
gravitational pull persona


Artificial gravity can be created using a centripetal force. A centripetal force directed towards the center of the turn is required for any object to move in a circular path.

Someone people with a magnetic personality can make you feel like the most interesting person in the room. They don't do this by tricking you or faking interest. They show genuine interest in what you're saying, because they are genuinely interested. Charismatic people are curious about others.

They don’t force their personality on others. They work on themselves for the benefit of those they care about.

And when people see that and feel its effects, they want to do the same.

 Natural Curiosity

Someone with a magnetic personality can make you feel like the most interesting person in the room. They don’t do this by tricking you or faking interest.

They show genuine interest in what you’re saying, because they are genuinely interested. 

Charismatic people are curious about others. They have an insatiable interest in other people’s stories, knowledge, and experience. 

They can work a room and  not only learn but retain fascinating details about every person they talked to. And they make a point of remembering people’s names. 

 Sincere and Honest

The magnetic personality has no use for lies. They know the value of sincerity in any relationship, however long it lasts. As authentic people, they see only harm in being deceitful or dissembling. 

So, they’re always honest about their intentions, their values, and their beliefs. 

They don’t pretend to feel something they don’t. Nor do they hide what they’re feeling to protect their own ego. Ask them what they’re thinking, and you can expect a sincere reply. 

Doesn’t mean they’ll tell you everything. But they won’t lie.

 Committed to Personal Growth

Someone with a magnetic personality is always looking for ways to become better people and to do more good in the world. 

In every growth opportunity, they see not only how it can help them but how it helps others. Because they value others’ learning and growth along with their own. 

If you’ve met an old soul, you were probably drawn to them for this reason above all. They know what’s at stake and what’s truly important. 

And they never stop seeking the true, the beautiful, and the good.

Final thought

n everyday life, magnetism typically means being a center of influence. ... You've probably heard of a person having a magnetic personality. If something or someone is magnetic, the object or person has an extraordinary power or ability to attract. We tend to attract people most like ourselves in our daily encounters.

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