
Where is the outrage? This is not acceptable!

 I have to state for the record that this kind of behavior and attitude is not that surprising to to me,  please read  below. The fact that there are no counseling centers to help people deal with issues like being HIV positive is in it self a crime. When women/men find out they are HIV positive they are  sent out in to the streets to deal with it on their own. Very much like a soldier who suffering from the shock of being back in society after being on the battlefield for months if not years. Now go out and function in Society and deal with your screwed up life on your own and affect everyone you come in contact with. and infect those that you don't like.  This is crazy stuff. People we are our brothers and sisters keeper. If this woman is is not stopped we can have many people paying a costly price. Unsuspecting wives will get infected. Children can be born HIV positive. I can go on and on. This is not someone else problem this is societies problem. The domino affect can be a total disaster.

Every day, I know which post is going to get the most comments on my page. This one is about to cause a hailstorm.

Dear Zane,
I have a major problem that I'm sure others secretly face as well. I am a single parent of 3 great kids. I'm a Christian that is very active in my church. Basically, I fully know right from ...wrong. But about 3-4 years ago, I found out that I am HIV positive. Since finding out, maintaining real relationships has been a struggle. I haven't told anyone, not even family. The only person that knows is the one that gave it to me. He wants us to be together, but I can't
help but feel this underlying anger towards him. He always accused me of cheating, but, according to my doctor, he had to have been positive for a while. He's already on meds and I am not even close to being on any. All my counts are still great!

I write because I feel anger towards men in general, married men to be specific. They seem to be the ones that approach me all the time. When I'm out, men don't approach me. My self esteem is fine, but I wear glasses, have a space in my teeth and am slightly over weight
(size 14). It bothers me, so I stay in most of the time. Anyway, back to the married men...part of me feels bad for sleeping with them and not telling about my status, but truthfully, the other side of me feels like they shouldn't be cheating anyway. I know it's wrong. I need some advice on how to meet good single men, how do other people
handle dating with HIV, herpes and other related issues. I'm at my wits end and beginning to feel very lonely and isolated. Thanks in advance.


Dear Disgusted,

Meeting a good, single man might be difficult because you are blocking your blessings by sleeping with married men and neglecting to tell them that you are HIV-positive. I am not going to get upset with you because you realize that what you are doing is wrong. But I have to urge you to stop the madness immediately. Even if the married men have not respect for their wives, realize that they are probably mothers just like yourself, and they do not deserve to get infected with HIV any more than you deserved it. People handle being infected in different ways. You are going about it in totally the wrong way. You need to get some counseling or join a support group and learn to deal with the anger you are feeling. The man that gave it to you should not even be a factor. Your own kids should be a factor. Do you realize that if one of those other men come up infected that they may kill you? Literally? This is not a game and I am sorry about what happened to you but knowingly infecting others is not a solution. Once you learn to deal with, and accept, that you are a carrier; once you learn to appreciate the fact that you are still alive and have three wonderful kids; once you realize that being active in the church is about more than attending church service and volunteering to collect the offering once a month, you will be more prepared to embrace a good man into your life.

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· · · 22 hours ago

  • Lia Arndell likes this.

    • Carrol Burgundy-Benders She needs to be reported to the health department. I do not care if a married man approach you, you know your status, you should say NO!!! She is not only infecting those men, but their spouses, this then affacts an entire family. The men are also wrong for going searching, but she is a criminal for knowingly passing on a death sentence and not saying anything. Hope they catch up to her. Condoms people cover that mess up.
      20 hours ago · · 2

    • Mysti Rivers Wow, I understand the anger but that is indeed criminal activity.
      18 hours ago ·

    • Bernardo Daniel its malice, she is saying she hates the men that she has slept with, and want to punish them for being attracted to her and cheating their wives. If she wants a single man she needs to tell him up front. 'Hey I'm HIV positive' then let him decide if she is someone he wants in his life. Chances are she will not find too many guys jumping to the head of line to get with her. She needs some counseling on how to deal with her status.. This is like PTS. Women and men are not able to deal with the reality of being HIV positive. They feel if they don't tell the next person it will go away like the flue. This is not good, thanks Mysti for sharing this, you might just have saved a few lives.....
      17 hours ago ·

    • Mysti Rivers Bernardo Daniel, I didn't share this. It was posted by Jeunik Yeung Bell.
      17 hours ago ·

    • Bernardo Daniel My BAD., never the less a very good Post Jeunik Yeung Bell. An Eye opener for all of us. Let us all keep helping each other with these types notifications. The life saved, might your own or someone you care deeply about.
      16 hours ago ·

    • Solange Apon Some men need to keep it in their pants and some women need to keep their legs closed.
      15 hours ago via mobile ·

    • Cunning-Linguist Says So I aint read the entire thing i stopped where she asking advice on meeting another man and she's HIV Positive!! This is a Christian??? Yo fuck she dred.
      13 hours ago ·

    • Cunning-Linguist Says So I say burn her at the stake
      13 hours ago ·

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