
Your life will change when you stop dreaming about what you want in another person

 You haven’t made up your mind yet, and the uncertainty makes you wonder if maybe s/he is not ‘The One’ for you. In this post, I will look at a few deal-breakers that could be the reason you haven’t made a commitment yet.

Warning: I'm more than the photo, I'm flesh and blood
with a mind that that can be a challenge
for you as a man to understand 

Your man is probably looking for someone who is attractive, healthy, intelligent, kind, honest, has a sense of humor, is dependable, and someone who has good communication skills. In fact, these were the traits that most men and women looked for in a study of over 200,000 men and women.

Researchers also say that heterosexual men and women both also ranked religion, fondness for children, and parenting abilities higher than homosexual men or women did. They also say that the biological drive to have children is what leads men and women to search for a partner who is attractive, young, and healthy.

 mention this here because your search for the guy who is ‘The One’ may be very different if you have a specific goal in mind, like raising a family.

I'm a stud who will blow your mind,
if we have a relationship.

S/He’s not The One for you if they haven’t finished growing up yet?

Selfishness, being an egomaniac, outdated values, and jealousy are just a few of the psychological problems that he might still be dealing with. Most adults mature and learn lessons about these negative personality traits because society disapproves of childish behavior.

 person, he may require too much retraining to make it worth your time. It IS still possible that s/he is The One, but it may involve a little change on your part, too.

My final thoughts
women and men who pick a life partner who gave up and demanded a divorce could start to see that a divorce is breaking a vow/promise. many folks these days lip sync their vows and pack it all in as soon as things get tough in their union. 
Partnerships do not last these days mainly because splitting up has become very easy.

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