
Are you a GOOD WOMAN or just a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ?

Most women don't  start out  as a GOOD WOMAN, but over  years some learn how to become one. So allow me to list my TOP 10 Characteristics of a Good Women.
Now this is not my view of a Good woman!
  • Sexually Inclined- Every man wants a lady in the streets and a freak between the sheets. She has no problem with taking her sexual relationship to greater heights WITH HER MAN. She will rock his world in every sexual way imaginable, leading to a NOSE WIDE OPEN. She is not ashamed to express her sexual appetite and explore new sexual adventures.
  • Good Listener /Knows when to be Quiet- We all know women have got to have the last word as well as they always have something to say, well most do. So here's the thing, when your man is talking, be quiet and LISTEN, don't interrupt us, listen attentively and respond respectfully. Choose your arguments carefully and of course speak when you are spoken to. When you know you are wrong, just hold your tongue and apologize. The one thing that will drive any man crazy is a woman's mouth and the lashing of her tongue. Be gentle, your tongue is not heavy, so you should be capable of holding it. speak softly if you are insulting... I might not hear you.
  • Faithful- No need to elaborate too much on this one, NO MAN wants a cheating or disloyal woman and that is simply bad behavior. When a woman cheats, more than likely he will leave. The thought of another man touching my WOMAN, is a NO, NO. So Ladies, if you feel the need to cheat, just leave, go be single. Not to mention that's a sign of not being ready for commitment. Being Faithful  is a characteristic every man wants in his woman. You can't say "all men cheat" and believe that women should do what you deem as low down dirty man thing.
  • Supportive- Men have dreams just as women do and we need support, maybe his dream is not yours but a Good Woman would support her man, whether he fails or not. It's not all about HIM supporting YOU in the relationship, it's GIVE and TAKE, we needs to know that when all else fails, you will be there to support us. I don't mean support him as in, TAKE CARE OF HIM, but have his back, make sure we comes home to a supportive woman, who will help us wind down, from a hard day or simply tell us, "I got you baby."
  • Patience-  A Patient woman is one who has the ability to wait for her man when he says "he will take care of it" Now, I know most women are  not that great at this one, but hey I'm not perfect so I can't expect you to be. At any rate, no man wants a woman who rushes him, or is always in a hurry, or cant' wait a few moments or day or two to get something done. Also a patient woman understands nothing happens on her accord.
  • Motivator- Most men appreciate a woman who has the ability to motivate us towards success, not only that, some men need a push here and there to give them a kick-start in areas where they may not be as strong. So if you notice your man/spouse has the ability to achieve greatness and just needs some motivation, help him, encourage him to reach for the stars and definitely do not degrade him.
  • God-Fearing- A God Fearing woman understands her role in a relationship and yes we all have one. She understands that GOD has power and control over not only her life but also realizes keeping HIM at the forefront will lead to a happy and healthy relationship. A GOD Fearing woman is one who knows there are rules to follow in a marriage according to GOD and she will not dare defy her father, in turn she maintains balance in her relationship. Get to know GOD and understand his way of life where a marriage is concerned.
  • Respectful- No man wants a disrespectful woman, this relationship will end quickly. Learn to respect your man's wishes, thoughts, dreams and ambitions. if you disrespect the man you say you love, he will no longer have love for you. Learn to humble yourself and diffuse situations that you may readily be tempted to lash out.
  • Confident/Secure- A confident woman is a sure woman, she will not accuse her man of doing everything under the sun. Her self-worth leads her to a secure mind and with that, she knows it would be his lost if he betrays her. She also has no need to question his every where-about since she has a life to lead herself. She is sure of her role as well as being a GREAT woman. She will not cause unnecessary stress to herself or her relationship on false pretenses and a wondering mind.
  • Forgiving- It's difficult to be a part of any relationship and not have a Forgiving Heart. To hold onto pain is to hold anger in your heart, so how can you love or be a GOOD WOMAN with an UNFORGIVING HEART.  A Forgiving Heart is necessary since we know men make mistakes...now I'm not speaking of, habitual cheaters, abusers, etc....Common mistakes in relationships, like maybe he came home to late and didn't call or, forgot it was your birthday or your anniversary, those are situations that needs to be forgiven. Also, IF your man CHEATS, and you decide to stay with him, the ultimate GOAL is to FORGIVE him, not PUNISH him, otherwise, end the relationship, because you both will be miserable.

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