
No man is a failure who is enjoying life-William Feather

Let me think about it for awhile before moving forward

The irony its more than eighty percent of us men fail to muster the courage to even show up, and try something that we are not sure about. That’s just one thing. In this post I am going to talk about a few traits that make it difficult for a man to succeed, (especially black man). If you continue to feed these habits, be sure of one thing — success is never going to come your way no matter how hard you strive and struggle for it. So which are those questionable traits? You don’t take initiative to do things Can you recall the last time you stuck your hand up and took charge of things to do something new? If not, then congratulations you are part of the club in which majority of the ordinary men belong. If you want to have an extraordinary life, you need to have the courage to take initiative and do something beyond ordinary. You cannot achieve success by doing what everyone else is doing. Be curious, and you will get to taste real success. Even if you fail during initial times, persevere and you will certainly gain results in the longer run! If  you procrastinate, forget about taking the initiative, you procrastinate even for doing the regular things as well. I had planned to start my money making blog, years before I actually did start,  then I got too occupied with work at the office. Well I’ll do it from next week. and that next week never came. This is just one odd example. There are countless other signs which reflect that you are doomed by the eclipse of procrastination in life. This is another habit which indicates you are not the right candidate for success to come and visit. You cannot gain an advantage above others by sitting idle and waiting for things to happen. You have to work towards achieving goals. No one else will come and do it for you. Goals are just another list for you What does the term ‘Goal’ mean to you? When was the last time you thought of where you want to be after the next five years? Simply put, what do you think is going to be the list of accomplishments you want to achieve in your life? If it’s been quite a while, then it’s high time you should get serious about goal-setting. Every Friday evening, I write my goals — both long-term and short-term — in my private Notes  break them down into actionable steps towards reaching there. Remember don’t just make goals but crush them as well. You are scared of failure I think of failure as a highly ambiguous term. One of the best lessons I’ve learned in life is — you either win or learn. Failure is never an option for people who know what they want in life. They either find a way to reach their or create their own. Elon Musk is the perfect example of it! The man is never afraid to take risk, even when the stakes are high. In fact, higher the stakes the better he is able to perform. Everyone can take a few leaves from his book — failure is only a stepping stone towards success. Don’t let them deter you from wanting to achieve your dreams. Otherwise, you are never going to get your fair share of success. You are a people pleaser ‘If you live for people’s acceptance you will die from their rejection.’ — Lecrae You cannot always make everyone happy — that’s the thumb rule for a successful life. When you are doing things to please others, you are somewhere or the other sacrificing your personal interests. You cannot survive like this for long, because at some point in life you will start to wonder — what about me? Where am I headed? Don’t follow this path if you want to reach somewhere in your career. If you want to become like just another person who is doing a job to get money for paying the bills it is good for you. But if you want to become something BIGGER in life, stop pleasing people while keeping your personal aspirations on stake. You like to leave things on chance The earlier in life you learn that things don’t get done on their own, the better it is for your growth. Jack Ma did not become the man he is today, because he left things to chance. He continued his pursuit towards becoming something better in life even after facing hardships. He did not leave things to chance. And, he’s not the only one. Take the example of any successful person in this world and you will find out that they took things in their own hand rather than leaving them on chance. That’s the most important thing to succeed. As they say — even God helps those who help themselves. It’s not the effort, but the attitude that matters On a concluding note, all I’d like to say is that it is your attitude in life that could be the biggest contributing factor towards whether you will succeed in life or not. If you can relate to any of the habits mentioned above, it is time to rethink how you are doing in life. Parting ways with these habits can surely put you on the right track to success. However, if you don’t the action now things will never change. So, it is time to stop thinking and start doing!
Women will venture into new things even if it is an  uncomfortable fit.
Damn, these legging really make my butt standout.

More than one of my ex(s) and I were similar in a number of ways, but we were completely opposite in how we felt about trying new things. I resist and often fear it, while they positively craves it. For as long as I can remember, I haven't even liked trying new foods (an aversion my family and friends have alternatively found amusing and consternating), preferring instead to eat what I already knew I liked. My now ex-wife, in contrast, almost never orders the same thing twice. In fact, when we went out, they would rather not even go to the same restaurant twice. I, of course, prefer restaurants I already know. I thrive on routine, finding myself for the most part perfectly happy to do the same things day after day (never tiring of them because I love doing them). The ex(s), on the other hand, found routine to be poisonous to their passion for life.


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