
Her words have a " sliver of truth"

How often does the four letter word "Love" get used in conversations between men and women.  Some may think.... too often.."Love is a good thing!" however it can make some ladies a bit leary ,even a bit uncomfortable when a man they bearly know says it in some contexts. Their thought of "yeah right !"is often the first thought that pops into her mind when a woman hears "I love your........" the (blank) can be anything.... Maybe she has heard it before and her experiences may have made her slighly jaded. Which may have her thinking " love is a fairytale" This is what happen when your predecessor screwed up royally in the love department . she now thinks "there is no hope for love, becase love ends in betrayal!"

Most women these days are not naive.... they have heard just about any and every line possible. But what if the woman is the one making the first move..? What line would she use that is totally original?
My B.A.D. post huricane experience. at a tire repair shop got me thinking their words have a "sliver of truth..".as I was waiting for my tire to be repaired, two attractive ladies  drove up in a little car with a badly worn left front tire that was pretty flat. The driver told the young guy, who came to service her tire, that she wanted the  tire patched. Then she turned to me and asked: " are you the owner of this business? I responded by SMH.So her girl friend said." He looks too polished to be part of his kind  of business... look at him , he is clean shaven, and his clothing is not suitable to be around a tire repair shop. I smiled a bit because I knew they both wanted to start a conversation with me. so I said:" I'm not in this business, however I would advise you to tell the guy to put that badly worn tire on the rear of your car or use it as a spare and put the better tire on the front. i.e. rotate them." the driver responded with." Oooh you have a radio voice.... Are you a radio personality? My response: "no I'm just a guy" and then the girl friend said:"yeah, with a deep manly voice... I think you are not just sexy but also new on the Island. I ve never seen you before, and you sound different to the local guys.." I Shook my head again.
It became obvious to me that they were both hitting on me... I was flattered but not very interested... because I would have to choose one or the other to ask out on a date... if I was interested. If I choose one, then I  have no chance with the other one.  Then its best to not Pick any of the two, to pursue....Ladies guys, like yours truly ( old schoolers), prefer to be the hunter.. But getting compliment is good for our ego. So go ahead and tell us what you're thinking we want to hear it and then offer us your contact info... So that the next move is ours.
Now if two guys rolled up on a lady at a tire store and tried to hit on any of these ladies she would reject their advances almost instictively instantly, because guys in pack are considered wolves.... But we guys don't have to feel that way, because in the end women will not go as far as men would in their advances they will not ask a guy out unless they are sure he is interested. As their car was ready before mine...... The lady driver thanked me for the advise on rotating her tires... Her friend then said : "Who said there are no more good helpfull Men around anymore. With a smile look directly at me... As they drove off.
I thought to  myself, "that was so cool... I'm still a chick magnet...." lol not in any of these service flavors anymore. But maybe still a cup of tasty water with some flavoring.

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