
Do you recognize trouble instantly

 Do you recognize trouble instantly?

There are times when trouble pops up on your radar. As F--ing trouble you should avoided. 

Let’s just say if s/he looks like trouble  then s/he most likely is trouble. 

Don’t fall for a warm smile just because you think you can do a U-turn, if things do not work out between the two of you. You might not be able to get out from under their spell, so easily. Living with doubt is a tough thing, even a mind numbing thing. 

My first instinct was not to trust you! Mine also!

Men and women have the same problems, with trust, these days.

She wants to believe he is good man, he wants to believe she is a good woman. 

There is where you have  the problem---  in a nutshell---- we are all so jaded. That only after a good amount of  time we finally get over our suspicious natures, about the opposite sex. 

Our first instincts are so not trusting, because we don’t want to get played.

Everyone is guilty of something, right! until proven not-guilty, even then we are still wondering if their guilt of wrong doing, or intended wrong does,  the trying will someday surface.  And blowup in our faces, right after we let our guards down. I have to admit I have had trust issues, My classifications of some types of women that has left me overthinking things I need not even be thinking. When You get to a point in your life that everyone you meet falls in some category or another. You are so screwed! The other day I met this lovely lady, a mother of a very cute little boy. She did not give me any  wrong impressions of any kind, at first . So I bought her mother’s day card, and sent to her. Just my way of trying to be a nice guy.  I wrote her a personal note, telling her what I admired about her being a dedicated parent and a loving mother, it brought back memories of my childhood. She  loved it  and sent me a  text msg 2 days later thanking me. NO big deal since I was not expecting her to reach out to me, I was pleasantly surprised. I.e. I was not thinking negatively in advance. But once she contacted me my mind shifted into the overthinking mode. What was she thinking? So I joked with a someone close to me and asked. Why do women ask a man’s age and what he does for living as the first few questions, even before you go out on a date? And, wow the list, my confidant came up with was longer that I have even expected. Must be due to their  experiences. Now I know their experiences must have had something to do with their current trust issues… But classifying and categorizing someone, should not be the firs thing you do. Well needless to say I did it as joke but instantly I could not stop thinking about all that was on that blasted list…. Handed to me on silver platter. SMDH!

Man oh man am I sorry I joked about it now--- because I find myself thinking what if my confidant is right, and I fall for this person? Or what if my confidant is dead wrong and and I treat the speculations given  to me as a likely possibility. No one want to fall and find themselves in the wrong situation. And neither does one want to miss judge a person who has done nothing to deserve the judgement. Isn’t it  funny how social media can drop things in you stream and your mind start going around and around in circles. I Maybe have trust issues,  because I’ve 

learned to leave the table when love is no longer being served. 


 Hmmm! Just a friend?  I trust my female friends way more than I trust ex-lovers… the ones who caused my trust issues.

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