
I love women who read.

Fellahs! A woman who reads is like a jewel in a Tiffany box.
Once you engage her in a discussion you will be totally amazed at what a treasure you have just discovered. A woman who spends time reading is the type of women you can have a conversation with, for 2+ hours at a time. But you better be smart also!
Are those dimples I see, when you smile with me ?
OK do you have a minute to chat ?

Ask not for the title of the book she holds, Ask if she would share some of the knowledge
she has gained from what she has read, with you. OK, I kinda like how that makes me sound like I have something that I can contribute to the conversation. But I want to start by listening.
My favorite  University Professor once told my classmates and I.
If you think you are the smartest person in the room then you are in the wrong room!”
I never forgot that statement he was not only my Systems Analyst professor,
but also a Wall Street executive that I became friends with as I also worked on  Wall Street.
He only taught evening classes at NYIT, so he had real business experience and knowledge to
share with us. We would often ride the train together uptown for 6 pm class start time. I digress.
If I learned anything from Dr. Pope it was that he listen and engage
smart people in conversation as often as he could.
Those days taught me this very valuable lesson. " never become too
comfortable in Happiness that you forget the struggles, remember that happiness
became an "option" as a result of a need for better options!
"love is just a myth for hopeless dreamers".
 Hmm very interesting statement!

Final thoughts
Now is the time for women to unapologetically own these qualities regardless of where they are in their careers, the industry they work in or who they deal with. Sectors like supply chains and logistics are still very male dominated and draconian in their ways. Deals are made in bars, on the golf course and around the braai, with women still fighting hard for a place at the good old boys’ table.
I believe that while there are incredibly strong, dynamic and powerful women calling the shots in the logistics industry, this number is not high enough and the journey is still pursued with unnecessary patriarchal obstacles and challenges. At every supply chain conference that I have attended, the number of men far outnumbers the presence of women and that is an indication that there is still a need to create greater participation.
It is my hope that influential women in the logistics industry today, will make it a strategic priority to address equality challenges in their organizations and will encourage women at all levels to aim for a place at the table and to feel free and proud to claim who they are fully. What’s needed going forward is less judgment around what’s male or female and more interest in how these qualities can work together to create synergistic partnerships that drive the World  and transform potential.


The possibility of perfect, is too tempting

Have  you seen me lately?

The power of group...support in fitness  is something that cannot be described but has to be experienced. A  supportive group can do wonders to help many folks more easily to get in touch with their deeper and better selves. To share their feelings with a group means there are more people available to give you encouragement, and support. The potential for growth or body reduction and progress  is magnified by the size of the group, by listening to others speak openly and honestly about their feelings about their progress your awareness and insight expand. When I took a break from my professional career in IT, because I was very frustrated, I decided to help a good friend manage a gym and I became a personal trainer. I found myself trying to help women with their goals to lose inches, this was a tougher challenge than I initially thought. Because women are specific about which areas they want to changed. An ex-girlfriend, who lived with me for a period of time,  started a business shuttling women back and forth to the Dominican Republic to have liposuction and tummy tucks, breast implants, and buttock enhancements done. I hated what she did to herself and these women who wanted instant changes, but didn’t realize what it could cost them. So after my experience, of watching her “nip and tuck” shuttle business, I used what I knew from years ago training in the gym to help those who did not mind working it off, in sweat. Needless to say It was a tougher job because women are not always patient, the wanted to see instant improvements. They wanted to lose inches in and not lose their curves.  Men don’t always understand what we put women through when we look at other women, with lust in out eyes. Women start to hate these other women, or they want to become these other women, instantly. Having seen how some guys felt when their women went through surgery and they could not tough their women for months..., because the tummy tuck left them in pain and recovery was slower than any of them expected. Women would have to wear these body suits, which were designed to help the cuts heel. This was killing relationships. Guys would tell me that, their woman’s belly button no longer was round it was ova because she her skin was stretched so much that a new one would have to be created. She had a C-section cut that was way larger than the one she had  after delivering a baby. Some of them had the fat cells that were taken out of their waistlines injected into their butts to make that larger. Man ooh man, the stories I heard were turning my stomach. Lucky when my ex-girlfriend did hers we had already broken up and I didn’t see her for months until she came to me asking me to help her with a new project. This is when I knew that she had gone too far in altering her herself. And the attraction I had felt for her was gone. I liked her the way she was less than perfect, when we met. She could not understand why I would feel that way, because in her view she was now perfect!! 

Now tell me I don't look good!
I’m that  guy who, thinks that women are beautiful the way nature intended.  Clothing and makeup can make a woman standout, but surgery is for illnesses and life saving episodes. Not being happy with yourself, the way the  created intend you to be, is so counter productive in my view.

Well women can say guys alter their looks also, working out  to become stronger to play sports, like Football, basketball or hockey, and lifting weights to have bigger muscles, the stronger the better to compete in body building contest or weight lifting contest etc… This is  true but we don’t often do it surgically, except for some gay guys have started having chess in plants and fake abs implants. I rest my case on this.. The word “fake” is what turns me off. 

As far as women are concerned they have allowed male plastic surgeons to alter their face and bodies for no good reason. I’m sure there are women  plastic surgeons doing it also, but it all started with male plastic surgeons who experiment on women. Telling women “they are not perfect” just the way they are. SMDH.    
You can work it off if you try
Man ooh man, has she really changed for the better? Only time will tell.

Well aesthetically  maybe she looks better, but deep down she will always wonder if she is really drawing attention for the real person or “the new fake person.” Time will change her as gravity shows no mercy, over time. Ask anybody who has changed and had people question them “what the hell happened to you? you used to look so good and and near perfect.” 
We helped each other get our best bodies!

Final thoughts.

We Men can help women if we take the time to listen to what their needs are if they are willing to tell us. When we take the time to listen to her feelings we are in effect saying to the person inside her head, “you matter. You deserve to be hears and I care enough to listen”.

I hope you fellahs will use some sensitivity techniques because I have witnessed it transform the lives of people, including my own. As we listen more Love is shared and it becomes easier and works better in relationships. It takes, continuous practice, but it’s so worth it.


A perfectly arranged marriage?

Yesterday, my mom and dad told me I was getting engaged to the grandson of my grandfather's best friend. We're Japanese-American so it wasn't that unusual. So today I met my new fiance and realized that it was the same guy that I spent 3 hours with on Facebook, debating whether Pokémon was better than Yu-Gi-Oh!. I think it's fate!"

No one likes (I think) an Arranged Marriage, especially those so betrothed. They'll rip their clothes, gnash their teeth and swear to... was that  not them necking in the atrium, with some other dude or female yesterday?
Despite their initial opposition, the couple who have been betrothed discover they not only like each other, but love each other after some time together, and make it perfectly clear that even if they weren't in an arranged marriage they'd still choose to marry or at least start dating. Drama being what it is, you can expect their earlier attempts to undo the "arranged marriage" will mature and succeed, and their parents set them up with a new fiancée or fiancé that they do hate. Expect one or the other to have to swallow their pride and come out and say they do love the other.
A variant is that both meet outside of the home environment (before or after the declaration) without immediately recognizing each other. Maybe they ran away from home entirely, only to happily embrace "a fellow in misery" — and later commiserate about their bossy parents. Eventually, once they recognize one another, their shared common ground helps them fall in love.

we have so much in common,
I have nothing against " a perfectly arranged marriage"
 just as long as I'm the one doing the arranging!

Sometimes these perfectly arranged marriage doesn't come about randomly, but intentionally by parents, like a Batman Gambit scenario. One or more of the parents involved who knows both well enough has arranged the marriage since both are highly compatible and could naturally fall in love. In fact, this is the purpose of an 'arranged marriage' in the first place. It is akin to a matchmaking service, and the couple will generally have some sort of courtship before tying the knot, or jumping the broom, and it's very rare for someone to be forced to marry a person they despise. Even a Gold Digger would want a decent relationship if for no other reason than to help in securing the knot.
We don't know each other,
but I know you will be loyal,
because our powers are combined,
and together we rule this Kingdom.

In other cultures, however, especially feudal societies, marriages would be struck between noble houses to secure alliances, build power, get closer to the throne, etc. In cases like this, the couple's individual romantic tastes are a very low priority, as they see the marriage as a duty to their families. But then it turns out they love each other after all, because the had no other experiences.
This trope is frequently used as a justification for the use of the "Arranged Marriage" and Altar Diplomacy tropes to audiences with Western sensibilities, who are often uncomfortable with the concept of forced marriage. It's not a violation of free will if both want to get married, after all.
We got married, in Vegas because we had
too much to drink and are very happy.
So  our arranged marriage is working just fine

Compare Marriage Before Romance for when a couple has gone through with a marriage for other reasons than love and only then starts to develop feelings for one another. Expect a lot of arguing and bickering to contrast with the more idealised love story of the unwed, ending in a big Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other moments, to the surprise to everyone, most of all themselves.