been avoided. I have stated, to anyone who will listen, that this should not be a public issue until it is settled on what the requirements are for a civil service position is, and who will be appointed after all applicants are considered, when done properly  the vote is just a formality to confirm the person.
We should not put the applicants on display as a Political football. Civil servants issues should be A-political. People should not need to shy away from applying for a job out of the fear that their laundry detergent of choice will be displayed. "She is too difficult to work with," "He is not qualified but he is a nice guy." "My spirit does not take him/her/ them" I hope you see what I mean !

The time is right to bring new amendments on traffic Laws to the table.    
If you need some suggestion I have a few just read my blog titled.

Solving Problems with practical approaches!

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