
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.....

REALLY?                                        WHEN? 

The SxmPerspective is aware that a small Island like St. Maarten is almost totally dependent on the USA economy. For us to survive it is important that we keep track  of what is really happening. We need to be able to adjust so that we are not disappointed when the dollars don't come rolling in.....

Let's start by not losing hope. The end of this terrible tribulation is coming. It's a cycle, even though it doesn't look that way..... right now.  It is not apparent yet because we are so aware that many people are misguided, that many people are angry, and that many people are full of hate and fear. And, unless we just look the other way, we can see that many people are suffering.
We are painfully aware that humanity is divided and in conflict, and our World has been turned upside down. Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
Today The "Right" has a different meaning as does The "Left" and the "Middle" is confused.

Study reveals historic highs in the racial wealth gap

If you have a sense humor checkout CHRIS ROCKS version as to why Brown and Black people are not Wealthy in the United States of America. (click on the back arrow to return to the blog)

The above Sounds like we need "Change." We do. But how do we pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off after sooooo many set backs? What we experience are the natural karmic consequences of what we think, say and do, and we are suffering from the consequences of the greed, fear, vain folly, and corruption of human beings —
As the truly wise have always known, this World and all life on this planet are one interdependent ecosystem. When significant parts of it are badly damaged or in disharmony or out of balance, or there is widespread human pain, grief and suffering, it causes many different kinds of harmful effects around and within this planet. It is as if our whole world is like us, and when our body, mind and spirit-soul are not in harmony and well, we are troubled and suffer in certain ways. Consequently, Mother Earth suffers, and the body of humanity suffers.
This tribulation and madness need not continue, because it was caused by Man. And there is good reason to have hope and muster up our courage, because we can and will be liberated, if we chose to be. We can and will correct and cure what ails and plagues us, and we can and will get through this. In fact, we will make the World new, which is our destiny...... if we don't improve things we will not survive.  You see, the truth is in the air and is growing stronger, despite all the misguided, misleading and even deceptive efforts to kill it. The debt ceiling crisis is opening the eyes of those who are beginning to see that members of congress do not work for the people.
We who believe in the "Truth" have learned well from history, and we’ve done our homework. Thus our coming progressive success will be lasting, and not negated and reversed yet again by the deceptive forces that are driven by greed, self-interest, and lust for worldly wealth, power, and domain. Granted, not enough people are listen to this kind of talk, but that’s merely because we are not loud or aggressive or imposing.
People believe how and why the humble, gentle, peaceful and meek shall inherit the earth, but we are not acting accordingly so we sit and wait for someone else to save us. 

Unfortunately, many people still tend to listen to those who are loud and aggressive and militant, who seek power by exalting themselves and appealing to the group ego and to emotions, prejudices, and fears — which is why we are so divided and pitted against each other.
That is why it seems as if the truth may lose once again to the deceptive forces of greed and self-interest, and it may seem like a pipe dream to think otherwise.
After all, it is difficult for most of us to keep our spirits up when growing numbers of us suffer from so many terrible things. 
You are not alone. Many people of conscience and empathy find it impossible to ignore all the greed, corruption, hypocrisy, bigotry, deception, conflict, division, trouble and violence in countries around the world. It has a horrible impact on most of us, not only on our financial status, but also on our minds, hearts, and souls.
However, as soon as enough people get the message, we will be on our way toward a brighter future. It is not the Wealthy that build the World we live in, even though the Wealthy believe they did, and they can't control it with their Wealth forever. Increasingly over the last thirty years, America has become like it was in the 1920s, when the corruption of the wealthiest few was enabled and given free rein by irresponsible, self-serving, Laissez Faire government. That resulted in a very harmful economic collapse and a horrible depression, with increased poverty, hunger and homelessness.  
The reason we have been pushed backward is because many people have simply ignored the lessons of history and indulged in some very egocentric ideas designed to justify the wealthiest few. 
That is why so many have been led to believe that they should rule by "Divine Right," that wealth is their reward, and that the poor deserve their lot because they are just lazy and don’t have what it takes to be wealthy. 
That is one of the biggest reasons the rich have been getting incredibly richer while everyone else has become far worse off financially, and that’s one of the reasons there is so much conflict and division..
However, while the conflict is largely about money, it also about political power, land, territory, domain, natural resources, Control of food and water. And because people fight over such things we have increasingly been suffering from many terrible things in this long and terrible tribulation, which has been steadily increasing.
Even so, you can be assured that if the hypocrites who masquerade as good, do not completely expose themselves with their greedy, deceptive, malicious ways, they will be exposed by truth.  

It's Not the End of the World........ like some will claim, 
it's a cycle and all cycles come to an End.

"We can still believe that the truth will set us Free."

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