
This is  maybe interesting,to some of you,   about relocating multiple times. In my case I was born on an Island called Curacao, then I moved to N.Y.as a teenager, to Chicago Ill as young Computer Systems analyst professionals, then as a married man to Miami FL, now to St. Martin (SXM,) in the Caribbean as a single man after a divorce.
I have never returned to any place I once resided..to live again this is something people find strange about me. Folks will question me. If your life was so good in other places why not move back to one of them...hmm! My answer is always the same 'When I'm driving I often look in my rear view mirror to see if I missed something along the way, I might swing back to visit one day  but never to reside there again. It has nothing to do with it was a better life in one places, or the other, I have lived there before so why go backwards??' To relive it, I like new experiences. I HAVE MEMORIES that I can relive things in my mind. Now I want new memories... none to relive, all to become new memories. Let's face it which of us will still return and reside in the first home we ever lived in. I don't feel the need, since so much has changed in every place... to  drive home my point home if the people I loved or cared about still are not in the same places... it would make no sense to try and recreate those experiences if the people are no longer there. These thought floated through my head as I taking a walk down the hill from my home.  IN "SXM  is no longer such a friendly place". I take more than my share of walks, sometimes I  wear shorts with a knee brace. People would drive by me sometimes with speed as if to say you better get out of the way, guy Very seldom offering a lift. Those who offer a lift don't really know me, but some recognized me but choose to not offer a lift. A man that is a bit older than I who likes to walk also but his eyes are nolonger that good, so he moves slowly along the way, he relies on his other senses. He needs eye surgery but is a bit scared that he might go blind if the surgery is not successful. That is a lot to have to deal with. Have the surgery and restore your sight, or not have it and his sight worsening. I am thankful for so many things these days, my eyes are still very good  however my right knee isn't it gives me problems at times, the cutse of once being an athlete, I should have had surgery on it years ago, Now I wonder, and hope that it doesn't get worse. My therapist a few years ago recommended that I should walk often... I hope she knew what she was talking about. So I walk often as cars zip by me, driven by less than friendly drivers.
WELL, SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH MY GRANDSON, MIGHT CAUSE ME TO MAKE AN EXCEPTION! I hopefully I will take him on walks when he gets older. The part that is concerning is Looking at the hour glass  and question do I have that much time left? Only our Creator can answer that Question!

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