
Take the time to Read and understand the Fine Print!

- Are we being fed the same old lines with a slightly different verbiage?
- Does the cycle of problems we are having now have the same look of divide  and conquer?
- Does Job creation really have anything to do with who is running things?
- Is there more to it than meets the Eye? 
- Is lack of Beauty the main reason the unemployed stay unemployed? 
- Who is being hired and who is not?
Haven't we seen this before "Preferences to the select few" being given
- How often does History have to repeat its self, before someone notice the patterns?

The Economist website recently took a look at three books dealing with a topic that is both uncomfortable and endlessly fascinating:  Does attractiveness helps you get ahead in life? The article, citing the research of experts including Daniel Hamermesh, notes that attractive people earn more than average-looking ones even in fields such as professional football. This isn't just pocket change, either: Over a lifetime, the article argues that an attractive worker might, on average, earn $230,000 more than a very plain worker. These are  tell tale facts, that indicate that folks no longer in their prime have less opportunities available to them. People who don't fit the label of beautiful have less opportunities available to them. When Laws to prevent discrimination where drafted they should have included paragraphs on age and looks, because in a tough job market these two are now the reasons people are not being hired.
There are a few books written about this subject: Example Beauty Pays I recommend you check it out. 
If you don't get the job you applied for then force them to give you a reason. They will not admit to Looks, Gender, Culture, Race or Age discrimination. BUT if  People have the same type of complaints and all receive the same type of answers you might force them to change or better yet expose them for practices what the law says is discrimination. Read the fine print on the application.
The numbers now speak for themselves only 67% of men have jobs these days. The Pretty boys are more likely to be employed while the less attractive 33% are not.

The new numbers are out 0% new job created in Aug 2011........ 

Start by Writing it Right, don't sit and accept this as fact.
Six ways to maximize the effectiveness of a complaint:
1. Stash, Then Share, Details
It's hard for companies to respond appropriately if you aren't sure whom you spoke with about the position. So keep good notes during the interview, the interviewer's name, and what transpired. Save copies of e-mails. If you decide to complaint in writing Reference to specifics in your complaint can go a long way.
2. Know What You Want
Decide what's an acceptable resolution. Spell it out! Get them to respond and give you the real fake reason they didn't hire you.
3. Keep It Civil
"Things can go terribly wrong when you lose your cool,"  Don't call them on the phone. Interviewers are often instructed to hang up and make a note  their call log if you abuse them. So send your complaint via email.  Your complaint is online, where it's public and permanent.
4. Proofread
Poor spelling and grammar will garble your message and cost you credibility.
5. Mention Positives
Explain why you believe you fit the business needs with the company or how long you've been in the business and your experience will be of greater value.
6. Set a Deadline  
Ask for a response within a week of the receipt of your letter, or a day if you e-mail,  Include the best phone number and e-mail address for them to use to reach you. 

Once they respond: file it, label it, find out who else has received this type of treatment..... If enough people  complain  the SMART way, the employers who are sitting on Trillions of Dollars will have a hard time justifying their actions. This is not new..... It has been don't before, Unions were formed to protect workers because of unfair treatment, Governments were forced to create policy to protect against discrimination. We can be more effective using the Social Media today than folks could back in the day. Like boycotting the businesses that are using new discrimination tactic to exclude segment of the population.  Don't let anyone fool you, 9%  Unemployment, 16% in some communities,  means that their are more people like you than you think.... This a case of COMMUNITY DISCRIMINATION. There is power in numbers get together and fight back, use social forums and media to bring your issues forward. 

You need to know When You Can and Can't be Fired For Social Media Misbehavior!


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