
Gvie her Free compliments

"OMG! You look so good today, better than yesterday! If you don’t mind me saying, you are one beautiful and classy lady. Any man would be proud to have you on his arm for life." This is what happens when men stop complimenting their women. Other guys see what we may take for granted. Being in a long term relationship has a few minor problems. One is that  men and women become mind-game  players. Ask yourselves,  do you still think she is beautiful...? So if you do, tell her. This goes both ways: She should also tell her man that he is still everything she fell in Love with. Failing to do this will result in a dysfunctional relationship! You might as well be driving bumper cars where crashing into each other is legal.
My simple take on this is that men should treat their women like they do their special classic cars.

 Keep her shining and sparkling... bright, well serviced and well maintained. If you take care of your woman like your car, she  will take care of you, the same applies to the woman you choose to be with, if she made the right choice... she will take good care of you!

Okay, maybe a car is a bit of a stretch, to use as an example. You wash, polish and wax your car,  and detail it, by detailing your woman (given her the attention she needs) you are making sure that she feels the ' Tender Loving care'  you are capable of giving her, president Obama  is a perfect example he never misses an opportunity to compliment the First Lady in public. I think she is smiling at him because he said something  like this: "I'm a luckiest man, and I really appreciate you being front and center  in my life and that you do so very  much  for me every day....." Now that is not so hard, is it ...? Try it sometime and don't forget you need to have 'date nights' now and then to take her out for a spin and show her off. This will keep you both remembering the days you were dating and she looked so good and smelled so good..... every time you went out on a date.
You don't need to worship the ground she walks on, you just need to make her feel like you do. Act the same way you did when you were trying to get her to commit to being your woman, the mother of your children, your life's partner. 
Ladies he may no longer look like that dashing guy, with rock hard body,  that caught your attention, many years ago, but he needs to feel like you would still pick him over anyone else. It's no secret.... I'm more than a  little old school, I recall grooving  to this song, back in the day. The word are very strong, "No pain, no gain." So if you put in the work and gained good benefits through your hard work and pain... why would you let someone else benefit from your hard work, by neglecting to do the little things that can keep your relationship solid? I've realized some time ago that was in part what caused my marriage to become a divorce relationship today.  So take it from a guy who knows..... Avoid becoming the guy who will be writing a blog, and blogging about the things he wishes he had paid attention to, a few years ago. The little things are major things in every relationship; Positive compliments bring positive responses and may result in a return compliment. Negative comments bring out the worse in someone.... Now you might be thinking what if 'I just don't say anything.’ silence may lead to her sitting all by herself and thinking.

In this case "silence is not golden" These days  'Uncertainty is not the good new normal.' So you may be thinking why start doing something that might change things.... then you are making an even bigger mistake. Because she/he will believe you just 'don't care.' Neglect never works well if you want a relationship to last. If you don't  want it to last then just keep doing what have being doing, this is a proven way to cause  things between couples to  end, neglect her and watch her smile because someone else is paying her  compliments. Because she looks good, smells great in her new dance  outfit. she also may find a new dance partner.
in that case  You lose!

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