
family teams

A Mother and son family team usually works very well. Cause a son is his mom   first real Love. And a mom is her first born son first true love.

Family team work makes the dream work, but what if it doesn't? 
Discover the five dysfunctions holding back even the best family  may encounter.

1. Absence of Trust
Family members are un-willing to be vulnerable within the family group.

2. Family fear of Conflict
Family that lack trust are incapable of having unfiltered, passionate debate about key family issues.

3. Family Lack of Commitment
Without airing opinions in the course of passionate and open debate, some family members will not buy into all decisions.

4. Family members Avoidance of Accountability by some members of the family.
Without commitment, family members duck the responsibility to call out other family members on performance or behaviors that might hurt the family  or one of the family  members.

5.Inattention to Results
Family members place their individual needs (ego, career development, recognition) above the collective goals of the family.

Awareness is key.
The first step is to recognize (and acknowledge) any dysfunctions.
You can not correct them until you recognize them as correctable!

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