
Dam it woman I'm not him!

Should any woman who is unable to forget her previous lover, give " happy ever after another chance?

Look at me dam it.... I'm not him!
Even though your one great love went sour.Should you expect a different result the next time? Will you ever feel that magical way again? If not, why bother?
So that one person broke your heart.... now someone else is pursuing you relentlessly,
Will this be any different, should you allow him to force you into making a choice of giving your heart, what it's always desired and risk total devastation or shutout, this new guy, and lose your last shot at happiness? Tough call!
Maybe it's a lose-lose  situation. Or is it? after you've discovered that the last lover cheated on you. Would you risk that happening again? Once again, Tough call!
These questions will remain UN-answered if you are looking externally for hints from friends and even a blogger. I read, not too long ago something interesting by  friends in the same boat committee "boyfriends bylaws" by woman looking for love  committed to protect women who once had their hearts broken.
New boyfriend Bylaws:
 Rule #1: No giving out your contact info until approved by committee to do so.
Rule #2:  You must obtain permission, by the committee, to accept any date invitations.
Rule #3: No bringing up marriage, kids or your passion for having a future with a new guy. 
Rule #4: No going to first base without authorization.
Amended rule #4: no going to first base, or any other base, without authorization. 
Rule #5: No scribbling your first name with some guy's Last name . Ever!
Rule #6: New rules may be added as the committee deems necessary.
Now memorize it, live it, and happy dating!
My toes actually curled
Here  is your dilemma in my humble opinion. Follow all of the above rules and swear off men.... And then let temptation drive you crazy. OR start touring History museums, Art galleries, book stores, shopping malls, supermarkets etc. in hope of running into that "eye catcher dude" standing like "I'm a shaken not stirred" martini drinker. You see ladies every dude is a potential "Mandingo super hero" these days. Why? The statistics favor the dudes that can sweep you off your feet, and cause your toes to curl under the sheet.
Now don't get this blogger wrong..... I'm not going to give you the answers you are seeking, I'm just painting a personal picture that is scrolling in your mind of things that worked and didn't work out well in relationship experiences.  Only you can choose the direction you will take!

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