
I'm thinking of a few ways to let Go of a grudge

As father's day approach I find myself reliving 21 years or more of being a father to my two sons, they are now grown (27) and (21). So its not like I'm missing out on them growing up ( I just miss my family thats all). But then I look at the pictures of them spending mother's day with their mother, my ex-wife, I feel cheated.... I'm live 1,300 miles away from my sons and miss them like every day. Facebook, emails and phone calls keep me close but not close enough. The other day my youngest was getting ready to watch a basketball game and he posted on Facebook that he was going to grab a Heineken and kickback and watch the game. I comment that he should get on a plane and come down to SXM and watch the game with his dear old Dad, he liked the idea but said in his way that flying for more than 2 hours to watch the game  with his DAD was not possible.. I now have to live with the fact  that I have moved too far  away, which prevents me from enjoying the simple things with my sons. Of course this was my choice, that I made after their mother and I got divorced. I got on a plane and flew the coop.... Never to feel anything but the breeze of freedom in in my face. But life is not always how you plan it. So now I have to get past the other thing. 

How To Get Rid Of A Grudge !

Grudges have a way of digging in and sticking like Velcro. It might feel good at first, but that soon sours. Grudges can not only make us feel emotionally bitter and resentful, but can also affect our physical health. Studies show this kind of seething anger increases heart rate, elevates blood pressure, and can make us flat-out depressed. The good news? There are ways to release a grudge. - The first step is to simply see you’re holding onto a grudge and then acknowledging it. From there, take the following steps:
- Don't forgive until you are really ready. You don’t want to be sweeping your feelings under a rug of hidden resentment.
- Ask for an apology. Although it’s not a good idea to focus on righting the wrong by getting an apology, it’s certainly okay to ask for one.
- Talk to someone. If you believe someone has done you wrong, discuss it with a trusted friend and get his/her point of view. A different perspective may open an avenue of forgiveness.
- Write down your thoughts. Think about what upsets you and how you feel about it. Writing can keep your perspective in focus.
- Don’t focus on righting the wrong -- or getting revenge. Although this is a common reaction of grudge-holders, it’s a destructive pattern. Instead, practice releasing your anger through positive thoughts and exercise, get some  therapy or deep breathing and meditation can also do the trick.
Keep in mind that letting go of a grudge does not mean you stuff your feelings away. It means changing how you think about the situation. You can't change what happened, but you can change your attitude and interpretation of events.
Remind yourself that you’re not perfect. How many times have you made a mistake?
Finally, letting go of a grudge does not mean you’re condoning a hurtful action, or excusing bad behavior, it means you’re moving on so that you can put emotional control back in your own hands…. 
Find the best time and the best ways to have quality time with your kids. 
Sometimes even listing to  a good song can help.
The following is  a song by John Legend that shows that a man can move on after he breaks up with someone. You wish her the best,(I guess) after you have gotten over the hurt. which is how you let go of a Grudge!(I guess)

Never let people or life’s challenges prevent you from moving forward with your own self-development and or future accomplishments. With each obstacle pause a moment, take a deep breath, stay true to yourself and embrace each challenge with open arms. You can’t control what is or what is not, you can’t control behavior of others whether good or bad, and you can’t control situations that are meant to happen. Focus on what you have control over and that’s your behavior and trying to make some sort of sense in each situation. Life is not perfect and neither are you. Life is about growth and learning from each experience you have been dealt.

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