8 things that terrify men when it comes to marriage commitment.
Surprise, surprise!
Staying committed to one woman for the rest of our lives isn't a husbands'
biggest concern. We did freely choose to get married, after all. But that
doesn't mean a man is fear-free about marriage. Issues like putting him
second in your life and bashing him with your friends may scare us most. Husbands' fears are rooted primarily in rejection and self-consciousness. Read
on for eight common fears husbands have about marriage, plus expert advice on
how to ease them.
He'll be on the back burner.
kids, jobs and more vying for your attention, it's easy for a husband to feel
like he's second best, or last on your to-do list. As marriages progress, men often feel that all they're
good for is a paycheck. To remind your husband that he's still
important to you, have one-on-one time each
day with no talks about kids, in-laws, money or your pet.
You'll turn into your (or his!) mother.
He loves
the charming qualities you possess that remind him of his mom—likes your
superhero parenting skills and incredible work ethic—but he doesn't want (or
need) two mothers. Likewise, there are probably a few things about your mother
that get on his nerves. And many husbands worry their wives will inherit those
characteristics. I suggests acknowledging the situation with
something like, "I know my mother annoys you sometimes. Let me know if you
notice me doing those same things." It's a simple way to allay this fear.
You'll talk badly about us with your friends.
Some men .feel that their wives were using their girlfriends as a
sounding board when couples go through a rough patch in their
marriage. "While I'm all for a wife having a shoulder to lean on when fighting with their partner, I hate thinking she's having a husband bashing-session with her
female buddies. Our pals are our emotional support system, but running to them
after every marital argument usually means you're looking for them to
side with you. The problem with that is it reinforces what a 'bad' guy
your husband is, Instead, take the issue up with your spouse. You'll learn more about each other and boost your bond.
You'll use the bathroom with the door open.
silly, but this is a real an annoyance for many men. Why? Without boundaries, he may
start feeling like you and him are the same person. One of my buddy explained that his wife has made an effort to keep trips
to the bathroom separate throughout their relationship. “You already live
together—no one longs to be invited in while you grace the porcelain
throne.Closing the bathroom door can help
you still feel like two separate people." And it's worth the work to keep
the allure.Maybe his and hers Master bathrooms are even a better Idea.
The sex will stop.
do you get a woman to stop having sex? Marry her," LOL. OK that is BAD joke.
Although marriage offers security, trust and a deep connection, the downside is
it can make you lazy we assume that sex would end
because "I couldn't imagine my parents or grandparents doing it. I learned after a decade of marriage there's no reason not to make
love. "If you're truly committed to making each other happy, sex is how you
reward your spouse for putting in effort. But what if you're
exhausted? I suggests getting your husband's help with chores by
asking him to pitch in when you need him and offering positive reinforcement
(hugs, kisses and gratitude) when he helps. Or try being direct with him:
"If you give me a hand, we'll have more time for sex later." Wow, I'm in!
· 6.
You won't have things in common anymore.
are, you shared an interest that brought you together, and he doesn't want you
to give up that part of yourself. an old saying: "Women
marry men in hopes they'll change, while men marry women in hopes they won't
change." Knowing this, ask yourself what may be different about yourself
since you got married. If you once loved running, why don't you do it anymore?
Because other obligations in your life are keeping you from it? Because it's
hard to keep up with your partner? Then, remember how much you enjoy your
shared interests and push past resistance to do it again every once in a while, The benefit of reconnecting with your husband outweighs the time
and effort it'll take to make it happen.
You'll try to change him.
Just as
he fears losing the bond that first brought you together, he doesn't want you
to change who he is now. "What you see is what you get" is more than a line . Let me explain: when you first
date each other, you put your best foot forward, and when you relax, every
trait comes out more. A lot of women feel that they can change a man, and
men rightfully resent that. But there are issues, like smoking, drinking
and relying too much on his mother (which is all too common!), that warrant
addressing. When suggesting changes, come at him gently and
lovingly. If you go after him with what you
don't like,(like insisting that he grown up and act his age and not his shoe size) it's sure to backfire. And don't hesitate to seek
professional help for those larger problems.
Alone time will be non-existent.
it's to read the paper or watch the game with the guys, he's afraid he'll never
have a second by himself as your marriage continues on. It behooves both
spouses to enjoy time on their own. If he has a
chance to reboot(not just PC needs this from time to time), he'll be a better husband, so it's a win-win for both
partners. Sure, you may resent him when he's playing golf instead of helping
you with the kids, but it only benefits your marriage when he comes home rested
and relaxed.You're only as good to the people around you
as you are to yourself. So be sure to do what you love on your own or with
your friends.
I tried thinking of a few more but I think 8 is more than enough for women to see why men could have serious reservations on this subject of marriage.
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