
Ships that Pass in the Night

Out in the sky the great dark clouds are massing;
I look far out into the pregnant night,
Where I can hear the solemn booming gun
And catch the gleaming of a random light,
That tells me that the ship I seek
is passing, passing.
My tearful eyes my soul's deep hurt are glassing;
For I would hail and check that ship of ships.
I stretch my hands imploring, cry aloud,
My voice falls dead a foot from mine own lips,
And but its ghost doth reach that vessel, passing, passing.
O Earth, O Sky, O Ocean, both surpassing,
O heart of mine, O soul that dreads the dark!
Is there no hope for me? Is there no way
That I may sight and check that speeding bark
Which out of sight and sound is passing, passing? 
Paul Laurence Dunbar

The fact that its a Guy that wrote this poem and not a woman makes me pause and question. WHY? 
We fellas hunt at night and don't cry unless we get shot down.  The SHIP that passed you and didn't even acknowledge your existence is not worth crying about. The Ship that blows the horn, is ---- because she is friendly and acknowledge your existence. THE REASON GUYS LOOSE  interest at times is because some woman use banter as a weapon and the guy is thinking what 'the hell is this, will she ever let up.' I don't know if I want to take too much of this. How about saying something nice once in a while..... If you show me your softer side I will cuddle with you, I can give you the support you need. But your actions are pushing my buttons and I'm not a remote control that changes the chanell every time we talk. So ease up on the banter..... It does not work past the first few minutes.
Young Female statement and questions:

"I once read that girls brains are like spaghetti, with all the thoughts mixing together at the same time, and that boy brains are like waffles, with boys only being able to focus on one square at a time. But I've always wondered why a guy will pay attention to a girl one day, then the next act like she's not even there. Since girls are obviously the most attention-drawing thing in the room for boys, why does it take them so long to switch from whatever square they were in to their "there is a female here" squares? Why do they treat a girl like the apple of their eye one day, then ignore them the next?!! Please explain!!
-One who is possibly going to pass into a coma from banging my head on the wall"
Therapist response:
This question is fun, but also tricky. I will do my best.
First of all, I like your analogy, and I think there's some truth to it. In this case, though, I think it's the wrong diagnosis. When guys suddenly act like they can't tell if you are a girl or a chair, it's not because they're having a Brain Attack; it's because of Jerk Disorder, or Congenital Awkwardness Pants. Dudes decide to ignore you, or they are so derpy that they get confused about how to act; they are not literally blind to you. I'll come back to this in a bit, but first I want to make a very general observation:

 Why Guys Suddenly Ignore You

Guys ignore girls because it usually works

When "He is Just Not That into You" There's an opposite-sex corollary to this, expressed to me by a good friend when I was exploring the dating World and I was trying to figure out what was going on with a woman who supposedly liked me. He said, "If you don't know what's going on, nothing's going on." And nothing was.
Months later I received a call from that same woman and she asked why I stopped chasing her, she realized that now the table had turned (she was now willing to meet me half way), I had moved on and had a steady romantic interest. “Sorry I’m NOT THAT INTO YOU anymore” was my reply ( I tried to be as polite as possible.)
What was an initial attraction did not become a romatic  situation, there wasn’t much she could say to change my mind at that point.
Here are the facts if a guy wants to call or text you, he will. If he likes you, he will make the effort. And if he doesn't, that means ‘he's not that interested’.

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