
Why are you confused.... He is just not interested in You!

That's right... Get a Clue:if he is constantly texting someone  while he is with you or  He's not calling back, He's not into you!
So you are interested in a guy, but he's inconsistent in calling and texting you. Usually, when you call or text, You don't get a response, but the You see that he's using Social Media, regularly. You should take that to mean he's not interesting. But whenever You fall back, he starts to contact you again. He's playing games. You may like him but is he really interested in You??

I hate to be the one to break this B.A.D news to you. he's just not interested. I know, I know. He 's calling every now and then, and that's supposed to be a clear sign that he's into you. But since he is not consistent, and equally important, he only appears to be into you when you're not showing that you are into him. Both are red flags.

I wish I could recall which of my friends who pointed out the difference between a man being interested and a man wanting to feed his ego. That guy has saved me from countless dating headaches with priceless advice that I am now passing on to you.
You see we sometimes, as guys think if we play games, woman will make all the mistakes and fall for us... But games can back fire... big time.

So you see  Ladies: When a man is interested, he just is. He calls, he spends time, he woos and puts in consistent effort because he genuinely likes you. This pic as a good morning note with a rose as Facebook message would be my style, if I really like a woman.
But some guys are operating off ego. If he were actually interested, he wouldn't run hot then cold all the time. He would be answering your calls or responding to your text  consistently, instead of procrastinating on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. This guy does, however, want you to want him, which shouldn't be confused with him wanting you.
He gets a kick out of you calling and texting and reaching out. When he looks at the screen and then ignores you, he feels wanted and powerful that he can make the choice to brush you off. He only picks up the phone to call when you stop contacting him because it's a blow to his ego that you are losing interest. He does just  enough to get back in your good graces and then pulls the same trick.

The only man who is  more frustrating to you ladies is this other type of guy,  he is the one who is really into you, but then just one day pulls a disappearing act where he never calls and never responds to any of your calls - until months pass, then he texts you to say: "What's up?"  like he just saw you yesterday. If that guy is a level 10 on the frustration meter, then the guy you're dealing with that pretends to like you  is also playing , "I know you want me" games is a 9.5. Maybe the game that women play when they flirt have caused some guys to use reverse  logic. I will play you before you play me!

Know that this doesn't end well for you and that if you want these games to stop, you have to stop participating in them. that means stop answering the phone when he calls. Stop responding to his texts and/or emails. Also stay off his social media pages as cyber-lurking never helped anyone to get over anyone else. And most importantly stop playing your game!

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