
when a woman of color has a different eye color we men instantly take notice

That's right my eyes aren't black or dark brown!

We black men can't resist noticing that sistahs with different color eyes as eye catching AF. Is it because it's so unusually unique? OR is it something else. The old school song " my eyes adore you" starts playing in a loop in my head.  Even more appealing is when there are more women to see that have unique eye colors. While I was stepping into the barbershop two latinas were exiting and they both looked up at me and smiled I could not resist saying "Ola" letting them know that I spoke their language.They both replied like they were singing  a duet.
My barber snickered and said watch out they work at "Casa Blanca"   I instantly lost some interest.... no matter how good they looked I was no longer that interested, "Sex-worker" are shopping at even barbershops for new clients, these days.... my barber said.

I am amazed at what can attract a man in one instant, and then as we get more information that turns us off, we lose interest. EVEN THOUGHT the women still look good their profession is not an attraction in my case!
I SEE you,looking at me so intensely.
OOH WOW. Tell me that eye color does not matter, again!

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