
The Alpha male and others versas the Alpha female.

The female these days has choices between 2 types of Alphas and 2 types of Beta men!
She just need to point her arrow and hit the target of her choice!

Men can always find a Beta and Omega female so I'm not going to  cover them in this post, if you are looking  for a Beta female just look around an Alpha female because they are hanging with her if they are in a group.
Omega females are wall flowers.... I will leave it at that.

The alpha plus+ ,male- these are the highest ranking type of male. Men who fall under this category have had multiple partners both long term and short term. Most think that men like these  are incapable of maintaining a long relationship. this is not true. these guys are very much in control of their lives, they don't let women or anyone for that matter dominate then because they are the ones in charge.

The Alpha Minus-, these are second highest types of men. They usually attractive and although they look like Alpha plus men, but many of them lack the intelligence, because of this lack of intelligence these Alpha minuses rely on charisma and other personality traits to get ahead of the group. Due to their high male social ranking status, many of them are often distracted by the amount of beautiful women that are easily available to them and this is what separates them from the Alpha pluses. Alpha minuses are usually jocks, athletes and some are musicians. Bare in mind that they are  very much alphas despite they are  being  ranked slight lower that the Alpha pluses.

The  Alpha Male body language says it all. He is strong but strong doesn't mean a lot of muscles. it means a male who gets around in the World on his own power and gets what he wants thought confidence, courage, intellect and high determination. He moves slowly and deliberately with no wasted motions. he stands proudly erect, relaxed--- but alert- in all situations. they are generous, outgoing and cheerful with everyone, for they seldom worry about petty stuff.

The Beta Plus +, this group may have the potential to become alpha pluses or Alpha minuses, unfortunately, they lack the drive, willpower or direction. they are intelligent but they are socially inept.

The Beta Minus- Aside from the constant need for approval from others to feel important, they reflect the negative traits of the Beta plus. They usually have a distorted view of the World they enjoy reveling in victim-hood while constantly complaining and blaming others for their failures and gross short comings. they dwell on self pity as self improvement is a term that is alien to these guys.

Nowadays men have easier access to sex partners because Beta Females are more likely to give up sex easily. women are still the gatekeepers of sex therefore it is and has always been up to women as to who gets laid and who does not.

The Alpha Female, an alpha female is a dominant female in a group. she dates who she wants as she wants, is strong and confident and a are hard workers are usually very busy. because they go-getters and are playful at times. Alpha females are intelligent, intellectual  problem solvers, being a alpha female is often  terribly misunderstood. because they see their Alpha status as state of mind more than a physicality.  Alpha females are confusing to Beta men, as evident by the fact when they can't get her attention the y call her a "Bitch." 
or maybe she might be and A-sexual female you should know one if see one  click on the following.  

Many have not heard about Asexuals!

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