
Emotional Wounds Daughters Will Unloving Mothers Carry Into Adulthood

My mom can really become scary sometimes!

 In a perfect world of parenting, mothers are the eternal nurturers who will sacrifice all for their children’s safety and well-being. Perhaps those are the fond memories you have of your mother. Or maybe you bear the emotional wounds of a toxic mother-daughter relationship.

Although our world is far from perfect.... the prevailing myth of ideal motherhood remains. Decades of family-oriented television shows have done much to promote the misconception. Everyone wants that loving, demure TV mom who always keeps her cool, knows all the answers, and dresses in her finest clothes and jewelry while cleaning the house.

Most mothers may be fallible in our society, but they still try their best to be good wives and parents. For single mothers, parenting is often double duty, yet many do the job well. Even in the best mother-daughter relationships, differences of opinion and strained moments are commonplace.

If you’re a male reading this, these scars, of course, may apply to you as well.

As a baby and into childhood, girls see themselves in their mothers’ faces, and they bond with them. When mothers are compassionate and attentive, it assures their daughters that they are loved. This bond of love provides the foundation of the girls’ self-esteem and confidence in other relationships.

12 Emotional Wounds Daughters With Unloving Mothers Carry Into Adulthood

12 Emotional Wounds Daughters With Unloving Mothers Carry Into 

In a perfect world of parenting, mothers are the eternal nurturers who will sacrifice all for their children’s safety and well-being. Perhaps those are the fond memories you have of your mother. Or maybe you bear the emotional wounds of a toxic mother-daughter relationship.

Although our world is far from perfect, the prevailing myth of ideal motherhood remains. Decades of family-oriented television shows have done much to promote the misconception. Everyone wants that loving, demure TV mom who always keeps her cool, knows all the answers, and dresses in her finest clothes and jewelry while cleaning the house.

Most mothers may be fallible in our society, but they still try their best to be good wives and parents. For single mothers, parenting is often double duty, yet many do the job well. Even in the best mother-daughter relationships, differences of opinion and strained moments are commonplace.

If you’re a male reading this, these scars, of course, may 

As a baby and into childhood, girls see themselves in their mothers’ faces, and they bond with them. When mothers are compassionate and attentive, it assures their daughters that they are loved. This bond of love provides the foundation of the girls’ self-esteem and confidence What happens to daughters who needed a “Mrs. Cleaver” mother and got “Mommy Dearest” instead? The emotional wounds run deep when girls have a distant, critical, cold, and cruel mom. It creates a skewed sense of herself and the world around 

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