
women aren't instantly impressed like men are with looks.

Women often complain that chivalry is dead and that no true gentlemen are left in the world. But, chivalry is a concept from the medieval period that dictated the behavior between two warriors.

The code of chivalry only relates to women in that women were a man’s property (either daughter or wife) and what a warrior needed to do so as not to offend his host or liege lord by not taking liberties with the women of the house.

The idea of the gentleman grew out of the aristocracy and the chivalric code when firearms made the knight obsolete. With their purpose (waging war) taken away from them, the aristocracy had to justify their existence and maintain their warlike demeanor even though they were rarely called upon to fight. Out of this grew the idea of personal honor and the willingness to fight at the drop of a hat for any offense, real or perceived. Throw women into the mix, and men fought, killed, or died to protect a woman’s honor.

Remember that this time period had very little law and order, and women in particular had very few rights as they were still seen as property. During this time, minstrels were touring Europe and singing ballads about the deeds of chivalrous knights and their romances with (often unavailable) women.

These stories were very different from the actual state of things and were essentially romance novels, songs, and poems of the period.

What does this history have to do with the modern world? Those same warped ideas about chivalry have been passed down through the generations through stories, books, plays, movies, and television. The intersection between this romantic fantasy and the modern world where men and women are equal leads to the ten reasons why most women don’t find a true gentleman.


The tale of ‘Prince Charming’

Women were/are raised to expect a prince charming to sweep them off their feet and carry them into a magical land where they are rich and royal and live happily ever after. As fantasies go, it isn’t bad but completely unrealistic on almost every level. This is beyond the means of 99.99% of men on the planet, yet movies, TV shows and books sell this plot line to women relentlessly.


Because it sells. It is a fantasy that women want and when reality doesn’t come close to meeting this fantasy, some women become embittered. Especially when women fall for narcissistic manipulators pretending to be Prince Charming who use those women and cast them aside.

The idea that women need rescuing

Men, on the other hand, are expected to rush to a woman’s aid at the drop of a hat only to be shuffled off into the friend zone. Sometimes a man goes out of his way to help a woman, only to be told, “I don’t need your help, I can do it myself.”

Women have been told for the last fifty years that they are equals and can do anything a man can do. If you want knights back, then you ladies have to encourage it. Men know that women are their equals already

The pay-to-Play fallacy

Gentleman should always pay for the date except for when a woman is specifically taking the man out, and that is established before the date commences. But, it is generally understood that the man will pay for everything when on the date, no questions asked. Dinner? Sure. Dancing after? Absolutely. Movie? No problem. After years on the dating scene, gentleman will be able to tell the difference between women who are sincerely interested in a relationship, and those who are using men to subsidize their lifestyles(there are a lot of them these days).

With the proliferation of dating apps, a woman in a reasonably sized city could get a date every night of the week. That is hundreds of dollars a week in free meals and entertainment. A gentleman isn’t stupid. So, these women are left with those men who are just as shallow, materialistic and selfish as they are and complain that chivalry is dead. It isn’t dead. A gentleman isn’t going to be your next sucker either. If you want a nice gentleman, you must be a lady in return. Be sincere, gracious and honest with yourself about why you are on that date.

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