Do you know how many Universal Laws there are? Allow me to list 4 there are
18 as far as I know.
Universal Law #1: The Law of one or oneness!
Everything is connected, we are all one. I'm sure you've heard of atoms and molecules before. You can't see them, but you
know everything is made of them. It's the same type of concept; everthying is
energy coming from the same source. Since we are all one, each individual thing
having an effect on all of the other things in your existence is a lot easier
than you think of oneness. It's like a chain reaction. Love is just like
everything else, it can be attracted and it can be's energy.
Let's take a female,
let's call her Nicole for example. She's a very successful woman on the outside, but on the
inside she feels very lonely and really wants a relationship in her life. she's
had a few long-term(short in duration) relationships come and go over the years; she's even been married
once before. But the lack of love in her life has been an issue for a while,
even when she was in past relationships. Love is something that she's always
felt she was lacking from her partners. Now she's afraid that
she'll never exerpeince the love she's looking for in a future relationship,
either. The problem is Nicole views love as something separate from herself.
When you separate love from who you are and view it as a separate entity,
more often than not, you will repel it.
Universal Law #2: the Law of vibration!
Everything in the Universe vribrates, or offers a vibration.
Imagine for a minute that you're a gaint human magnet. The strength of
your magnet depends upon each individual person. Your magnet can be very
powerful, or it can be very weak. what dictates the strength of your magnet?
Example: Your mood! your friendliness... etc.
Your mood. As a person ( who was energetically created) imagine you're
always vibrating somewhere on a scale between one and ten. When you're sad, upset, depressed,
or worred, energetically this means you're vibrating very low on the scale,
somewhere around an one, two, or a three at best. when you're very happy,
laughing, and truly enjoying yourself you are vibrating very high, around a
seven, eight, or a nine, with ten being the highest you can go. the higher your
vibration, the more powerful your magnet becomes. The more powerful your magnet, the quicker
you draw things and people into your life. This is something that can become a problem if you are attracting to many members of the opposite sex.
Tip #1
For those who are looking for Love
If you looking for Love you need to be in a good mood.... I'm not saying
you need to vibrate at a 10. But above six works better than below it. Think about
it, you can't attract love if you are repellling happiness. and are in an almost
angry mindset, most of the time.
Tip #2
For those Who are in a relationship
You will vibrate high and low from time to time. How your partner reacts is
as important to your staying together as it was when you first got together. Your
partners vibation low needs you to bring a higher than 6 vibration to lift that
person up so that you will find ways to resolve the tough issues.
You attract into your life what you are offering vibrationally.
The law of attraction dictates that you will attract"into your life whatever you are offering "vibrationally."
All things vibrate and everything offers a vibration, which is directly tied to the Law of attraction.

It's not to be used as "the key component" to visualize what you're wishing to attract, and 'poof'' it appears! Visualizing is not your magic lamp.
Most people don't properly understand this law. What people think it means is you will attract into your life what it is that you think about or concentrate the hardest on (magic lamp theory). This is where many people get confused.
When you're working with Universal Laws, you'r working with Universal Energy. As spiritual beings we're very powerful enrgetically, and this Engery is attached to our spiritual bodies. Energy manifest itself into forming our reality by how we are feeling to very depths of our soul.
I will skip a few laws and go to the following.
Universal Law #13:The Law of Polarity
Everything has an opposite, a yin and Yang. Complimentary opposites are
part of a greater whole.
This law dictates that there's on opposite to all things, complementary oppsites to a greater whole.
This is what helps to maintain universal balance.

example: Two people dancing to the same beat. One is moving forward while the other is moving backwards. or you are both going side to side the guy is going right and the lady has to go to her left.
I hope these 4 Universal Laws give you a perspective of what maybe happening and why they are in your Universe.
I might make this a series and group other Laws and write about them. Stay tuned in the weeks ahead.
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