
There are Ways to Make A Man Fall In Love With You

 Genuine and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, it’s a wonderful thing, to be utterly cherished in whatever form it takes. We all talk about love, and how we felt it at one point in time in our lives, but how exactly is love defined?

Love is about an expansion of the self whereby another person’s interests, values, social network, and finances become part of your life just as you share your resources with them. Love does not mean that you give up everything for another person. Rather, you possess sufficient trust to give them the keys to everything that you can access.

Getting that special someone’s attention can be difficult. You want to show him/her that you’re everything he’s ever wanted, but how? Actresses from romantic comedies have been doing it for ages, but translating that into the real world isn’t quite the same. There are some important things to remember when you’re looking to get a guy to fall in love with you. If you follow the right steps, you’re bound to succeed.

1. ALWAYS Be yourself

Clinical psychologist Merry Lin writes in her book ‘The Fully Lived Life’, “Faking your way through life is believing that if you let people know the real you, they won’t like you. The tapes that play in your head say that if people really knew what was going on inside you, they would lose respect for you. While you play those roles, juggling those masks you have to wear and hiding your pain … the pressure increases to keep pretending you have it all together. Therefore, none of this will work if you’re pretending to be someone you’re not! You want the guy to fall in love with you, not someone you’re pretending to be. So, ditch your Sandra Dee from the end of Grease persona and just be who you are.

2. Look your best

You don’t have to go on a diet and change your hair to look your best. All you have to do is maximize your best features and make sure that you look as good as possible. Your beauty is unique, and doesn’t need any changes.

3. Listen

Having good communication skills is about more than being able to communicate effectively. It’s also about being able to actively listen.

A writer and journalist says, “No matter how bad things are, give your partner a chance to speak. We tend to jump in with an opinion before we’ve heard each other out. Don’t scream, keep your cool: it makes a big difference. So often, things can be resolved by learning to listen.

We Men have a lot to say, and when you show that you can listen, we’ll be more inclined to say the things that matter.

4. Laughter

It’s proven that laughter is contagious. So, when you’re laughing, you’re setting off chemicals in a guy’s brain that feels good. It can be totally addictive. If you’re trying to attract a guy, then laughter is the best way to draw him in and keep him wanting more!


If it seems difficult then maybe it is because you might be overthinking it. Men can be difficult to understand, but we are really not. Men are simple so keep things simple  and you might get what you want from us.  

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 4. Laughter

LOVE is very different from LIKE.

To like is not to love. liking can get in the way.When we like someone it is to put our liking first and then make allowances that are not wise for fear of hurting a relationship.In a book that I read they defines love as "the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing ones own or another's spiritual growth'.Love is a deliberate choice and involves effort:an attitude of mind translated into action physical, mental or spiritual,, or a combination of any of the three.

This is  maybe interesting,to some of you,   about relocating multiple times. In my case I was born on an Island called Curacao, then I moved to N.Y.as a teenager, to Chicago Ill as young Computer Systems analyst professionals, then as a married man to Miami FL, now to St. Martin (SXM,) in the Caribbean as a single man after a divorce.
I have never returned to any place I once resided..to live again this is something people find strange about me. Folks will question me. If your life was so good in other places why not move back to one of them...hmm! My answer is always the same 'When I'm driving I often look in my rear view mirror to see if I missed something along the way, I might swing back to visit one day  but never to reside there again. It has nothing to do with it was a better life in one places, or the other, I have lived there before so why go backwards??' To relive it, I like new experiences. I HAVE MEMORIES that I can relive things in my mind. Now I want new memories... none to relive, all to become new memories. Let's face it which of us will still return and reside in the first home we ever lived in. I don't feel the need, since so much has changed in every place... to  drive home my point home if the people I loved or cared about still are not in the same places... it would make no sense to try and recreate those experiences if the people are no longer there. These thought floated through my head as I taking a walk down the hill from my home.  IN "SXM  is no longer such a friendly place". I take more than my share of walks, sometimes I  wear shorts with a knee brace. People would drive by me sometimes with speed as if to say you better get out of the way, guy Very seldom offering a lift. Those who offer a lift don't really know me, but some recognized me but choose to not offer a lift. A man that is a bit older than I who likes to walk also but his eyes are nolonger that good, so he moves slowly along the way, he relies on his other senses. He needs eye surgery but is a bit scared that he might go blind if the surgery is not successful. That is a lot to have to deal with. Have the surgery and restore your sight, or not have it and his sight worsening. I am thankful for so many things these days, my eyes are still very good  however my right knee isn't it gives me problems at times, the cutse of once being an athlete, I should have had surgery on it years ago, Now I wonder, and hope that it doesn't get worse. My therapist a few years ago recommended that I should walk often... I hope she knew what she was talking about. So I walk often as cars zip by me, driven by less than friendly drivers.
WELL, SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH MY GRANDSON, MIGHT CAUSE ME TO MAKE AN EXCEPTION! I hopefully I will take him on walks when he gets older. The part that is concerning is Looking at the hour glass  and question do I have that much time left? Only our Creator can answer that Question!

Why do these kind of women cause men such discomforts?


I love you  most for your compassionate nature,
but that has become  very seldom here of  late.

Some women cause a man's heart to skip a beat. And they can cause an irregular heart beat long-term, or heart burns periodically.


By all measures that feminists like to tout, Western women today have more rights, more freedom, more choices, and more privilege than any other time in human history. Considering how women are favored to be CEOs to meet “gender diversity” quotas, have much greater hiring preference over men in STEM field, are able to divorce and extort men using the state, and can ruin any man with false accusations, we can even say that women are now the new privileged class.

But in spite of it all, women today are actually less happy than their ancestors whom the feminists perceive as having been “oppressed,” and furthermore, many are becoming increasingly unstable, violent, and toxic as they poison themselves with the toxic ideology that is feminism.

The following points will show how feminism actually damages today’s women rather than help them.

1. They hold onto so much anger and hate!

Women infected by feminism hold so much anger that it is etched onto their faces. In fact, spewing hatred for men seems to be the only thing that makes them feel good about their own very often empty lives. It’s no wonder they like to come to some  websites and social media to spew some of the most hideous insults, violent threats, and rampant sexist verbal abuse for merely having different opinions.

2. They blame men for almost all of their problems

Women are strong and independent according to feminists. But that’s until when it’s time to blame men for all their personal and social problems. Since they feel entitled to have men behave the way they want us to and cater to all their needs, it’s natural that the “misogynists” should be scapegoated if anything goes wrong in  their own lives. Feminism, not so ironically, seems to erase women’s sense of internal locus of control.

3. They don’t respect themselves enough.

Modern women barely even respect themselves. They are careless with their life choices, indulge in destructive hedonism of alcohol and sex, go out of their way to purposely destroy their looks, and so on. Yet, they expect men to offer them unconditional respect just because they’re born women. You don’t deserve respect because you’re a loud-mouthed feminist, you have to earn it like everyone else.

4. They embrace being disgusting

Feminism teaches women that femininity is sexist and oppressive, so it’s no surprise that many young women today are purposely making themselves look ugly and behave in a disgusting manner just to shock and offend people to get a reaction. It seems that even though they want to avoid whatever misogynistic standards that they perceive as being forced on them, they still can’t help but to engage in the female hobby of attention-whoring.

5. They try too hard to act like men

Women today are confused as they are pressured to go against their feminine nature to behave as men do. Instead of embracing the gift of their feminine qualities and their roles as wives and mothers, women today are trying too hard to usurp the male roles in the name of equality. Of course, this play-acting can only lead to inner suffering as their deviancy corrodes their emotional health.

6. They love outrage reading

Feminists are vain and insecure as well as loving drama. This is why they must constantly engage in outrage reading to entertain themselves. The more they read “misogynistic” stories and articles, the more vindicated they feel about their own miserable lives. They need a scapegoat to dump their emotional baggage on after being swindled by the lies of feminism.

7. They live a life of contradictions

Women are strong and capable, but they are perpetual victims who needs government protection. Women want to be beautiful and garner attention, but they want to avoid being “objectified.” They preach about equality for women, but they still want all the privileges that come with being a women. These are just few of many contradictions that women must juggle with as ideology battles biology for dominance in their fickle minds. It’s no wonder they’re so crazy.

Modern women barely even respect themselves. They are careless with their life choices, indulge in destructive hedonism of alcohol and sex, go out of their way to purposely destroy their looks, and so on. Yet, they expect men to offer them unconditional respect just because they’re born women. You don’t deserve respect because you’re a loud-mouthed feminist, you have to earn it like everyone else.

Women today are confused as they are pressured to go against their feminine nature to behave as men do. Instead of embracing the gift of their feminine qualities and their roles as wives and mothers, women today are trying too hard to usurp the male roles in the name of equality. Of course, this play-acting can only lead to inner suffering as their deviancy corrodes their emotional health.

Final Thoughts.

They don’t have any outstanding  standards

In a feminist world, all women are “beautiful” no matter what. So it begs the question: is there actually such a thing as an ugly woman or is calling every single woman “beautiful” a way of living in a pretend world to preserve their egos? If a person told me that a hangover vomit was just as delicious as a cheese cake and that I shouldn’t be so judgmental, I would declare that person severely ill in the head. But this is exactly how thousands of feminism-infected women go about with their lives, describing fat, short-haired, tattooed girls who look deranged as “beautiful.”


Ever since you were young, you’ve probably dreamed of finding true love. Even the people who don’t believe in true love have probably had a few moments of yearning. But just because one of humanity’s biggest desires is to find love doesn’t mean people know how to identify it. There are so many layers to love and things that can potentially go wrong that many people don’t want to go near relationships with a ten-foot pole.

But if you ever find someone who completes you, don’t let that opportunity slip away. And for that, you need to learn how to identify it. If you are one of the people who are afraid of love, you will be missing out on experiences that can fundamentally change your life. Being too sheltered means you won’t put yourself out there, which means you won’t have the chance to meet your soulmate. And it would be a waste to go through life without creating a deep, meaningful connection.

But, say you have someone, and you’ve been in a relationship with them for a while. Even then, many people struggle to understand how deep and meaningful that connection is. You can love many people throughout your life, but how can you ensure you’re with the right one? Well, many people wait to feel a spark or to get a sign that they are the one. Sure, these are signs you should look out for. But there are also some signs of true love that most people don’t realize.

1.    You Feel Comfortable When You Find True Love

One thing that’s kind of a misconception about a relationship is that they should always be fun and exciting. And that’s important when you are building a connection. Plus, it will keep things interesting down the line. No one wants to be in a relationship that bores them out of their mind. But, while excitement is essential, you can have a fun relationship that doesn’t have a future.

So, this attribute doesn’t necessarily signal that what you have is true love. But the thing that is truly important in any long-term relationship is being comfortable. True love means that the two of you can have just as much fun while doing mundane activities as you would if you were on a overseas holiday. Whether bungee jumping or cleaning the house, you should feel content and at ease. But people often take this for granted.

They start to get comfortable but then panic and believe it’s a bad sign. Being comfortable is synonymous with getting lazy. Sure, if you are in a relationship where you never do anything fun or romantic anymore, that’s not a good sign. But if you feel nice and at ease and are content with just being with your partner, that could be a sign of true love.

2.    You Often Want to Be Near Them

This might not seem like a hidden sign of true love, but most people don’t realize its importance. Sure, when you get into a relationship, there will be that thrill caused by the newness. That makes you want to always hang out with your partner. But wanting to be near them has a more nuanced meaning. It’s not just the desire to hang out with them and go on dates.

It’s necessary to be near them, even in a room full of people. When you feel like you always want them by your side or at least with in your sight that signifies a truly loving relationship. Imagine that you’re having a usual day. You went to work, and now some friends are inviting you out. But you’d rather be at home with your partner. Or maybe you want to go out, but you want your partner to come too.

If that’s what you feel and your first instinct isn’t to just go out without your partner, that’s a sign. True love is when your partner is the one you call when you have good news, when something bad happened to you or when you just want to talk. If they are always on your mind and whose presence makes everything better, they’re probably the ones.

3.    You Tolerate All Their Little Quirks When You Find True Love

All people have little imperfections that make them unique and set them apart. But they are also the things that can make it hard for others to stand them. For example, being loud can seem endearing to someone you know but completely drive a stranger out of their mind. Your friends and family are most often the ones who accept your quirks. But they will also tell you to keep your mouth closed while you chew.

But when it comes to romantic partners, these quirks can be a deal breaker. But when you find someone who truly loves you, they will fall in love with almost everything that makes you who you are. If you’ve ever talked with someone who experienced true love, they’ve probably told you stories about these little imperfections. Maybe they were stories about how their partner always left their chocolate wrappers around. And, while that might annoy the living daylights out of most people, they found it endearing.

Those wrappers showed how much they loved chocolate and how happy it made them. And there’s a reason stories like these are always what people choose to share with others. Because when you love someone, these things warm your heart. If you experience something in your relationship, you should hold on to it. You and your partner have a special connection and share real love.

4.    You Want to See Them Succeed

You’ll want to see the other person doing well in a casual relationship. But you won’t be invested in their career or success because you probably don’t care enough to be actively involved. There’s nothing bad about that. Some relationships are not meant to go the distance. And they’re not all going to be with the person you are destined to be with. So you shouldn’t beat yourself down if you aren’t actively helping your partner to reach their dreams.

It doesn’t make you a bad person as long as you’re not actively trying to make things worse for them. But things are a little different when it comes to being in love. When you find your true love, you will want to see them succeed in everything they do. When you are with the person you are destined to be with; you will do anything to see them happy. And you will make sacrifices to see them achieve their dreams.

But, in a healthy, loving relationship, that isn’t one-sided. Your partner will want to see you succeed as well. And, if they are the ones who have to sacrifice something to do that, they will do it. The relationship will be very understanding, with support and love coming from both sides. You will grow together, and the connection will be strong enough to allow you to focus on your dreams and each other.

5.    You Are Vulnerable Around Them When It’s True Love

Most people find it hard to face their emotions and open up around others. Even around friends and family, it can be hard to be completely honest. In most romantic relationships, you might be inclined to keep things light and breezy instead of committing and being vulnerable around someone.

But, when you find the one you are supposed to be with, you will want to open up. It will come naturally instead of having to force it and feeling uncomfortable when talking about yourself. Being vulnerable is necessary to create a strong connection. But you won’t have to force anything when you truly love someone. There won’t be any doubts or overthinking.

Most importantly, you won’t feel scared or ashamed to tell the other person everything about you. This shows that you aren’t afraid of being judged. If your partner opens up and you can have deep, meaningful conversations, that’s a great sign. If you aren’t already head over heels, you will be soon. So, you need to hold on to that connection.

6.    You Envision a Future Relationship Together

When you are in a serious romantic relationship, you’re expected to have some idea of what your future together will look like. But you’d be surprised to hear that it doesn’t happen that often. Many couples don’t take things that seriously and never make plans. These discussions about the future can sometimes even feel like a chore or something that will ruin the fun.

When there is true love between two people, you won’t want to shy away from such discussions. Quite the opposite, you’ll want to make plans. If your mind starts to wander and you think about where you and your partner will be in a few years, that’s love. You’ll probably have a dream house you want to buy together. You’ll know what pet you wish to have.

Not to mention that you’ll have probably committed to sharing your lives together in a more serious sense already. If you have already moved in together or are planning to sacrifice to accommodate the others, that means something. So, there shouldn’t be any doubts left that you two share true love.

Final Thoughts on Signs of True Love Most People Don’t Realize

True love is something anyone would be lucky to experience at some point. Not anyone has the opportunity to share something that is meaningful with someone. And one of the worst things that can happen is missing out on love because you didn’t read the signs well. If you have that kind of connection, don’t let doubts ruin it.

Being truly in love goes beyond looks and physical attraction. It’s about wanting to be near someone and getting to know all about them. It’s about being comfortable, wanting your partner to succeed, and making sacrifices to see them happy. You’ll adore all their quirks and feel safe opening up when you’re in love. Lastly, you’ll plan for the future and work towards achieving 

Her side eye look should be a warning indicating uncertainty!

The beauty of a woman!

Is not just in her body or the clothes she wears, or even her smile  it is  her heart, attitude and mind. Yes all 3.
 A MAN IS BORN THOUGH a woman, and  raised by a woman and he is loved and subsequently he falls in love with a woman, he marries a woman, I am totally surprised by the men who do not respect women given all that women have done for us men.