
It does not have to be THAT difficult.

Today most people’s New Year's resolutions are about stopping smoking, drinking less alcohol, taking better control of one’s credit cards, and eating less. I think couples should make resolutions, that focus on improving and strengthening their relationship. Below are ten worth trying. You’d have to be a Saint to really stick to all of them (LOL;) shoot for three and see if your relationship doesn’t grow stronger. Then shoot for a few more....... Who knows you might just gain momentum and accomplish something you really didn't think was possible. I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally in January and continued throughout the full year. Give yourself a realistic fighting chance to succeed.

  • Greet Your significant other With A Cheerful "Good Morning" Is it too much to ask that you say this with a smile on your face, try working on being less grumpy before you've had your coffee.
  • Give Him A Surprise! If your man carries a briefcase or  lunch to work, slip in a sweet surprise. It could be a Hershey's Kiss with a nice note sprayed with your favorite perfume. Guess who he will be thinking about from that moment on.
  • Or you can send a YouTube video like this one... A Romantic vocalist can set the mood, and you don't have to do as much work to get the message across...... (click on the video while you are reading the rest of the Blog) That's right it's a mood-setter.

    • Text Your Honey An Affectionate Message During The Day. This lets them know you’re thinking about them fondly, and not just what you want them to pick up at the store on the way home. Let's face it you text your friends all the time, so text the person in your life a little more often. 
    • Hug And Kiss More Often. Not just when sex is in the air (OK, this one is tough for us Fellas but we can do it if we try. Affection breeds affection, and that’s always a good thing.
    • Praise More, Criticize Less. Go out of your way to say something nice about something your significant other does around the house. Say less about what they didn’t do, or the way you’d like them to do it.  NEWS FLASH: men love to be told they’ve done a good job.
    • The average couple spends less than an hour together when they’re home unless they’re in bed. Once a week watch a movie together, play a board game, work in tandem on a project. Work to break the habit of him always falling asleep alone in front of the TV on the sofa while you’re  reading in bed.
    • Fellas...... Give Flowers When It's Not A Birthday Or An Anniversary. Surprise, surprise. Not only do they make the house smell better and look more festive, but flowers are the symbol of appreciation. Everyone likes that.
    • At a gathering or in front of friends, call your partner “arm candy,”  they will gets a big kick out of that.
    • Really bury the hatchet (or hatchets.) What’s that old expression about not crying over spilled milk? What’s done is done. Let it go. Move forward. Move on.
    • Plan An Unusual Vacation Together. Tick off one more item on that budget list. Never been to Europe or an African Jungle trip?  Skip that .....That's where everyone goes. Now’s the time to do something other couple don't do. Whatever you do, plan it together. And most importantly, resolve to get along on the trip! 
    OK, I like waterfalls and there aren't any in St. Maarten, so I'll pick somewhere I've never been. I fell in Love with Kauai, better know as Fantasy Island mainly because of it's many water falls. I don't think I want to go back there, the flight is too long and I shared that experience with someone already. I also Climbed Dunns River falls in Jamaica...... don't care to do that again either....  Argentina and Brazil (Iguazu falls) might be another good possibility, When is the World Cup?
    This is what I'm talking about do NEW things with that special someone that will enhance your relationship. It will be a Happier NEW YEAR.

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