
It's time to Become Economic Queens instead of fashion Queens.

Women of Color have buying power in the Billions of Dollars, but on what is this wealth being spent? 
It's being squandered .....not invested..... Ladies, You can't build a future on what you're spending your hard earned money on, unless you start investing. Start planning this New year around savings and investments, instead of wasting your hard earned incomes. Learn more about investing: Turn Your $1,000 into $1,000,000 check out how to invest in things that can bring you a good return.

Afrocentric Women must cease and desist their ridiculous spending habits.  This insane spending of $60 MILLION every weekend on aesthetics  care, and $60 MILLION every weekend on entertainment,  is astounding to say the least!  It is not smart to spend an entire life shopping, partying, fronting and remaining completely broke.  If you’re wasting your money, please come to grips with the truth and understand that it is insane to continue doing it.  
Don't be a grown woman worth less than a $5 value meal on a fast food menu. Break the shackles that bind you and STOP being a slave to consumerism......  Stop living one paycheck away from total ruin.  Assume your position as Economic Queens in this 21st Century.  If you don't believe me look at what is happening with  TV ads, they are targeting you, You are the consumers they believe are most gullible. You are on their "persuade her to buy any and everything  while she is still employed." You better start thinking a little differently because look who is standing in the unemployment lines in greater numbers. Do you see the resemblance? Now picture what will happen if or when the companies you are working for right now start reorganizing, down sizing and out sourcing. Or even worse moving their operations over-seas.
The problem of excessive, wasteful spending has become a bad habit.  You are not fooling anyone by buying outside of your means.  You are making a lifelong mistake.  You have the power to save yourself.   Stop assuming debt on B.S. that does not appreciate in value… Start saving and making appreciable investments today.  You really don’t have anymore time or money to waste. Try thinking about your wasteful spending turning into tumble weave rolling down the street (that is your money being wasted)
If you take immediate, radical action, you can step into becoming Economic Queens, instead of being the laughing stock of the whole World. Chris Rock starred in a movie called "Good Hair," which give you an example that women in The Far East are selling their HAIR (which grows back) to you so that you can pretend to be who you are not.
What can you do instead?
Invest in some property, real estate prices are at an all time low!   Invest in the things that will provide you and your family with security.  Make investments that will extend beyond you to the generations that follow.
It is widely recognized that if Black women are to improve their lives and escape economic hardships, they need the appropriate skills to do so.  Women in many other countries are far less likely to own property and otherwise control assets–key tools to gaining economic security and higher earnings. It makes no sense being a young blessed talented woman, spending all your money on designer pocketbooks, while paying $1,000 rent for a studio apartment. International Center for Research on Women (2005) identified that Black women in America age 36-49 have a median accumulated wealth of only $5.00 (USD).  In comparison, white women age 36-49 have a median accumulated wealth of $42,600.00 (USD).  (According to a study released by Insight: Center for Community Economic Development).  The study goes on to detail the fact that beyond age 50, Black Women are BROKE…having a net-worth of less than five dollars! NO study in the Caribbean has been done but I would have to think that it isn't much different, because Caribbean Women emulate American and European women in their spending habits.
By owning your own homes and land, women directly gain from such benefits as owners, as well as having a secure place to live, they can leverage their possession and make other investments.
Research has found that individuals who own land generate much higher rural non-farm earnings from self-employment than people without land. Clear and simple you need to follow Oprah and OWN your future.
Women can use a house/condo or land as collateral for credit  to invest in a small business or other income-generating venture.
Asset control can also give women greater bargaining power within households and help protect against the risk of domestic issues i.e. it's your house, if he has a problem he can leave.... The law says that 'Possession is 9/10th of the Law.'  So OWN your own dwellings.
In the economic downturn of the past few years, Black women have been the hardest hit.  Coupled with the unfortunate truth that Black women head the majority of Black households, this impacts our entire population. Guess what when the company you work for currently start downsizing  you will be the first affected.   Black women you are hanging on by a thread in this economy you cannot continue the foolish practices of wasting money…of working day in and day out and having absolutely nothing to show for it, other than perhaps the latest cheap, knockoff fashions.
Devise a plan today that will propel you from being a $5 Net-worth Sistah to becoming a financially stable members of society.  Buy value property.  Land rarely ever depreciate in value.  When you OWN land, it is easier and cheaper to have a house built.  Land is one of the most inexpensive investments you can make in your lifetime, with benefits that will last for generations.  Buy property.  Purchasing a permanent place to secure a roof over your head is the wisest thing you can do with your money.
Create a goal and restructure your budget and your spending habits.  Eliminate the waste in your life.  The garbage material items Black women are notorious for buying will add absolutely NO VALUE to your life.  Make a plan and stick to it.  Don’t be swayed by the latest tech gadget or hairstyle.  Stay focused.
Throw a lifeline to yourself.  Save yourself from being fifty years and older and worth less than five dollars.  Have enough pride to do something sound and genuine for yourself.
You are Queens, Black woman; and you deserve so much more than flashy jewels and fly boots.   Take the steps today that will lead to self-employment, secure retirement, and much less stressful, pillar-to-post future.  Invest in land/property/real estate/companies-on-the-move, while you still have the time and available capital to do so.
Stop fronting like a Fashionista Queen and become an Economic Queen, start today.
Just picture your lives with a future of security,  you will be able to afford to splurge now and then because you have  savings and investments working for you. This is not a new concept ......Ladies. Start by read things like "Best Jobs for Women in 2012"
Women of other races are doing it.... So should you! 

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