Unscripted relationship have a better track record than scripted ones. Lower your expectations to "reasonable." but we seldom... do that ......do we?
Where am I going with this: here are a few examples
If you meet someone you think you will like to get to know better, treat it like an Interview while applying for a loan at your bank.

Interviewer: "Tell me about one thing you are most proud of and what that meant to you at the time."
Answer: "the Fact that I stayed up until 3:00 am thinking about meeting you and worked all day and still made it to meet you on this date on time, ranks really high!
Interviewer: "What motivates yoü?
Answer: "Taking your hand in a year, and asking you to marry me, when it becomes clear to me that we were made for each other"
Interviewer: "What would your family say about you?"
That Ï'll do just about anything for the person I fall in love with"
Interviewer: "Give me an example of when you had to change your approach to a new prospect because the intial appraoch failed."
Answer: well would you say the following would fail?

Interviewer:"Where do you see us in 5 years, if we countinue dating?
Answer: Building our dream home, while traveling the World! (I'm really into this game, I which she would stop asking questions already!)

Interviewer:"Tell me about your views on team work?"
Answer:"There is no ''Í'' in T-E-A-M but there sure as hell are an M'' and an ''E. So trust ME... I know all about Teaming up.

Interviewer:"why did you apply for this position?"
Answer:"There wasn't anything else available."
Interviewer: Well here is the result of your Application.

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