
It's kindness that women seem to want as the most attractive quality in a man?

Ladies please note that I'm more than just a good looking guy.

Many people might assume that women are superficial and want a handsome man by their side. But, while physical attraction is essential in many relationships, looks aren’t what women value most. If a man has stunning dark deep brown eyes but is a piece of work a bit selfish, his eyes won’t score him many brownie points with her. Instead, a man’s personality attracts a woman more than looks ever could.Plus, you don’t marry or commit to someone’s looks. Beauty fades in time, but people stay together because they love who the other is inside, not just his esthetic. This is why it’s not just attractive to be a good person, but it’s essential to search for someone who complements you. For example, women have always loved when a man is kind and intelligent. But this isn’t such an obvious thing anymore.

Most men don’t even present themselves as friendly because society has invented a narrative that women don’t like nice guys. And so, most men believe that women only go for bad guys who are tall, dark, and handsome. This isn’t just a false perception; it also affects how people interact. Most guys are afraid to approach what they deem to be a beautiful woman if they don’t fit the obnoxiously unrealistic beauty male standard.

Worse, some girls have also been manipulated by this perception and now believe they want the stereotypical handsome guy. Some girls even go as far as to turn down guys shorter than six feet. But this is usually the case for a minority of women, most of which are young and impressionable. But women who know what they want won’t get hung up on the physical aspect. What they value most is personality
A Man Has to be a gentleman  before I will consider him!

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