
Save Room for me.

If You Want A Relationship, You Need To Make Room For One
Some people are single because they haven’t made room in their lives for a relationship. And when I say made room, I mean that literally. Do you have room in your closet, do you have room in your drawers, do you have room in the medicine cabinet, do you have room in your schedule? How can we expect someone of quality to be attracted to us when we design our whole lives to fit only us? We live in just enough space to fit in our stuff; we only have enough space in our schedule for our friends, kids, family, work, church and maybe the gym. Emotionally, we’re invested in our friends and their issues. And then we have the audacity to ask, why am I not meeting any quality single men or women? My answer is, you don’t have room for one!
I was supposed to make room for just one !
People are working longer hours to make ends meet, there’s homework with the kids, three to four hours of sports or reality TV every night, Facebook and Twitter take up another hour or two a day, and let’s not forget the hour-long phone conversations and texting with friends gossiping about absolutely nothing! So why are you so surprised that you’re single? You don’t deserve a good man or a good woman! They require your time!
By Michael Baisden

As much as I agree with part of what my brother Michael Baisden stated above. 
I hear you, but I'm not feeling yo
I have a slightly different view  on the subject. First, let's  define what kind of relationship is most ideal  for you. Some folks have no problem making room as long as it's a Merger , and not a Takeover.  Takeovers always become hostile. Mergers are always about compromise. When a woman, or a Man  is a home owner. Be it a Condo, Villa, Townhouse, or even A Mega 10 acre estate.    any time someone else is going to share your space Compromise is always required, by the Home owner. No real compromise  by  the person moving into the new environment.   The person  having to compromise is almost always  less enthusiastic about the sharing of space. The so called  " Mi casa, su casa" is a myth. the best relationships are built when you decide to  get a brand new place together, then you  can go shopping for what will work best for both of you.  
A man never buys a King size bed unless he was sharing it with  someone already.  So when a lady moves in with him. he has to give her almost all the closet space, (men will never have as much clothing as a woman) and may just have a small section of the full size bed,(because she is most comfortable in the middle of the bed.) even a Queen size bed might not be large enough. Women will buy a King size bed  because she  anticipates sharing it with someone,or she already has  kids, a dog, two cats, or whatever. Very seldom does a man have that many dependents living with him. when he is moving in with someone.  

 So when a new dude, in a woman's  life, moves in with her  most likely he will not be bringing much with him, Just in case it does not work out he will have less to pack and move. He might have to move when it's cold outside and that is not Cool.  

If you make room for someone you are always compromising, they don't have to, they are  sharing (invading) your environment. Now don't get me wrong some invasions are good. For example: you meet the right person, and you hit it off you decide to make it permanent. she/ he is a reasonable person, this is one who does not demand what they think they should have, then it all becomes a less pressured   situation. You want that person in your life and you have an amicable Merger,  compromise is welcomed  and therefore  minimal strain and no stress.  

You want a Harmonious  Mergers which almost  always works out best. because no one feels like the other person  is intruding on the one persons space.You welcome the sharing. I will give up half if I see that the other person just want to share ( and not take over), but if the other person wants to start  a takeover then it eventually will become hostile situation.
Don't expect to move in with me if your half is defined as me sharing my environment with you, with your 5 kids,  2 dogs and a cat. Do the simple math, how will that ever be a fair Equitable Merger.   

Save Room!

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