
Flying is one of the most mind clearing experiences.

Unfortunately, the world is full of screwed-up people. But the good news  is that your world no longer has to revolve around them. With a little  insights and a keen sense of humor, you can take back the power from the difficult people in your life. 
Start by responding  productively when confronted,remain poised and in control when everyone around you loses it, win fairly in unfair battles, let go of the past and live triumphantly now 

You can alter your own unique situation and gain the confidence to live successfully with screwed-up people.You can stop being the victim of others and start loving life in spite of them.

I just experience what I guess my cousin, a commercial pilot, has know for years flying clears you head. But when you land you have to deal with the same things you took a brief break from. 

I'm working on a little self improvement lately so I decide to read the is book which I bought a few years ago, but found it easier to read by downloading it to  my Kindle PC App. "Living successfully with screwed-up People."
I have a need to Find Freedom and Peace in Difficult Relationships, because that is all I seem to find myself getting into currently.
I found this  book to be source of  incredible insightful  methods into resolving difficult relationships. Easy to read. Witty. Practical. Easily to understand principles that are explained like keys that unlock steps to resolve impasses. Practical. I've tried many of the concepts in my mind  and they worked before but I never knew how to continue because I didn't have a blue print before now! 

It is like a breath of fresh air in the myriad of "self-help" books. Elizabeth B. Brown sensitively handles everyday frustrations in a way that is uplifting without being too heavy to read or remember. She provides down-to-earth, practical tactics to arm anyone in an emotionally-charged situation. A good start to changing yourself.
As I moved toward the end, the book and advice got stronger and better. The conclusion brings me to rate this book a 9 out of 10. The reason for the nine was primarily due to the title and expectations. I like to share things with friends, and I was fearful that they might think I bought the book with them in mind. Strong advice, not preachy, and not I'm OK but your not, and well worth the  price. If you have difficult people in your life, buy this book.
This book takes you into the mind of the SUP (screwed-up persons) we deal with on a day-to-day basis. It tells you why these people are screwed up and how you can successfully survive without kicking them out of your life. I like it because it taught me that once I changed my perception of the screwed-up persons and accepted them for who they are I would be much happier. Rather than accepting just for the sake of doing so, this book is helping  me understand WHY I needed to, which made the task much easier to accomplish. It's like a light bulb went off in my head and if I had this information along time ago I would have been better off but it's never too late to learn. Reading this book was like getting tough love from a friend that cut no corners in the advice arena. You have to read it for yourself if you are having trouble with your own SUP. 
If I was unsure as to whether I was a bit Screwed-up myself I'm now sure that I am, I can work on the various areas that I can fix.  Since I'm in what I call Down-time I can do it because I don't have to hurry before I blow another relationship because I just can't solve simple problems with out blowing a fuse. 
I told my cousin he has life the way I wish had it,a day escape from the crazy stuff.
He LOL and said, "you can believe that if you want to." 

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