
Stop pushing my buttons or I will pull the trigger!

We often find ourselves reacting or over reacting to what other do to us. what no one ever realize is that you can deal with it if you know how...... If you are exploding, it isn't because someone is pushed your button, its because you pulled your trigger.

Buttons are the danger signals that warn us of unresolved problems. They are part of our normal alarm system. like anger or adrenaline. they are the signals, that say, You have a problem. They are the guy out front who are shouting. Don't stuff it! Deal with it right away. They don't normally destroy your relationships, they point you in the direction of need so you can resolve the problems. Buttons aren't usually the bad guys Triggers are the killers.Your buttons are pushed and you reactive behavior pulls the trigger.Whooooooomm!  You blow up. 
Read this link:here is what to say and do!

Here is how you deal with... Act, don't over react.
Prior to a full-blown earthquake there are geological symptoms that act like buttons to warn that tension is escalating between the  earth's  massive plates of rock that float over fluid core. Something eventually has to give to ease the tensions, or the ground  the  shakes uncontrollably.
It must be acted on to be of value. Anger as an ally will do the following:
  • Alert you to a problem
  • energize you towards a goal
  • bolster your determination and perseverance
  • prod you to appreciate your own needs
  • keep you from feeling overwhelmed 
  • let you know that the problem is yours to handle
  • fortify your resolution
  • act as a thermostat for the other emotions. 
The challenge is for you to control your anger. by not doing the following:
  • using unfair tactics
  • trying to justify wrongs
  • making choices that affect you or those you care about without any input from you
  • twisting your words
  • not trying to change problem  behavior
  • not listening
  • avoiding compromise or negotiation
  • Feeling the end justifies the means. 
Read this link:
The next time you are upset with your partner
Try recognizing your hot wires,  the things that set you off and then expect your SUP (Screwed Up Person) to play those wires like a violin. Read this link to Avoid losing your temper
Just remember this last part " Love is what holds hearts together when minds disagree!"

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