
I have your back, what does it really mean?

Take a look at how US special forces enter a building.


 If there is danger in the building they face the opposite directions (their backs are back to back) and they cover each other’s backs  by making sure no one can come up behind them from either side. They trust the other partners to fend off any attackers.
Contrary to the US special forces, couple turn their back when they are angry at each other. 
 Couples do that when they are so angry that the can't even look at each other. When they are happy they face each other with not problem. when one is angry and the other is groveling, it is obvious who is begging for forgiveness!

As gender  rolls have changed and females have more power. Men these days see woman as equals who does not need to be  catered to, our taken care of. This is the 21st century, the new normal is  who does that stuff anymore.' I'm here to tell you the guy who picked wisely and is willing to do some catering and doing the things that she likes is way happier than the guy who say she makes enough money  and is independent  so let her take care of herself. Now don't get me wrong if you are in relationship with a woman who is playing you then a man had a valid reason to  think : "hell no".  I remember a female telling me that women she knows go to her beauty shop. and would  call one dude on the phone  and tell him he needs to pay for her to get her hair done, then  she calls another dude and tells him she needs to pay for  her nails and toes. Now she is playing both of these guys for a fools. But she might get mad if one of her guys  spends money for groceries for his kids, that  he shares with an ex-wife or a baby-mama, because it is all about her.
So  guys be a  mind-full. She might just love you for being different than the rest. So teach her a little something, something about how a  real gentleman acts when he loves his lady. We were never given a handbook/playbook  to follow, so follow your best instincts. I for one can not explain what love is. You just have to feel it, and figure it out for yourself.  
If you have ideas that he/she is different it is in your best interest to treat the person with the consideration of not being typical. But then again if the people you choose has always been a typical "Mitch" or one with a "B" then you need to evaluate what it is you are doing that attracts these types.
Let's just say "opposite attracts," but "similar  values are priceless."
You can overcome great obstacles if your values are the same.  Are you confused yet?
OK, here is what may go wrong with the above scenario; if a man becomes too much of a caterer to his woman, he start having semi-respectful sex with her... which may lead to him having fantasies and wanting to be with  other women he does not have to have respectful sex with. And his woman may think: "why doesn't he grab me with more macho demands when  we are getting physical." woman may object to being handled too roughly, but too tenderly may become a turnoff also.... if it becomes  too  routinely mundane you are  skating on thin  ice. 
 Spontaneous combustion is not always gentle, she may need her man to have a nudge that will  get his attention and lead to passion and sparks. So be careful guys and gals too much mutual respect and too much equality  or catering to the other sex... may lead to dull not exciting relationships. Stella didn't get her groove on with a sweet  gentle gentleman that she met at a business convention, she wanted a rough rider, she wanted to find a beach boy to rock her world, so she went on a vacation to find what she needed..... in Jamaica.  A Fella never goes out and buy a two seater convertible car because he want his wife to put her hair down and put on that red dress.. he want to impress a new fine (maybe a Latina) lady he is planning to have a relationship with of non-stop sex. Therefore  He makes another investment in a mistress who will do the things be has been dreaming about for years. The dream is always better than reality, the price you pay for your dreams can be more than you can afford. the preverbal "grass is greener" can lead to trouble of another kind.
Folks Just Strike a balance in your relationships and figure out what is just right for you, and then change it, just a little bit, to see if you have been missing out on something, you both secretly have been wanting from each other.  That's right I read what women think is the perfect Husband. just in case I have another change at becoming a husband for long stretch.





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