Just Imagine living in a community with a 93 percent African-American population. Now imagine that all the black educational films, books and videos housed in a local high school library were just tossed in a Dumpster. If you live in Detroit's Highland Park, this nightmare is a reality.
When I read this, I thought, it's high time we moved all our historical stuff, no matter which race, to E-books.... That way this will not have a negative impact at all, because the next generation will download what they want to read and save it on their tablets.
You see I understand the complexities of the Generational codes. Kids don't read books, because they think the books were not written for them.
I break the Generations divide down as follows!
Childhood ages 0-20 growth (need to receive nurturing, acquiring values)
Young Adults ages 21-41 vitality (serving institutions, testing values)
Mid-Life ages 42-62 power -my age group- (managing institutions, applying values)
Elderhood ages 63-83 Leadership (leading institutions, transferring values)
Bonus Elderhood ages over 84+ dependence (receiving comfort frmo institutions, remembering values)

I think I found the road, but it looks like I have to go to Afghanistan to folllow this path!
Let's take the Mid-life group as an example, These folks think they run things... they grew up with the same values that they are now applying and forcing the other generations, follow them, to conform to their standards.
The young adults group is saying: hold it, you had you time at the helm, here we come get out of the way.

While the elder group are saying: we are the ones who built it all, before you were even born Young Adults and you Mid-life folks could not have done anything without us having left you a solid foundation to continue building on.
Now what does this have to do with books being tossed out? Simple, if they (the powers that be) want the next generations to repeat the same mistakes of previous generations, put the information in a book, that kids will not read or never have a chance to read, because they were tossed out in a dumpster, you kill two generations or more in one shot. Educational devide continues.
Back to getting it done right, technology is not just for games and sexting, and tweeting. It has brought governments to their knees (Libia, Egypt are few that comes to mind) I technology is Used correctly and wisely it can keep the next generations from messing up, what many have shed blood and even died for.

This is Ernestine Shepherd,76, I think she can teach us all a few things, from her experience and how to perserve your health into you elder Years. (I know, I would be willing to listen to her!
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