
if you don't know what to say when you end a relationship

When someone breaks up with you or you breakup with them, you’ll experience many emotions. You might feel sad, angry, confused, and overwhelmed as you react to the breakup.

Relationships take hard work and effort, and breaking up can make you feel like it was a waste. Their decision might make you feel conflicted, still loving the person but being incredibly angry and hurt, too. You might want to lash out and hurt the other person, but staying positive will make you feel better.

If you don’t know what to say, these phrases can help when someone breaks up with you. They can help you get the answers you need, say anything you want to get out, and begin moving on.

“I’m glad  to have learned and grown in our relationship together.”

– “I hope you find all the happiness and love you need in future relationships.”

Wishing happiness to the other person when they end a relationship can help you stay on good terms. This phrase is helpful if you want your ex to remain your friend or cordial acquaintance. It also prevents you from saying hurtful things that you’ll regret later.

Caring about someone involves wanting them to be happy, even if it isn’t with you. We both deserve to live the life of our dreams, even if it caused pain in this experience

Final thoughts.

Its not completely over between the two of you, if you have offsprings together. You  have to talk from time to time regarding the raising of your kids. In other words if when you split it should not end with hateful words and actions.

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