
The shoulder you choose should be warm and comfortable

There are pillows that can look like your dream comfortable strong man. The usage of these pillows may be  beneficial to  those who's significant other is  away for a few days, or maybe weeks and months but if it is a permanent substitute then it may become a problem. 
I remember a  Jennifer Lopez movie, where the roll she played as and independent female,  who had trouble sleeping without one of these body pillows.

Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) is well aware that her biological clock is ticking, but she just can't find the type of guy she'd want to settle down and start a family with. Eventually, she makes the decision to become a single mother ( by artificial insemination.) The very same day that Zoe follows through on her plan, however, she meets Stan (Alex O'Loughlin), a single charmer whom she thinks would make a great father. While at first Zoe struggles to hide her condition from Stan, before long there's no denying the truth and she decides to spill the beans. Much to her surprise, Stan responds enthusiastically, announcing that he's in it for the long haul. Over the course of the next nine months, Zoe and Stan enter into a whirlwind romance, begin drawing up wedding plans, and mapping out the rest of their lives together. But will their burgeoning relationship collapse under the stress of all this weight, or was it simply meant to be that Zoe and Stan would both find each other at such a crucial turning point in each others lives? 
Of course this is a movie, and movies almost have a happy ending.
So let me ask the questions to most women that are in this same mindset  right now. What choices are you making? Are you closing the door to happiness with someone because you have a career,or maybe still not over a previous BAD relationship?
When was the last time you felt the warmth of someone strong and gentle hugging you and telling you, you are' amazing...?' 
To feel this you may have to change a few things:
- Maybe letting down your guard a little.
- Maybe becoming less combative
- Maybe acting like you did before you became jaded
- Maybe actually letting someone come close to you
- Maybe becoming that woman that a man will see past the mask.

OK maybe I should tell you what  guys like me  are looking for. Listen this is just my B.A.D version, not every man thinks like me.

I'm creating a "Special Lady" cake recipe, because I have a sweet tooth.
Let me reach into my spice rack to see what I need to get it just right.
To make this mix, I need:
- 2 cups of intelligence (she has to be smart)
- 1 cup of sugar brown (Because she has to be sweet, mental, sound and deep)
- Cinnamon is always good to accent the taste and balance the sugar
- A few cups of culture, so she's in touch with her roots
(You see I want to enhance my connections with my own roots, that's why I will stick to Special brand of chocolate)
- I am adding butter cause she must be smooth
- Raisins for the "dimple" will be cool and accent her beauty
- I think I'll add a little salt, to balance her out
- And a dominant profile, to show she has clout
- For a responsible woman, I'll throw in some baking soda
- I'll add 7 cups of courage (you need to be willing to take a chance)
Turn her 360 degrees,  so that I can ADMIRE her beauty...... fully.

She needs to be Un·Pre·ten·tious
1. Not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed.
2. without ostentatious display; plain: her unpretentious demeanor.
3. naturally modest: not putting on a false or showy display of importance, wealth, or knowledge .

Grant me One moment to admire your beauty. One moment is all I ask. One moment is all I need.
Because that one moment will last me a lifetime!
the next time you meet someone, who caught your eye, try to think about these things:
Let us never forget that we learn in moments of enjoyment!
People will do more of what they are praised for!
Attainable goals are those you can reach but that make you stretch!
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely!
The secret to success is the consistency to pursue. ”
~Harry F. Banks 

Leave it on the bedroom floor

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