
Is it Love or infatuation or heartburn?

Love at first sight

Do I believe in love at first sight?
Forgive the laugher, but the question is so naive!
Youthful fancies hardly encompass the complexities
of mature relationships.
True, you are quite beautiful, but one cannot know
true inner beauty at first glance. It's much deeper
and takes time to be revealed.
Your skin is perhaps softer than the flowing foam of
some gently murmuring distant shore, but what of it?
That's not love.
I do notice that your hands are more graceful than a
ballet of swaying boughs and your laughter a dance
of dappled sunlight.
And in your eyes are glimmering pools of joy and tenderness,
warm swirls of innocence and passion, playfulness and
And in your eyes, Beauty laughs and plays and sings
and calls my name.
And Trust with Caution pleads and cooing Passion intervenes,
and Grace extends her open arms, and I surrender silently.
But love at first sight? How can it be?

One of the arguments about love which has never been solved is the question of love at first sight. One school of thought insists that love at first sight is not lasting.
(that's because from a male perspective it is often LUST at first sight).

The other says it is the only kind of love. (this is a fairy tale mentality) Marlowe, for instance, writes "Whoever love that loved not at first sight." This, however, is futile argument. The question is not when does love start but how long will it last? (aks any divorced couple and they will tell you it does not last forever) And the object of all lovers is to see to it that love lasts forever and ever.(once again this is  children's bedtime stories--- mainly for little girls.)

Thousands of young men and women have grown up together in friendship only. They made mud pies together in their pre-school days. They went to grammar school together. The young man carried the young girl's book-bag home from high school. All of this they did without knowing why they did it. Suddenly, at a picnic at the beach, after they had deserted the other picnickers and found a lonely spot in the shade near by palm tree, the boy looked down into the girl's eyes and he sees something in them that he had never seen before. A strange sparkle is there. He feels a catch come to his throat. A delicious sensation pervades his whole body. His breath seems to come in short gasps. He sees that the same reactions have come to the girl. He sees her bosom heave. ( He never notice before that she was no-longer flat chested)

He sees her eyes avert his in embarrassment. He knows, she knows, they both know that something is happening but is it love that has suddenly come to them. And although they cannot identify it as love, they know that it is something that is sweet and new, something that is so overpowering in its strength that its sweetness is almost pain. ( here we go again that word LOVE is associated with that other word PAIN) Then it is that love is born. ( and pain follows, because they go hand in hand)
Surely, we cannot say that this is not true love because it is not love at first sight. Perhaps it is a truer love than love at first sight. Certainly, it is a love that should prove more lasting. For, throughout those previous years, they have learned to know each other  some what intimately. They know each other's faults and vices. They know each other's little idiosyncrasies, those same little idiosyncrasies that have broken up what was once a happy love life (reality of breakups is due to not knowing the other person well enough .) And it is in the understanding of each other that true love is born and nurtures and lives. (Until something inter-fairs and causes heartaches. ) No.... I'm not a pessimistic person I'm a realist.

Very few make it to the stage where they celebrate their Golden anniversary (50 years of being together). where they walk along the sandy beaches of the Worlds best beaches traveling happily together and enjoying each others company without bickering about this and that.

My love..
In the beginning I was so lost
and you took my hand.
You guided me and gave me your love.
Looking back over our past
I have now come to understand
How life is a river
flowing toward the great sea.
Along the course, we have traveled for so long,
sometimes fast..
sometimes slow..
but always together, hand in hand.
We braved the storms, rapids and waterfalls.
And, there were many obstacles which made us turn
first one way..
then another..
But, each bend bringing us closer to the great sea.
Throughout our journey we have shared  our lives..our dreams..our laughter..our love..
to be together at the river's end -
at the great sea
A place where our bodily shells are cast away to show
our love flickering brightly.
A place where gold and silver reflects our love
to light our way in soft luminous shades.
A place where diamonds, rubies and precious crystals
sparkle at each of our kisses.
A place where the laughter of children playing
brings us tears of joy and happiness.
A place where the strumming of the angels' harps
weaves soft tapestries on which we lay.
A place where the twinkling of the stars
are our loved ones only dancing about.
A place where we jouney never more.
Do you hear a faint ringing of the captain's bell?
Are we near the river's end?
My love..
Take my hand as we go down to the sea.


Our grand parents and even some of us have parents who actual experienced real LOVE. Ask them a question or two about it....

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