
I Choose You!

Inspired by Michael Baisden's new book, Woman Up!
What are the eyes telling me?

There’s something about that right person, that special someone that makes you smile just thinking about them. You look forward to the next time you see them, talk to them or read something they wrote. They may not be extraordinarily attractive, rich, or perfect in any way but they’re perfect for you.
Choosing good people to be in your life means no one forced you to be together. You weren’t matched up or hooked up. Chances are you weren’t even looking for each other, it just happened. I don’t mean that in a coincidental or even spiritual way, I think we attract certain energies into our universe based on what kind of energy we put out. So, even when we don’t think we’re choosing we really are, it’s just subconscious. When we want something or someone’s attention we know how to get it, whether it’s the way we walk, dress, speak, smile, or when we friend request someone on social media. We all, in some way, want to be connected.I know I talk a lot about the fear of being alone and people learning to create their own happiness but we are social creators. We need contact with other human beings to feel alive, to feel relevant, to feel love. 
You get me; you can relate to how I think, and you love a good debate. But challenging each other is how we get to the next level. So, hell yes, I choose you, what man in his right mind would allow so many beautiful, intelligent, and open minded woman to go another day without feeling wanted and appreciated. Thanks for giving me something special to look forward to every day, but most of all, thanks for being perfect for me! We click, you understand me, and in the end that’s why we choose each other. ~ Michael Baisden

Is he trying to get me drunk?

My perspective: There are some things that can't be explained using science. We just feel things,  Smart people do not just rely on facts, they listen to and follow their   intuition. "Hmmm, is he/she for real?"  
Things  that get the clock ticking... you start listing, to take notes, when a phrase is  repeated, when references are used in examples over and over again. The facts are not always self-evident, "words" are reflections of thoughts, gestures are  reflections of interest or intentions. Repetitions aren't always  Rehearsed, they can be genuine.  The eyes are a window to the soul. If these things set of an alarm-off in your head, do the following before you take another sip of that glass of wine, that just got topped off, take a deep breathe and ask for a glass of water.  Always Having a clear head can be the difference between becoming involved with the right person and falling prey to the hunter. 

Now this feels just right!
Now my perspective is  not meant to be  the negative to what Michael Baisden wrote about.  I've been around the block a few times, on my tricycle, my bike, in a sports car, a family car, and a luxury vehicle. each experience taught me something. No matter how Smart people think, they are, they  shouldn't always  rely on facts. We listen and give into compliments, good attention is something that soften us up, we become more in tune to the fact that we are lonely. Even Adam, became Lonely,  he never had a prior mate, before Eve, and was granted his wish.  So if you had a romantic experience with someone in the past and lost it. then it's Nice to hear "I choose You" again by someone new, even if those words are not used, the actions reflect the thoughts, it rings like music to our ears.  Being chosen is " a compliment to you." Choosing   someone, is "a compliment to the other person!" Now when you both choose each other, and neither have ulterior motives, the energy is right. the Chemistry is right, the warning "caution" light  stops blinking.  If all the above happens.... then relax..... and enjoy the experience!  Strong feels can build if you give them half a chance. Strong bonds can formed if you match up and it's more than just a physical attraction. Recognize.... If there is a consistent  effort of "I choose you" then there  is something  there that is more than just a passing fancy! 

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