
The Universal Laws of Allowing,resistance, Detachment, Intention and Love.

I will explore a few more Universal Laws in this part 2.

The Universal  law #4 the law of Allowing.
The Law of allowing----- allowing things to move without restance and to evolve and grow naturally.
The law of allowing dictates that all Universal Energy runs in currents and these currents have a flow to them.
The state of allowing is the purest state of mainfesting.
This law is really hard for people to wrap their minds around. As people living a physical existence  we have been trained to believe we must try and take control of what it is we desire. we have been taught to believe that without our guidance or control, things will not happen in the we way we wish them to happen.
we must control our destiny! Right?

As a man, if you never show your needs or vulnerability, you are  not letting your partner see all of who you are, which keeps her at arm's length on an emotional level.    It can also create an environment where the woman in your life feels "less than your equal" when she needs your help. A healthy relationship is one in which both partners are willing to ask for help and know they will receive a loving supportive response.
Example of Her remarks: I want to talk with him about issues like the kids, his mother, and my frustrations  about trying to have a career and be a good mom. But everytime I try to bring up these subjects, he either closes down or gets angry. I don't want him to fix the problems; I just want to be able to talk with him about our lives.

My thoughts: there is always more to say about communication in a relationship. In fact, most couples say their communication is way off and they cannot discuss a wide number of topics. Women often say they just want the men in their lives to listen, and the men seem to think that if their woman has a problem it's up to them (the men) to fix it. These mismatched desires often create high levels of frustration where the unspoken conclusion is that it's easier not to talk about the issues at all. Yet that is not the solution. I had this experience just before my marriage ended so I know a little thing or two about lack of communication.  For men, it seems to be in our DNA that when someone we love is upset about something, we  immetiatlely think it is up to us to make it better. In many cases, just acknowledging those differences can create open communication. For example, a woman could begin a conversation with, " Honey, I'd like to talk to you about some concerns I have, but I'm not asking you to fix them. I just want to let you  know what I'm feeling," Or if she genuinely want his help or opinion, the conversation could start with, " I've got some mixed feelings about the last visit from my mom and dad, and I want to know what you think."
From a man's standpoint, if we are not sure if the woman in our life just wants to talk or if she wants us to fix the problem,we are stomped, we need to ask her a question like, "I hear your frustation in your voice about our son not picking up his toys. do you want me to step in and fix the problem? Or do you just need me to listen right now?
As people who are together over time and experience new challenges in our lives, often our wants and needs waxing and polishing. A new job, new baby, or a newly empty nest, or even aging or health problems will precipitate change, and the feelings, fears, and  concerns that travel with them can create anxiety. In order to stay close and connected, it is necessary to share with each other how these swings are affecting you and your perception of the relationship. But those talks aren't going to happen unless you've developed a pattern of communication that is respectful of each other. It is important that neither of you view communication exclusivley as what you want to say. By definition, communication is an exchange between two people. It is not a lecture or soliquy. (an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers.)

The Universal law #5  of Resistance.
The Law of Resistance---anything offering restance will manifestitself into energy blockages of stuck energy.
The law of resistance is a manifestatation of energy in the state of restance.
this law is practiced most often without you being consciously  aware you are working with tihs law.
when energy is negative, or forceful in nature, it will disrupt the natural flow of energy. the current or river which is being disrupted will result in stuck energy or blockages. the more resistant you are to an outcome, the faster you will create an abundance of stu ck energy or blockages. this allows the outcome to whick your're so resistant to pull up and park itself right smack in the mddle of your world.

Trust and love between the two of you can be developed and strengthened no matter what challenges may occur when you are both willing and able to talk about anything and everything in your life, and know the other person is ready to hear your and respond to the best of their ability.
Ä man says: "when she uses that tone of voice with me or puts her hand on her hip, I don't feel like her husband; I feel like her child, and I just shut down."
Understanding the problem: with this couple, it is evident it wasn't just what the woman was saying that pushing her husband away from her, but rather hw she said it with both her words and body language. Her  delivery did not create a positvie environment for continued dialogues, and her tone of voice and stance did not encourage her spouse to respond in a good way.If she had s way of knowing how her body language made her husband feel, she would then have a chance to change he posture and delivery, which could impact their interactions.

The Universal Laws #6  of Detachment.
the law of Detachment- This is the law of releasing or letting go of your desired.
the Law of Detachment dictates that you must maintain a certain level of detachment when working with manifestation
the law of detachment must be active in order for the law of Allowing to work. (the purest statof manifesting)

Love is all around us if we open our hearts to let it in but since it is energy it can flow (away).
We Men think:" she says I don't let her know I love her often enough. I'm not sure I even know what she means, what does need me to do or say?
Telling someone you love him or her is abased on your personal awareness and comfort. some of us are better at words, some better at gestures or gifts. Whatever our ways or means, telling our loved ones we care about them will make them feel treasured.
Women think: "Sure, I love him as a person, but I'm just not "in love with him anymore."
We often hear this comment from females. when asked to explain, this is often what is said: " I love him because he is such a good father, has good family values, provides for us well, and spends quality time with our children. But I am not "in love" with him.
where you -in love- with him once?
Oh, of course I was (in love with him), when we were dating and planning our wedding, it  was great. We were inseparable, always had time for each other, shared common interest and I couldn't wait to see him.

Men think" If we loved each other like we love our chihuahua, everything would be great! (UN-conditional love)

The  Universal Law #17 of  Love.
The law of Love- Love is Univesal Energy in its purest, most powerful state
The law of Love dictates that love and posiive feelings are Universal energy in its purest and most powerful state. As spiritual beings, people charge energy all of the the time..... with emotion.
Here are some examples of what type of emotion gives offwha type of charge:
Positive  charge

  •         Love
  •         Happiness
  •         Hope
  •         Beleif
  •         Excitement

Negative Charge

  • Hate
  • anger
  • Sadness
  • disbelief
  •  Fear
  •  worry 
  • Anxiety
it is really important to be aware of the feelings you're surrouunding your thoughts with. In fact, it's imperative especially when you are directing energy.
Universal Energies are also attracted to anad collecively move towards other like energies.
Negative energies are attracted to other neagtive energies and positive energies are attracted to other positive energies.

Trust and love between  two people can be developed and strengthened no matter what challenges may occur when you are both willing and able to talk about anything and everything in your lives, and know the other person is ready to hear your and respond to the best of their ability.

example: The old kids game using a flower -"she Loves  me, she loves me not"
Ever wonder how that happens One minute she love you the next minute she loves you NOT! Energy flow from one positive engery to a negative energy.
To keep it constant requires a conscious effort. If you believe that you will always love someone... ussually happens with loved ones like your kids for example. this is unconditional love.
we would all like to have relationship that are "forever after in love!" But that does not happpen as much as it use to .... Why?  Because pf options. We see things differently these days. Option alows us to to charge our energies from positive to negation as frpm negative to positive.
she says: I want him to be my best friend as well as my husband and lover, but he just doesn't get that.
recently, I was reminded of what a friend really is.
I was talking to my old roommate from New York and getting his perspective on several of my own life changes. (He is now BTW a medical Doctor). We have enjoyed a lengthy, but now long distance, friendship, and I can honestly say we know each other very well. Why? Because we saw each other through some tough time during our college years.
When we were saying our good-byes, I thanked him. He responded quickly that I did not have to thank him for anything. I explained it was a gift to me  to have him simply accept me as a friend without any expectations placed on our friendship.
This is what friends are really for, to listen and provide feedback without judgement.
When you think about your marriage or relationship, does it include friendship? If your  relationship excludes day-today camaraderie, it is not complete. You are missing a lot. A best friend is one you can count on in good and bad times, one you can trust to accept you you exactly as you came to them. A good friend does not judge or condemn your behavior and is comfortable to be around, even when you disagree.

A man may think: shouldn't a person feel supported by his or her mate? I don't feel like we are on the same team. In fact, I don't know if we'e even in the same game.

I believe this was a bit lengthy.... I will do one more on other Universal Laws.
This was Part 1: http://sxmperspective.blogspot.com/2013/07/you-can-relax-with-having-knowledge-of.html


You can Relax with having knowledge of Universal LAWS. Part I

Do you know how many Universal Laws there are? Allow me to list 4 there are 18 as far as I know.

Universal Law #1: The Law of one or oneness!
Everything is connected, we are all one. I'm sure  you've heard of atoms and molecules before. You can't see them, but you know everything is made of them. It's the same type of concept; everthying is energy coming from the same source.  Since we are all one, each individual thing having an effect on all of the other things in your existence is a lot easier than you think of oneness. It's like a chain reaction. Love is just like everything else, it can be attracted and it can be repelled......it's energy.

  Let's take a female, let's call her Nicole for example. She's a very successful woman on the outside, but on the inside she feels very lonely and really wants a relationship in her life. she's had a few long-term(short in duration) relationships come and go over the years; she's even been married once before. But the lack of love in her life has been an issue for a while, even when she was in past relationships. Love is something that she's always felt she was lacking from her partners. Now she's afraid that she'll never exerpeince the love she's looking for in a future relationship, either. The problem is Nicole views love as something separate from herself. When you separate love from who you are and view it as a separate entity, more often than not, you will repel it.

Universal Law #2: the Law of vibration!
Everything in the Universe vribrates, or offers a vibration.
Imagine for a minute that you're a gaint human magnet. The strength of your magnet depends upon each individual person. Your magnet can be very powerful, or it can be very weak. what dictates the strength of your magnet?
Example: Your mood! your friendliness... etc.
Your mood. As a person ( who was energetically created) imagine you're always vibrating somewhere on a scale between one  and ten. When you're sad, upset, depressed, or worred, energetically this means you're vibrating very low on the scale, somewhere around an one, two, or a three at best. when you're very happy, laughing, and truly enjoying yourself you are vibrating very high, around a seven, eight, or a nine, with ten being the highest you can go. the higher your vibration, the more powerful your magnet becomes.  The more powerful your magnet, the quicker you draw things and people  into your life. This is something that can become a problem if you are attracting to many members of the opposite sex.

Tip #1
For those who are looking for Love
If you looking for Love you need to be in a good mood.... I'm not saying you need to vibrate at a 10. But above six works better than below it. Think about it, you can't attract love if you are repellling happiness. and are in an almost angry mindset, most of the time.
Tip #2
For those Who are in a relationship
You will vibrate high and low from time to time. How your partner reacts is as important to your staying together as it was when you first got together. Your partners vibation low needs you to bring a higher than 6 vibration to lift that person up so that you will find ways to resolve the tough issues.

 Universal Law#3: the Law of attraction
You attract into your life what you are offering  vibrationally.
The law of attraction dictates that you will attract"into your life whatever you are offering "vibrationally."
All things vibrate and everything offers a vibration, which is directly tied to the Law of attraction.
Your mood and your belief system are both very powerful components when it comes to utilizing the Law of Attraction.
It's not to be used as "the key component" to visualize what you're wishing to attract, and 'poof'' it appears! Visualizing is not your magic lamp.
Most people don't properly understand this law. What people think it means is you will attract into your life what it is that you think about or concentrate the hardest on (magic lamp theory). This is where many people get confused.
When you're working with Universal Laws, you'r working with Universal Energy. As spiritual beings we're very powerful enrgetically, and this Engery is attached to our spiritual bodies. Energy manifest itself into forming our reality by how we are feeling to very depths of our soul.

I will skip a few laws and go to the following.

Universal Law #13:The Law of Polarity

Everything has an opposite, a yin and Yang. Complimentary opposites are part of a greater whole.
This law dictates that there's on opposite to all things, complementary oppsites to a greater whole.
This is what helps to maintain universal balance.
If there were no opposites in the Universal energy, phsically or energetically, it would become very difficult to maintain proper balance in the Uniiverse.Things would be become of kilter, so to speak.
example: Two people dancing to the same beat. One is moving forward while the other is moving backwards. or you are both going side to side the guy is going right and the lady has to  go to her left.

I hope these 4  Universal Laws give you a perspective of what maybe happening and why they are in your Universe. 
I might make this a series and group other Laws  and write about them.  Stay tuned in the weeks ahead. 


3 Ways to Make Him (maybe) Fall for You

When you're falling in love with a man, it's natural to want to prove what a great catch you are by being sweeter, funnier and smarter in hopes that he'll fall in love with you, too. Focusing on what a man wants and ingratiating yourself in this way may feel like the natural thing to do, but it's the worst way to try to make a man feel romantic about you.
He may feel appreciative when you do things like making plans, offering advice, running errands or giving gifts. But sometimes this behavior overwhelms us, makes us withdraw, or see you as just a good friend ( with great benefits.
Here are some tips to inspire his romantic side instead: Notice I say "don't" in all 3 tips and not "do." 
#1: Don't give a man more than he gives you.
Inspiring a man to fall for you is all about you being able to receive love"(we are givers). A man is actually turned off when he gets more from you than he gives. When you shower him with affection, attention, dinners, gifts, and always go out of your way to drive to his place, it makes him think of you as a mother or a friend instead of inspiring his emotional desire for you. Don't pay for dates. The moment you pay for a date you turn into a "friend" in his mind.
 #2: Don't give away exclusivity if he hasn't yet committed.
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Being exclusive and sexually monogamous with a man without a "forever" commitment from him puts you in a tough place emotionally. You become completely invested in him because he has all your time and attention. There's no way you can stop wondering about where the relationship is going.
But the more you wonder about it, the more you push a man away. Rather than talking about the relationship or threatening him with ultimatums, you can continue to keep your options open by dating other men. This way, you keep your class, your power, your boundaries, and he has to work to get you!
#3: Don't plan dates.
View 1069295_10151842382176414_2054579813_n.png in slide show
You want to plan the date because you're uncomfortable with him possibly being clueless. However, you'll never know what a man is capable of until you let him do what he does, even if that's nothing.
The amazing thing is that once you get comfortable with your own boundaries and feelings, you can just let a man be who he is and then determine whether or not you want to be with him. This attitude shifts your vibe so dramatically that a man will jump hurdles to be with you. A woman who can respect a man enough to not try to "pick up the slack" for him is the woman he falls in love wit
These are few simple things that can work, except if you are dating a gigolo (A gigolo is a male escort or social companion who is supported by a woman in a continuing relationship, often living in her residence or having to be present at ....)

OK guys the ladies are armed with the Don't: 
It’s a fact. Most men don’t know what it takes to date a beautiful woman – so they end up with someone else and not with the girl they want and deserve.

Let’s face it, there is no way to “control” whether a beautiful woman becomes wildly attracted to you.

Or is there?…  

There is a handful of men out there who meet and date gorgeous women every day without any effort at all…

Are these guys better looking? Have buckets of cash? Or the body of a Greek god? Almost always the answer is NO!

But, they do know that nearly ALL women have the same needs when it comes to looking for the right man, and if you know those needs, you can attract the attention of almost any woman, every time.

• Would you like to be able to turn the head of any woman you want?

• Attract that girl you’ve had your eye on for a while?

• Or just want to take your current relationship to the perfect one?

Don't ask me, I was hoping someone would send me a message on "the how tos"


What's the next best thing to interviewing for a perfect relationship?

OK. maybe not expecting a perfect relationship...? That way you can always impove, Right?.
Unscripted relationship have a better track record than scripted ones. Lower your expectations to "reasonable." but we seldom... do that ......do we?

Where am I going with this: here are a few examples

If you meet someone you think you will like to get to know better,  treat it like an Interview while applying for a loan at your bank.
Photo: she just got the job you interviewed for, what would you would  be feeling ..at that moment?. Happy for her Or  mad that you have to keep looking. Fellahs have it rough these days...

Interviewer: "Tell me about one thing you are most proud of and what that meant to you at the time."
Answer: "the Fact that I stayed up until 3:00 am thinking about meeting you and worked all day and still made it to meet you on this date on time,  ranks really high!

Interviewer: "What motivates yoü?
Answer: "Taking your hand in a year, and asking you to marry me,  when it becomes clear to me  that we were made for each other"

Interviewer: "What would your family say about you?"
That Ï'll do just about anything for the person I fall in love with"

Interviewer: "Give me an example of when you had to change your approach to a  new prospect because the intial appraoch failed."
Answer: well would you say the following would fail?
Photo: To state this a waste of time, because most women these days.... want the man to dream, plan and deliver to them the finish product as they envisioned it... None, or should say almost none are like this.

Interviewer:"Where do you see us in 5 years, if we  countinue dating?
Answer: Building our dream home, while traveling the World! (I'm really into this game, I which she would stop asking questions already!)
Photo: Watch full replays of YOUR team's entire season... for the price of dinner for two.

Click THIS: http://on.nfl.com/15gzCmH

Interviewer:"Tell me about your views on team work?"
Answer:"There is no ''Í'' in T-E-A-M but there sure as hell are an M'' and an ''E. So trust ME... I know all about Teaming up.
Photo: ~ The Codeblack Life ~

Interviewer:"why did you apply for this position?"
Answer:"There wasn't anything else available."

Interviewer: Well here is the result of your Application.
Photo: Rejected For a Business Bank Loan…Now what?

Currently about 60% of small businesses will be denied a bank loan.

Link: http://trib.al/ltmCMKO


They claim that the current generation, of younger folks, don't read! So why save the books?

Just Imagine living in a community with a 93 percent African-American population. Now imagine that all the black educational films, books and videos housed in a local high school library were just tossed in a Dumpster. If you live in Detroit's Highland Park, this nightmare is a reality.

Amazon Kindle Fire New Gen 7
When I read this, I thought, it's  high time we moved all our  historical stuff, no matter which race, to  E-books.... That way this will not have a negative  impact at all, because the next generation will download what they want to  read and save it on their tablets.
You see I understand the complexities of the Generational codes. Kids don't read books, because they think the books were not written for them.

I break the Generations divide down as follows!

Childhood ages  0-20 growth (need to receive nurturing, acquiring values)

Young Adults ages 21-41 vitality (serving institutions, testing values)

Mid-Life   ages 42-62 power -my age group-  (managing institutions, applying values)

Elderhood ages 63-83 Leadership (leading institutions, transferring values)

Bonus Elderhood ages over 84+ dependence (receiving comfort frmo institutions, remembering values)

Photo: I think I found the road, but it looks like I have to go to Afghanistan!
I think I found the road, but it looks like I have to go to Afghanistan to folllow this path!

Let's take the Mid-life group as an example,  These folks think they run things... they grew up with the same values that they are now applying and forcing the other generations, follow them,  to conform to their standards.
The young adults group is saying: hold it, you had you time at the helm, here we come get out of the way.
Photo: Get to stepping, time is wasting1
While the elder group are saying: we are the ones who built it all, before you were even born Young Adults and you Mid-life folks could not have done anything without us having left you a solid foundation to continue building on.
Now what does this have to do with books being tossed out? Simple, if they (the powers that be) want the next generations to repeat the same mistakes of previous generations, put the information in a book, that kids will not read or never have a chance to read, because they were tossed out in a dumpster, you kill two generations or more in one shot. Educational devide continues.
Back to getting it done right, technology is not just for games and sexting, and tweeting. It has brought governments to their knees (Libia, Egypt are few that comes  to mind) I technology is Used correctly and wisely it can keep the next generations from messing up, what many have shed blood  and even died  for.
Photo: Ernestine Shepherd,76
This is  Ernestine Shepherd,76, I think she can teach us all a few things, from her experience and how to perserve your health into you elder Years. (I know, I would be willing to listen to her!


A mistake in identity can payoff big time, if you just Step out of your comfort zone!

If you are stepping out  on a limb, don't hesitate.. for example: a third of succesfull relationships begin online, much better odds than meeting someone in a club, a mall,  at church,or an introduction by a friend these have  greater failure rates. Could it be that dealing through a software that is using a database to connect people who have common interest,  same desires are  compatible and simulate dreams.. can you hook you up?

When I was younger I thought that the magic was in the first encounter, we would meet and the magic would start. magically. She would see instantly that I was a good guy  who had a promising future. I was after all a University graduate and had a promising career in my choosen field of computer science.... Now that I spend more time re-inventing myself over the past few years, pursueing  a new dream I should have pursued,  20 years ago, I'm less sure about who I meet these days.... I'm No longer in that age-group, where I standout in a crowd (maybe I do as the grey temples dude at the bar, looking like I don't belong). I see things differently now, my maturity may impress someone far more than my so called good looks  that I thought I once had. I keep hearing "you still look good." LOL. the word "Still" gets me everytime.
The other day I sent an e-card to female for her Bday. I've known her  for years we had eyes for each other at one point in time, but we were both married. I got to know her ex-husband and that killed the posibililties of us hooking up. They got divorce before  I did, but the magic had stalled. She is still available but is less confident that her looks could attackt "the right man" anymore. While I'm less willing to try and turn back the clock, I most admit she still has a smile that warm my heart. We will always be friends but the posibility of romance has faded. She has not changed much and she claims "I still look good." At her age (50) I know she needs glasses. I sent her some chocolate covered strawberries when I got back home. Just because she made me feel good! by saying: ÿou STILL look good!
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Box

On another note. I make friends"much  easier these days than I did 20 years ago. Women see me as a respectable older gentlman who treats them with respect and is not hitting on them right away.

Another example:
One day, while walking my son's dog, a verý attractive younger woman was walking hers and we  stopped and started talking about the dogs and she took my business card with great interest.  More interest in what I was doing than who I was. she invited me to come to her gym. She promoised to put me on her "to do list" and send me an email so we could stay in touch. Two days later she was driving by my sons house  and my eldest son was walking the same dog. She drove up to him and lowered the window she thought my son  was me because of the dog.  She  said to him " I told you we would see each other again"... he was stunned because they had never spoken before. She did not have her contact lenses in and she thought because of his hight and build that he was me. That was a great compliment to me, and an even greater insult to my son. He said "Dad she thought I was you." I, LOL. because he felt dissed!. You see he is at that stage in his life where he believes women are attracted to him because of his looks. so being mistaken for his Dad was not that wonderful of a ego booster. I hope he gets over it soon. I would hate  to think he would loose his confidence over something silly like that.
I'm still smirking!
I sent her an edible Arrangement, because she is into fitness. Just for making a 25 year mistake in  indentity.

Many have not heard about Asexuals!

Let me start by saying... I never thought about Asexual people much until a conversation I had with a woman who told me that she was Asexual. I thought she was just saying  I'm  not her type.... so bug off.... However she liked talking to me so the conversation continued on a variety of subjects..for quit some time.

Asexuality is an orientation in which someone experiences no sexual attraction. Asexuality is often misunderstood by people with other sexual orientations. Here is how to understand them.
 Try and understand the differences.

 1) Note the difference between asexuality and celibacy. Asexuality is not the same thing as celibacy. Celibates are people who have sexual attraction, but refrain from sexual activity, whereas asexuals have no sexual desires with any gender. Not all asexuals are celibate

2) Don't confuse asexuals with homosexuals. Asexuals are not closeted homosexuals. Asexuals have no sexual attraction to their own gender, ruling homosexuality out as an orientation. (Though some will still identify as gay or straight or bisexual or pansexual).

3) Understand that asexuals are not people who have repressed their sexuality. Celibates refrain from having sex until they are married, when asexuals have no sexual thoughts about their spouse even in a strong marriage

4) Don't expect change. Asexuals will not change if they "meet the right person". Asexuals are usually born asexual and will usually be asexual for their entire lives, just like any other sexuality. Implying that they can be "fixed" is very insulting.

5) Understand their motivations. Asexuals are not against having non-sexual relationships. They just don't have the desire to engage in sex. Many asexuals have partners. Some have sex for a variety of reasons, though they are not sexually attracted to their partner.

6) Being asexual does not mean they do not like touch. Just because a person is asexual does not mean that they do not like touch. They just do not have any desire for any kind of sexual touch.

7) Avoid thinking of asexuals as having a disorder. They do not choose to be asexual, but many asexuals are perfectly happy being asexual and feel that there is no need to "cure" asexuality. Being asexual usually changes little about a person's behavior; they may not even seem asexual by all outward appearances.

8) Understand that most asexuals are not asexual because they have been sexually abused. There is no 100% known cause for being asexual.

Sexuality is generally considered an important aspect of selfhood. Therefore, individuals who do not experience sexual attraction, and who embrace an asexual identity, are in a unique position to inform the social construction of sexuality. There is a study that explores the experiences of Asexual individuals utilizing open ended internet survey data from 102 self-identified Asexual people. In this article It is described that  several distinct aspects of Asexual identities: the meanings of sexual, and therefore, Asexual behaviors, essentialist characterizations of Asexuality, and lastly, interest in romance as a distinct dimension of sexuality. These findings have implications not only for Asexual identities, but also for the connections of Asexuality with other marginalized sexualities.

I guess now I know it wasn't my charm or lack of that made her tell me that she was Asexual..... Boy ooh boy, was I relieved once I  read up on the subject.