
Men who are smart prefer emotional intelligent women

Some men are very particular about their women. There is the kind of girl you date, and then there is the perfect someone to enjoy life with for the long haul. The difference between the two is the maturity of emotionally intelligent women.

Everybody wants to have fun and enjoy a fling or two, but when it comes to settling down and building a life with someone, you want it to be a person of substance. You want a woman who gets you on a different level and is mature enough to have children, a job, and keeps your relationship alive.

Have you ever heard that men are interested in some women because of their brains? Part of that is true that there needs to be some intellect to make conversations interesting. However, there are many reasons why intelligent women are so much more appealing than most.

For starters, they can maneuver the world of emotions and use their feelings to get positive results rather than negative ones. Not only is this trait an asset in a relationship, but it’s also good to have in the workplace too.

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