
Get rid of BRAIN JUNK! Make this part of your New Years resolution

Both men and Women get tripped up in many ways. When they think about how many relationship mistakes they have made and can make. You may think about things like not having had good relationships... or not having enough resources to impress the person you are trying to attract.
You might even think about poor branding or a BAD reputation based on previous stuff you did. Without realizing that relationships can get derailed before they even get started...Just because of what I call " BRAIN JUNK" which is that mental baggage that gets in your way, and it can stop you from having a successful relationship before you even start dating someone you like.
These insecurities from past experiences, hurt feels caused by failed dating  and rejections all of these cause fear of being in another relationship

Image may contain: 1 person, textIn our society, we have been sold a false premise for generations.  This premise would tell us that the more we know, the more we are respected, the more we're successful, and the happier we become. This is simply not true!
If you ever thought you wanted to start a new relationship with someone who seems to like you, but you can't because you are not feeling attractive enough, and you don't know anything about this new person, or you want to grow in your current relationship but you are insecure about that person in your life.. then you are suffering from too much Brain Junk. If you've ever wondered why other people seem to be able to create harmonious successful relationships while yours flounder, then you have baggage overload from the past. And you need to clear out that stuff out of your storage closet called you brain before you go into the nuts and bolts of starting a meaningful relationship that can last.

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