
Things Confident Women Do Differently

We Men who put women on our shoulders......  know that elevating her.... lifts her in the areas that matter most ( mentally). For all the Never(s) in her  life, she now feel like someone "got her" and prevents her from failing!

When empowering questions become second nature, you have no choice but to find confidence-inducing answers.
We all know these women — the ones who stride with an air of grace into a room. They’re not always the thinnest, prettiest, or even book  smartest. They’re not arrogant. They’re the ones who make you want to be around them.
a female friend of mind told me: "Growing up, all I seemed to do was make people run the other direction. My fears, neuroses, and quirks kept me hating myself. They also threw me into bouts of depression, eating disorders, and codependency."
"Why can’t I be thinner? Prettier? Smarter? I continually asked. Then I changed the questions: What creates this aura, this vibe of confidence? What do these women do that I don’t?'

After looking over her questions carefully  and having some  discussions,  I realized these five things are what confident women do differently than women who lack confidence.
These should  become your  must-do’s for confidence Ladies:
Confident women..
1. They live their purpose.
Your purpose is to be authentically you. No more, no less. When you applaud your fears, neuroses, and quirks, suddenly these qualities become your assets.

Insecure about your body? So are millions of other women — embrace your goods and teach others to embrace theirs! Shameful of your intelligence? Forget the degrees and do what makes you feel like a genius! When you’re living your truth, you’re unstoppable.

2. They practice their unique ___ (Fill in: calming, uplifting, etc.) ritual.

Some of the greatest thinkers, artists, speakers, lawyers, and performers of our time have a pre-performance ritual that gets them revved up for show time. While a unique ritual is about doing, it's also about feeling. A ritual creates the feeling you desire before you actually get to the doing.

For example, if you want to have rocking confidence before a date, You should  strut around you home in high heels. If you want to feel calm, you should focus on  exhale breathing, We all have rituals that calm our nerves, that gets us in the game, or prepare our mindset for focused action. Know yourself and what you need to get  you in the zone.

3. Spend (and love) time alone.

A drop in confidence can come when plans aren’t made or fall through and you’re left with time alone. How empowering is it when this time comes as a gift?

There's nothing that revives your confidence more than time alone. Wait, let me clarify: time alone that you occupy with self-love. If you spend  alone time wallowing in misery, You perpetuate your insecurities. When You shower yourself with love, in the form of a bubble bath, rest, or yoga, I realign with my core values.

Know what you need to make this precious time with yourself the best time. There is nothing sexier than a woman who ADORES her own company.

4. Take nothing (or very little) personally.

Do you know any confident woman who takes everything personally? Those with true confidence know that any perceived ego blow is more a reflection of the speaker than of them.

When you’re able to hear criticism and not take it personally, your reactions change. You’re able to feel compassion and love for all, regardless of how they treated you. Life isn’t as much of a drama. Confidence emerges naturally with life-love.

5. Ask empowering questions.

Women are constantly making evaluations for what things mean and what they should do. Such neural associations are initiated by questions. Simply, the more empowering questions you ask yourselves, the more confident you will become.

If you ask dis-empowering questions like, “Why does this always happen to me?” your mind will come up with an answer. In contrast, ask, “What am I happy about now? What could I be happy about if I wanted to?” Or if there is a problem, ask, “What is great about this problem? What can I feel grateful for?” Then you can shift into the confidence required to solve it.

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