
What we see in our World is a mirror of what we have in our minds.

“nice, hot and sexy,”

Let’s picture for one minute that what we are seeing is not what it really is. Men and women see things differently, Without a doubt men are visual, we see, we like we chase,period. While women see what they like, and then hope they will attract what they have just configured in their minds. 

-A man will see a woman and thinks “nice, hot, very sexy,” and he goes after her with a hunter’s mindset, maybe he has  a chance with her but he has little or no idea if she will accept his advances or reject him.

- A woman will see a man and think” tall, well built, looks dashing” and she sets her attraction vibes in motion. She is not sure if he will be attracted to her or not. 

“I guess that come get me vibe worked”

That assumption is what makes women seem like they want to be chased and hunted.

The laws of nature are so complicated.

The mirror of what both gender see is so different, because our minds are different.

As we try to figure out what is the best approach is to meet each other in the middle, we have to first understand what it is that makes a connection and why making the wrong moves can be fatal to a potential connection. A jokers-card  has no counter part.He may connect for short period of time but will not last, because the Queen want a King…. And do not want to waste time with a joker. King wants to be a King and does not want wast time chasing an illusion of a Queen.  

The RTL(Ready To Love) series on Youtube  

actually mades  a complicated situation, seem like it is so easy.



¨My intuition told me you were the right person for me!¨

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