
Trust is a two way street.

You can't just assume that a man will always be there to catch you. Even though a man "promises" to do what he can to protect a woman and he may have all the best intentions, in the beginning,  from time to time he will be late, in arriving to aid you. Women have one thought “he promised to be there” but they fail to understand that everything has a time-line. Yes, the man made the promise but he was standing next to you when he made that  promise, and as time passes men may not be at a woman's side or directly  behind her. Even if he's standing in front of her, he may not be quick enough (slower to react when you are testing him)  to catch you from falling.

When you declared yourselves “A Strong Independent Women” a man takes a hands off your daily needs approach. As you show him you can handle you problems and your successes he move a little to the left, Since you now you  have that idea that you are always “right.”  Men are not always willing to accept your new found independence, we may be modern minded enough to give you your space. So you can't lean back and expect the man to be standing directly behind you. You have to give him a heads up, first. Hey dude, are you directly behind me because I 'm leaning backwards” is what we need to hear, after all men are not good at reading a woman's mind.

 Think about what you are asking him to do....

first you say: " I can handle my business!"
then you say: “but I want you to back me up”,
then you say: “ My business is my business”
followed by stating: “I'm an independent strong self motivating female”,
then you declare you are a “feminist.”


these are signals that you have your own back covered..... to a man. So dialing back to  when you  both made the vows to honor, protect, and have each others back... somewhere during that time-line you decided that you didn't need him for most of what you are doing everyday.

He can anticipate your falling, but then, you might accusing him of  “wishing for you to fail” because if he had faith in your abilities he would not be standing so close when you start leaning like the tower of Pizza. Balancing on your high heels requires that you can pivot and regain your balance. This is hard to do. Because gravity is pulling as your swollen head had gotten heavier due to the road your have traveled, success after successful event. You are on a roll. Things have been going well, but things have a way of changing, the stock market may be up but sell-offs will be coming  soon as all markets correct sooner or later.  So ladies do what you always accuse men of not doing “communicate better” Don't Ass-U-me we men will be standing waiting for you to fall. Because we might be working on our own successful ventures.

After all as you are successful you don't want to be with a loser  hanging on waiting for you to bring home the bacon. You see men played the that roll of bringing home the bacon for many years.... we recognize what success looks like.... our egos make us become more driven to keep up with your success of even surpass your success. This is what you really want, because in the end what is your success will always be yours and what is the man's is also yours.

Heads-up equal partnerships in a relationships leads to less romance and less closeness. So be aware that you might be creating distance.    So Let us know when things stop going well, so that we can move back (riding in on our horse with our armor on) and be close enough to catch you when you begin to falling!
Just in case you are wondering where did you go wrong. Maybe this song might give you some hints.

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