
Sometimes the most obvious things are the things we do not see!

So who is a good man,  from your perspective? "
Is it a dude that will organize a private romantic dinner on the beach? That's a Romantic, not necessarily "a good man."

When a man is considered "good". funny how differently this is understood, or should I say --- mis-understood.

To a man, he is "a good man" if he works everyday and takes care of his responsibilities, it has nothing to do with how he reacts emotionally, but it's not the same for a woman, you see " good" means  "all of it", including personality.

Why is a "good" man often a lame man, follows the crowd, easy to tame and takes no real stand on  your drama issues?

He Works faithfully at making his mate happy, always gives, never takes, but he has no personality, everyone's ideal man, but  He also blows  with the breeze, when off pops the drama, he runs to his momma, a woman wants security, a soldier in the face of the enemy, not a momma's baby!

Okay good men where are thou? Try Looking in the restaurants, all are too fat, this club has too many members. most women don't want these guys, but they might be good men!!!

Your church boys have a lame mindset. Then there is the  guy who is Moving too fast out on the jet set, hanging in the studio? Not a good bet! She does not want to get husstled, so she declare that she doesn't like that  kind of dude either,  can woman really trust a guy that is in and out of  the courthouse a  man that  is a regular defendant---- Jorge Zimmerman type. What about on the Internet (social media?) The pic looks good, but who's that? Is he real? Not giving up yet, just tell them, fellas, where you all at?

Ladies, let me say this, a good man is nothing to play with, if you're a good woman, you'll stay with him, hold  on to him. He'll be good to you and your kids,  just don't be a witch (with a B), expect a K.I.S.S dude, he will not diss you, there is something you might miss, that is not on the list. Do You want romance or a good man? Close your eyes and make a wish, chances are he will not be both good and romantic all the time.
 Good men, where did you go wrong? You do everything right, still she says you're the wrong one for her. It's Not enough that you provide a good home , she will keep fussing at you for no good reasons, she is hard to get along with (because you are not her firs choice, but who she settle for.) You wake up one day and she's gone, she leaves a note " you are a good man but you lack this or that, so with all your good efforts it is not enough to keep love going, how much affection you didn't show(these are listed by date and time,) what kind of seeds are you sowing, the reltionship is stagnant no longer growing...

It's all because of the roles these guys play in the movies, no real man can live up to filling  these  shoe sizes!
Hell will freeze over, if we guys  can ever fit the profile of a woman's version of a good man..... Maybe it's best to be a dude with B.A.D. initial that works hard at doing good things... Maybe not.



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