
This YEAR is coming to an End, who will YOU kickoff the New Year with?

What are your expectation when you go out on your First Date with someone?
Sometimes when you finally meet someone, the level of anticipation can be so overwhelming that you trip yourself up. It’s easy to see how this can happen, because first dates – at any age – can be traumatic. You’re spending an hour or more with a person you either don’t know very well, know at all, have known forever but not romantically, even someone you never laid eyes on except in a photograph until this very moment. And then there’s so much to consider things pop into your head.. causing major anxiety. What should you wear? How’s your hair?  Is he anything like "Denzel?" Is she as sexy as "Halle?
The biggest mistake most women and some men make about a first date is to assume that it’s going to turn into something meaningful. Unfortunately it is just a date..... Some people don't understand what that means because the Movies and TV make dating look like a Romantic interlude from the first glance. It takes so much out of you to even consider going on a date because you don't want the illusion of "Love at first sight" bubble to pop. Most of you LADIES can’t be bothered unless you anticipate the relationship has the potential to “go somewhere.”  Some women won’t even go on a date unless they believe it’s going to lead to marriage. You laugh, but I hear this all the time, especially from attractive, intelligent, divorced or never married folks, mostly 30-something women. What I’m suggesting is to consider that a first date is just that: a first date. A chance to talk to this person, size them up, decide if you want to go on another date with them. Or not. You don’t have to make it complicated unless you love complications.  
The second biggest mistake is to talk endlessly about things the man has no interest in, like your "ex."  Actually ( confession time,) if I go on a date and my date does not interest me after a few minutes of talking, I start talking about my former marriage. This is always a turn off so I use it to keep her from building up any false hopes. If the guy sitting across from you is very curious about any dirt and details you care to throw out about your ex, you should be wondering why he’s dating you in the first place.  Generally speaking, a better use of your conversational time is to sneakily and gently interrogate him about himself. Not about what a went wrong with his first wife (really, do you want to hear about that?), Try finding out about his likes and dislikes. You want to get a handle on his hobbies, his religion, what he’s passionate about. It’s not completely indiscreet to inquire about his lifestyle. It’s a way of finding out if he’s employed (or not) and a little about his income, his ambition, his dreams for the future. Let’s face it, your mother always told you it was just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one. Most of you would prefer the Rich. Even on a first date, it’s not bad to try to find out and see where you might fit.
The last mistake most women make on a first date is when to end it. Close it down when it’s going well...... Definitely leave while you’re still sober if your first date included wine or any other intoxicating beverage. Nothing is worse on a first date than tears or falling down or not being able to find one’s car keys. The end of a first date is also a time to extend a smidgen of intimacy. A handshake is flat out COLD. It means to me Goodbye I do not plan on seeing you again. If you like me enough, we can embrace with a peck on the cheek. If you really like me, it’s ok to end with a kiss. But that’s it. First dates that wind up in bed inevitably are disasters this is not the Movies, unless the chemistry is so electric and the bonding so immediate that the first date lasts an entire weekend. That said, there are a million mistakes you can make on a first date. 
Don’t let giving away your dignity be one of them. Many people describe intuition as "you know but you don't know how you know." It can provide information when you don't have access to immediate facts or when you want an additional level of insight. It communicates through emotions, body sensation, (like a gut feeling), pictures in your mind, words, hunches, instincts and dreams. 
You don't want to get your expectations up and be disappointed... I Have to agree with "Steve Harvey" on this one..... don't give away the cookie..... you have  lots of time..... Don't do something you will regret the next day!

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