
We men sometimes have to make a choice between two women!

The choice is never as easy as women may think, simply because there are feelings that will be hurt... one woman will have to deal with not being the one chosen. Which can cause major ill feelings for a long, long time.
These eyes may cry many tears for years!

What is often not understood,  is, that male rejection can scar a woman for a lifetime. Men get rejected often by women, it is part of life for most men,  the scars men received are seen as battle scars,  no big deal, men often think the scars are worth it,  but women do not expect to be rejected by men. This is when a woman understands that the man made a choice, that the rejected woman does no longer feel like the trophy with the red bottom shoes, and expensive jewelry, the man told her it is over.... she was in his eyes the prize, but then turned around and dumped her. First runner up, second place, never feels like a  winning end result.
Well try walking in the man's shoes... since men often have to deal with not being the one chosen by the trophy woman.These days men get rejected or NOT chosen based on material possessions. Which is not any easier to deal with, especially when the other guy does not look any better than you do, except his material items place the other guy in a higher value status, in the womans view, simply because he has more stuff that the woman wants to have as the trophy woman's disposal.
Having a villa along A private beach,  with a pleasure boat, in the Tropics and being able to enjoy it when one wants  is labeled " living in Paradise". Even a quiet walk on his private beach can be thought of as "Heaven on Earth"

Final thought
We may all want more than a few luxuries at our disposal, but the question one might ask is it really worth rejecting and hurting another person to enjoy them?

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