
There are reason why women leave the men they love here are a few

Love has no judgment, no agenda, no bias, and no bigotry. Love is love without a concrete definition. It lets go of boundaries, walls, and inhibitions. It is effortless. In relationships, love does require work. But it’s meant to be a rhythmic dance of ease and grace. Unfortunately, when it isn’t an easy dance, the relationship often ends disastrously. It’s in those moments that some women ask, “What happened?” , and some guys ask themselves if they just misread he signs that she was "a nut case"

Sometimes it will be the man who does the leaving, and sometimes it will be the woman. Other times, it will be a mutual decision. The most difficult part of a break-up, though, often involves the unanswered questions. If you are a man concerned about the love of your life, you don’t want to be guessing. That old game you played as a kid with a flower where you plucked the pettles one after the other, mumbling "she loves me, she loves me not" That was a game for kids.... just don't do it as an adult! Because in the end it is always wrong.


Very often the thoughts to causes some decisions have nothing to do with not loving someone, or not being loved at the time of a breakup. There are so many reasons that I could think of.... it is not even funny. Men expect that women who say they love them will never leave them if he does not cheat on her. For example.... NEWS FLASH. It can be hundreds of little reasons that added up over time, a man can't think of 50, why? Because men do not carry the same thoughts as women do. A man can't figure out why women think the way they do.. or why they are so easily influenced by their hangout girl friends. Which they  discussed  and empathize with their problems. To often someone else's problems get translated into universal problems. A guy that does not see a breakup coming can get blindsided by someone else's experience and gets blamed for things he would not  even do.

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